

【Clan】【XX Cats】
"The Soul"


【 Synopsis 】

ShallowClan is the youngest clan, having been founded not many seasons ago. Alongside that, they are the most spiritual clan, giving praise not only to StarClan, but to The Drowned as well. They make their camp in a cave system next to the beach and their territory consists of some grassland, beaches, and a little bit of forest. Lastly, they are the most sociable clan, and while they don't get on well with the other clans due to their founding and the fact that cats are leaving the other two clans to join ShallowClan, they're great friends with the local rogues and loners. It's said that ShallowClan is far larger than just the cats who sleep in camp, and that if they were ever in an emergency, the amount of fighters that they would have is tremendous.

【 Lore 】


ShallowClan's territory is mainly comprised of the many rocky beaches alongside the ocean as well as the empty, grassy fields that border said beaches. There is a small section of forest that acts as the deepest part of their territory and borders the other two clans. There is often heavy wind across the territory, which blows the scent of salt everywhere and can make hunting difficult.

The camp


Mauris non fringilla risus, nec dignissim tellus. Curabitur fermentum ipsum vitae condimentum mollis. In non ex sit amet mi imperdiet elementum in ac enim. Aenean enim eros, eleifend vel lectus et, volutpat porta turpis. Praesent ornare convallis felis nec placerat. Ut suscipit ipsum sed nulla luctus gravida. Fusce tincidunt lectus id fringilla eleifend. Curabitur non feugiat arcu, eget tincidunt ex. Ut sollicitudin diam massa, vel porta elit convallis eget. Suspendisse suscipit quam et nibh ullamcorper venenatis. Sed dui massa, lobortis tempor ligula sed, semper vulputate sapien. Nam egestas, nibh quis lacinia dapibus, orci nibh eleifend enim, id efficitur nulla quam gravida lacus. Maecenas ac metus non orci pellentesque efficitur. Ut in leo ultricies, finibus est et, interdum enim. Mauris lacinia porttitor nisi viverra vestibulum.




Heard are the spiritual advisors of ShallowClan. They speak directly to StarClan and The Drowned, and provide offerings for the latter. There are only two heard at a time: the mentor and the apprentice. This rank isn't present in the other clans, and was created by Tidestar specifically for Mothsight so she could better serve her clan and keep her spiritual knowledge alive.

Warriors make up the majority of the clan and are responsible for keeping everyone safe, fed, and alive. The primary job of a warrior is to hunt prey for everyone to eat, although they also mark borders, fight hostiles, defend the territory, and speak to rogues. Warriors graduate from apprentices and will most likely mentor an apprentice of their own someday. Warriors also have the option to become monarchs, whether temporarily or permanently.

Apprentices are typically younger cats that are being taught how to become a warrior or healer by one or two mentors. Regardless of which path they choose, it's mandatory for them to learn basic herb use and identification so they can provide first aid when away from camp without putting themselves in danger. Warrior apprentices are taught how to handle themselves in battle and how to hunt various types of prey. They're also taken to meet allied rogues to learn how to develop proper social skills. Healer apprentices are taught the ins and outs of medicine, both for physical and mental ailments, proper bedside manner, how to think logically and reasonably, and about the spiritual beliefs of the clan. While the training for both types of apprentices is rigorous and usually lasts for four or five moons, apprentices are allowed to learn at their own pace and take however many moons that they need to throughly learn the material. Their names end with -paw.

Monarchs are often considered the backbone of the clan. Their primary job is to provide for the kits, although they have a tendency to act like parents to the rest of the clan as well, providing comfort and advice to any cat who may need it, regardless of their age. They are held in high regard and the leader will often turn to them for advice, despite the fact that they don't technically hold any power over the rest of the clan. There are two types of monarchs: temporary monarchs and permanent monarchs. Temporary monarchs are cats who are heavily pregnant or have recently kitted, and they usually stay in the nursery for four moons after the birth, although there are cats who have stayed until their kits were apprenticed. Permanent monarchs are the ones who have devoted their lives to this parental role. Along with caring for the kits, their duties involve watching for danger, assisting the healers, and repairing dens. There is no training to become a monarch, but a cat must have first completed full training as a warrior or healer before they can become one. If a cat declares their wish to become a monarch, then the clan holds an anonymous vote to decide if they get the position.

Kits are cats between 0-6, -7, or -8 moons. They are usually born into the clan, brought into the clan by their rogue parent who joins the clan, or given to ShallowClan by rogues to raise as warriors. Kits are expected to explore the world around them and learn social skills while they're young. Many older cats will give short lessons to kits in their free time, as this helps give them a headstart in life and helps them choose what they want to do with their life. While it's technically only the job of the monarchs to watch over the kits, it's socially expected of every cat to pitch in, or to at least know every kit by name before they're apprenticed. Kits are apprenticed when they show the emotional maturity and self preservation skills expected of an apprentice. This usually doesn't take longer than eight moons. Furthermore, kits may not be apprenticed before six moons, simply out of fear for their safety. Older kits are sometimes taken to gatherings to gain familiarity with other clans before they're expected to represent ShallowClan, although they are watched for their safety. Their names end with -kit.

Honoured are cats that have either retired, cannot perform regular duties, and the disabled. Regardless of why they became an honoured, they are, as their name suggests, honoured nonetheless. These cats know plenty about the history, lore, and customs of not just ShallowClan, but the other clans and the nearby rogues as well. They're also the best cats to speak to if you want to hear gossip or if you want to know more about another cat. The thoughts and opinions of the honoured are respected, especially when it comes to relations with other cats. When meeting a new group of cats, ShallowClan will often send several honoured to introduce themselves due to their social skills. If a sign from the dead is not sent to a healer or heard, it's more often than not sent to an honoured.

Death and Spiritual Beliefs


The Drowned

Reputation and Relations

How ShallowClan treats outsiders and their attitudes toward them

Relationship with TepidClan

Relationship with CascadeClan

Relationship with rogues

Relationship with kittypets


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non ante lacus. Nulla bibendum eleifend diam sed lobortis. Praesent sit amet tortor a urna efficitur congue eget nec nisl. Suspendisse id odio mi. Sed auctor, arcu nec vestibulum ullamcorper, metus ante rutrum ex, a suscipit est tortor et ex. In suscipit, lorem ut interdum auctor, odio sem accumsan magna, et condimentum dolor leo sit amet mi. Vivamus eleifend nisi a tempus iaculis. Phasellus sed magna massa. Donec mollis quam sit amet felis vestibulum sagittis. Curabitur mauris magna, lobortis non sapien elementum, ornare feugiat mi. Ut lacinia, mi quis tristique feugiat, nunc dui volutpat risus, non dignissim tellus dui id lorem. Cras fringilla magna dui. Etiam tristique a lectus semper lacinia. In vehicula turpis ac tincidunt hendrerit. Vestibulum nibh nunc, suscipit in fermentum nec, dapibus accumsan nisl.

Donec nec lacinia neque. Nam non lectus ac arcu aliquam varius. Vestibulum hendrerit sit amet purus et lacinia. Donec sed nisi tortor. Vivamus eleifend felis non arcu bibendum ultricies. Donec efficitur tempor varius. Integer egestas tincidunt eros a elementum.

Kit's Life

stories told in the nursery, rules for kits, games kits play, etc

Naming Information

naming rituals, meanings behind names, common prefixes and suffixes

【 Characters 】




  • 【 Term 】

    Definition. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • 【 Term 】

    Definition. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    (Note: Nulla bibendum eleifend diam sed lobortis.)

  • 【 Term 】

    Definition. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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