Romeo and Juliet, but with cars and less teenage death (maybe).

At night the streets of San Francisco light up with the sounds of roaring engines and the smell of burning rubber. Street racer gangs rule the night here, their modded out cars setting the streets aflame as they race for pride and prizes.

The Inner City Meet is for the best of the best, and a powerful neutral faction controls the zone, ruling a haven free from the long arm of the law. In the Inner City Meet, two rival gangs reign supreme, locked in a permanent, vicious rivalry for the top spot.

Nico Honma's a fresh new recruit for the Blue Gang, and he's desperate to prove himself. Unfortunately, his obsession with Red Gang's star driver Zenith To, might cost him everything he's worked so hard to get in this city...

RP:M is a private verse.


The blue gang are a well established team at the Inner City Meet. Between their main drivers, James Li and Jaehyun Baek, they've already got a nice heap of victories tucked away under their designer belts. The gang runs a bar and a tattoo parlor, but the real source of their funding comes from Seong Lim, a wealthy heiress.

Blue Gang is well liked at the meet for their friendly competitiveness and good sport. They're quite a spirited bunch, and you know the party's never far when the Blue Gang is around.



The Red Gang is the most vicious gang on the streets, both in the day and in the night. The casino they run harbors an underground betting ring for all sorts of deadly wagers.

On the streets the Red Gang is infamous for breaking onto the scene racing for pinks only, and the amount of cars they've won and chop shopped in those days solidified their reputation as a gang you don't want to challenge. They've since let up on that policy only because they ran out of people willing to challenge them.

They've kept a formidable stockpile of parts from that time, and their cars are monsterously overtuned. With drivers like the undefeated Zenith To and unhinged Lucas Hunt in their ranks, Red Gang reigns supreme in the Inner City Meet.



The neutrals are not a part of any team but cooperate with any faction member. They are unbiased in their service... supposedly.

Ki Vevoren, an ex-prostitute, owns the club that serves as a neutral gathering point for the Inner City Meet. Any and all faction members are welcome inside, but Ki's one enforced rule is: No physical altercations inside the club. Bloody yourselves on the streets... that's where that belongs.

Isaac Lockier, a high ranking city cop, works with Ki to enforce the neutrality of the zone as well as to keep would-be hero cops out of it. If one of your teammates manages to get arrested anyways, he'll get your guy out, for a price.

There are many specialty mechanic shops that the factions frequent, but the best in the zone is Maria Guiffre's shop. Everyone knows how to work their own cars to some extent, but if you've really gone and fucked up your whip, Maria's the one you can trust to get it back on the tarmac.

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