
A younger world,
rife with magic,
spirits, and legends.

A young warrior strives
to find his place in history.

A general seeks
to walk the path of his own choosing.

An orphan raises
himself above his nebulous past.

An exorcist struggles
against the bonds of destiny.

The spirits weave the
connections that give meaning to life.

This is the origins of
the fate that bind us through all our lives.

They are the ones who bear the weight of

A Hero's Heart

The middle son of a lesser noble family who has set out to the capital to become a reknowned hero. His couragous and dauntless spirit burns brightly wherever his path leads him. Though he is a naturally talented warrior like his founding ancestor, he is naive and both his ambitions and manners are unrefined compared to the higher nobles.
The Grand General of the Royal Army and the current heir to the esteemed military Wu Family. His cold gaze is as sharp as his blade, which has never known defeat. Wu Zun's prowess as an unparalleled warrior and fearsome leader has given him a powerful reputation and also isolates him from all but the most brazen of challengers.
The Grand Exorcist of the Capital has always walked a lonely path. He is the greatest of the exorcists produced these past few generations by his bloodline, the languishing Fu Family, once as powerful as its counterpart Wu Family. He is plagued by a mysterious but deeply painful past whose scars he bears both in body and soul.
An orphan who has never known his parents, Ming grew up in the streets and the wilderness. The latent power within him has the potential to surpass the greatest exorcists in the land. Hot-tempered, violent and illiterate, Ming hardly seems like a scholar of the mystic arts. But when he is met with opposition, his determination only becomes stronger.

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