entangled-life's Bulletins

hiii im thinking abt making a falconer-themed anthro base, a character w/ a glove holding a bird. is there anything specific people look for in anthro bases? i wanna add custom bits like different species, fur types etc...

going out of town!

Posted 30 days, 10 hours ago by entangled-life

hiii im going to a birding festival this week so my activity might be spotty! IM SO EXCITED! ill be back sunday or monday :D


adopts for gaza

Posted 2 months, 21 days ago by entangled-life


go check out these cool charity adopts!!! theres lots of awesome designs & all the proceeds go to pcrf :]

art trades

Posted 5 months, 6 days ago by entangled-life

hiii im looking to get art of me + my buddy's fursonas together! grey + his sona :] 

offering art in return, i can do couple pieces or solos, whatever you want! i can also do nsfw art, but im most comfortable with dfab bodies at the moment. comment if interested, ty!

2023 art summary

Posted 5 months, 13 days ago by entangled-life

howdy everyone! i'm doing another yearly art summary, it was fun last year :]

1. what is your favorite piece you made this year?dg1tcih-0da92f67-7742-409f-8097-fd43a0a0it was hard to pick just one, but i think this piece of ology that i made for @mothsighs! i'm still really proud of the pose and details, it was a lot of new things (humanoid, feathers & wings, the backgrounds) but i think it all came together nicely. other favorites include this piece of grey and this christmas gift.

2. what's your favorite design you made this year?Untitled309-20231230235906.png

i like these guys (smith, pasha, cootfeather, ruesprig, trawlerwake)! designing smith was really fun - she's my truesona, so i actually broke down my facial features to translate onto a cat, which was a very interesting experience. pasha took a while to get (it was my first time drawing martens) but i'm ultimately very happy with her! i love all of my dapri designs, actually. i'm similarly fond of all my heart rot designs, cootfeather and ruesprig are just personal favorites. trawlerwake is one of my rp characters and i'm really proud of how his design turned out.

3. which piece did you feel was most out of your comfort zone?Untitled279-1.png

this christmas piece :] i hardly ever draw interiors, do complex shading, or draw characters interacting this way, so it had a lot of hurdles... but ultimately i'm really really happy for it! it was also a gift for someone i'm very close to, and i can happily report that he loves it, too. 

4. show your first piece from 2023 and your latest and compare!Untitled2192.pngUntitled306.png

first piece is from january 2, second piece is from december 29! i think i really found a good groove last year and i've expanded on it since then. 

5. what do your chibis look like?Untitled308-20231230235419.pnghere's a collection! i honestly really like my chibi style, i think i've hit on a good one.

6. what inspired you this year?

oh gosh - SO much! i was very inspired by my interests, as always, particularly birding & the magnus archives. i was inspired by some web content, mostly pinepaw and the forgotten world and bonefall's wc redux. finally, i was inspired by some other artists, primarily: physics, calathazar, weremars, desertbloom, nepeteaa, aelou, cereovo, mothsighs, scheppen, pinnipedia, lavinia_raccoon, and clownloach. check these folks out, they make wonderful stuff :]

7. what's the most unsual character/species you drew?66172521-O956-JVItlch-YE9a.png

this bumblebee lady i designed for @civetcider! i don't draw many insects but i think she turned out pretty cute. 

8. what piece of yours has the craziest colors?Untitled310-20231231000216.png

it's a tie between these two, of oakleap and timberstar respectively! coincidentally they both involve red & these characters are siblings. i didn't finish wctober, but i had fun with the prompts i did complete. i'm particularly fond of this timberstar piece.

9. do you think your art has improved this year?

YES! i'm incredibly proud of my progress and i'm really happy with where my style is. i think all of my art got a boost this year, even personal stuff - i have some writing & world-building projects on the side that i'm super proud of. i'm now comfortable drawing all sorts of things that daunted me last year, which is a nice feeling! 

10. how did your 2023 art goals pan out? what are your art goals for 2024?

my 2023 goals worked out well! i've definitely experimented with color and body shapes, and though i didn't do as many backgrounds as i wanted, i'm still quite happy with them. i didn't do any more pmv work, but i honestly didn't have the time or motivation, so that's alright.

as for 2024... this year is going to be big for my personal life because i'm starting some new volunteer work and, surprise surprise, going to college in the fall!!! i'm psyched for all of this :D so i'm really just hoping to keep drawing regularly and work at a pace that suits my life! i'd like to continue diversifying my style & characters and build up my headworlds, primarily dapri & catamounts. i'm also hoping to start taking usd commissions this year, but that won't be for a while. 

alrighty well, thanks for reading! have a good day & happy new year :]

it's my birthday!

Posted 6 months, 27 days ago by entangled-life

shift from carrd to neocities

Posted 7 months, 4 days ago by entangled-life

im moving my info from carrd to a neocities site! its still a big work in progress but heres the link if you wanna see it so far :]


artfight 23

Posted 11 months, 12 days ago by entangled-life

hiii reminder that i will be on artfight this year! team werewolves awoo


howdy! so im finally writing building thunder and am looking for beta readers :]

i'll be seeking constructive criticism & feedback. chapter 1 is ready for review, but the whole fic will be ~29 chapters, so i'd appreciate someone who can stick around for a while. i'll be sharing it over a google doc

cant really offer much in return, but beta readers will get a credit when I eventually post it! ^^ please comment if interested

heart rot is coded!

Posted 1 year, 14 days ago by entangled-life

yippee everyone in heart rot is coded now! :D enjoy the looore
