Love is Strange VN

Love is Strange // A Visual Novel

Hanako is a pragmatic, no-nonsense young woman who works multiple part-time jobs & lives alone, with no romantic prospects in sight...
or at least, she was, until she suddenly found herself face-to-face with a bunch of humanoid monsters who all needed a place to stay: 

Kazuo, a tengu; Hachiro, a werewolf; Linos, a half-siren, half-demigod; and Shen, an arachnitaur.

Ever since she graduated junior high, Hanako's been a firm skeptic regarding strange & unusual phenomena, 

but it soon becomes impossible for her to hold onto these doubts any longer. There's more to the world than she knows.

But as enticing as it may seem to live with four rather attractive monster men, 

these guys turn out to be some of the worst, most dramatic roommates ever.pluma.png

PLAYLIST ▶ strange days - the doors | magic in the air - the attack sure listic - the animated egg

faith in something bigger - the who | love is strange - buddy holly 

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