krisp's Bulletins

lol chrystal becom main mascot again

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by krisp

bc i rlly wnana use this epic frickin art as my pfp


(sub to them or i will Get you /j


Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by krisp

FRienf made a fave is i can d,raw ur oc thing gogooogoogogogogogogogoogogogogogooggogoogogogogoooogogooggoogog0ogo

Name , c;hange (not userna

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by krisp

Name!????? Idfk just ehichever u like more

3 Votes vu
4 Votes oliver
4 Votes krispy/krisp

ok i havent actually stopped using oliver it just didn t fit in my profile

but ya

newname justdropped :


im tryin out the naem

(Tis pronounces voo)

why am i gettin so many new subs /pos

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by krisp

😳 wher are you coming frm

trans questions owa

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by krisp

stolen fro om TY4TRAGEDY

. What label do you currently use to represent your gender? (if you dont know thats a-ok!) - don't know but mayb nb or transmasc owa

. Have you come out to your parents? - nope but i think my parents might think im sus

. Have you come out to any other family members? - nop

. Have you come out to anyone else? - all my friends who are also gay and a lot of ppl in my classes probably know bc i talk loud help

. If you haven't, when do you plan on coming out? - never to my parents; probably when i go to colleg

. What name do you want to go by of you come out - i like oliver or beau but im not sure

. When did you realize you were trans? - like sometime in 8th grade or 9th (im 9th rn)

. If you experience dysphoria, what really triggered it? (When do you think it started?) - i got a shit ton of dysphoria in july ish but I've always kinda hated being afab

. Do you plan on going on testosterone or estrogen? - wish i could i might idk

. Do you plan on getting any surgery? - i reeeeelly wish i could get top surgery but Idk

. Has anybody ever thought you were of your non-born gender out in public? - i hope so but i dont think any1 has

. Would you change anything about yourself to make you feel more masculine/feminine/andro/ect? - i cut my hair and wear slacks instead of leggings bc they more mascultine

help important question kinda scared

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by krisp

am i a character hoarder/pop designer hoarder ig

4 Votes yea u kinda are
15 Votes no i dont think so

uh so am i a character hoarder i dont really understand what it means

idk if im a character hoarder or not bc i have a lot of like pop designs ig??? and i usually don't trade characters i like to offer art or money bc i get really attached so like idk if ima character hoarder because I have a lot of designs from like joycawn, tofubee stuff like that when i just get rlly attached help

also i dont really draw my own characters bc i just dont have time to so i usually just commission ppl but idk if that make me a character hoarder, sorry if none of this make sens eim just kinda scare that im a bad person or something

also idk if tagging my ocs as "pop" is like a weird thing to do or something please pleas ples pls pls tell me if it s

100 questions copy thing (stolen)

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by krisp

1) Whats your name? - Krispy (not irl :>)

2) How old are you? - 14

3) Whats your Birthday? - 04/06/2007 (April 6th)

4) What starsign does that make it? - Aries!!!

5) Whats your favourite colour? - Orange and purple

6) Whats your lucky number? - 6

7) Do you have any pets? - 4 cats n a dog (and a pond in my backyard with ~40 or so fish)

8) Where are you from? - Southern California babyyyyy

9) How tall are you? - 4'10.5

10) What shoe size are you? -- 5 i believe

11) How many pairs of shoes do you own? - my 2 vans my theatre shoes and some other miscellaneous things from over the years

12) If you were prime minister/ruler of the world what laws would you make? - something related to the planet (like global warming stuf)

13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have? - probs something cool like fire related

14) and what would your hero name be? - kris pee idk

15) and what outfit would you wear? - plague doctor outfit or smthn (i know none of this matches idc)

16) What was your last dream about? - Just took a nap and I know I had a dream but I don't remember it

17) What would you do if you won the lottery? - give some to charity + invest + probs buy some stupid shit

18) Would you like to build/design your own house? - eh not really (rooms yes but exterior no)

19) Which form of public transport do you prefer? - car

20) What talents do you have? - art/animation ig???? -playing piano, singing, theatre, being stupid but booksmart

21) Can you juggle? - no

22) Can you solve a rubix cube? - absolutely not i dont even know where to start

23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddybear? - a blanket

24) Are you psychic in any way? - deja vu ig idk :"")))

25) Are you a good dancer? - no

26) Are you a good singer? - decent (choir for 9 years, voice lessons 3)

27) Are you a good cook? - absolutely not ( i can make kraft mac nad cheese, soup, and canned food that's it for homemade meals)

28) Are you a good artist? - i think im decent but i need to improve ( im so busy i donr have time to until the 14th help m)

29) Are you a good listener? - i try to be but sometimes i mght accidentally interrupt someone he;lp

30) Are you a good public speaker? - i don't get nervous but ill probs be reading closely off my notes and wont b very engaging ._.

31) Are you a good babysitter? - i probably wouldn't be

32) Are you a good mechanic? - no

33) Are you a good diplomat? - Id probs do alright

34) Are you a good employee? - probably would be

35) Are you a good dresser? - i wear the same clothes everyday to the point where one day in 7th grade where i didn't wear a hoodie people were shocked

36) Are you a good swimmer? - i can swim but im not like front stroke back storkwhatever

37) Are you a good skier? - i can ski

38) Are you a good lover? - I've never dated anyone

39) Are you a good musician? - i play piano and trumpet; im good at piano but suk at trumpet (specially in band class when we are forced to play one by one and i get too nervous)

40) Are you a good comedian? - yea

41) Are you a good cleaner? - nah my rooms a mess

42) Are you a good actor? - Im alright but im out of practice

43) Are you a good writer? - if i put in effort yes!

44) Have you ever been bungee jumping? - nope

45) Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking? - yea it was nice

46) What types of vacations do you prefer? - i would rather just stay home if i were on something like a winter break

47) Whats the furthest you've ever been on vacation? - hawaii but i was a baby so i don't remember shit, other than that 7 hours away in my same state (i was GOING to go to new york, the first ever out of state trip id ever go on that id remember, in march 2020, but we all know how that went...)

48) What was your favourite vacation? - i don't go on many so i don't really have one `-`

49) Where would your dream vacation be? - going to japan since A. I've been trying to learn the language for 7 years or so and B. at our high school we have half our classes the first semester and half the 2nd and next semester (in less than two weeks) im taking japanese at the college for their dual enrollment program :DD

50) Can you tap dance? - no but i did it for a few musicals in elementary school

51) Whats your favourite zoo animal? - fenneck fox owa

52) Whats your favourite sport? - i like football just cause of the atmosphere (like high school football games where nobody really watches the game they just hang out) (also marching band was fun when i did it, though exhausting)

53) Whats your favourite food? - anything with noodles and chocolate (separatE tho)

54) Whats your favourite pizza topping? - pepperoni

and pineapple

55) Whats your favourite film? - none really

56) Whats your favourite song? - Homage by Mild High Club / absolutely anything by Lemon Demon

57) Whats your favourite alcoholic drink? - 14 years old [tiktok crying emoji]

58) Whats your favourite non-alcoholic drink? - sprite/sierra mist

59) Whats your favourite TV program? - non rlly

60) Whats your favorite boy group? - none

61) Whats your favourite girl group? - none

62) What would be your ideal partner? - idk not rlly lf a partner atm

63) Do you want children? - no but if my mind changes id only want to adopt

64) Do you want a church wedding? - eh no i dont rlly think of these things

65) Are you religious? - my family isn't rlly

66) Do you like reality TV programs? - sometimes they're funny but not in the way they were intended to be i feel like lmfao

67) Do you like TV talent shows? - not really

68) If you were gay who would your life partner be? - i dont kno w

and who's saying im straight [devil emoji]

69) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? - too many dumb things i did to pick one

lol 69 im so hilarious

70) How many hats do you own? - a top hat for my plague doctor costume

71) Are you any good at pool? - I've played on my phone with friends and im pretty good

72) Whats the highest you've ever jumped into the water from? - don't rembr

73) Have you ever been admitted to hospital? - i dont believe so

74) Have you ever had any brushes with the law? - not that i can recall

75) Have you ever been on TV? - on like the local news when I've done band parades (not like me by myself just videos of us marchn n stuff)

76) Have you ever met any celebrities? - probably a few times I've forgotten

77) Have you ever been to Legoland? - no

78) Have you ever done something heroic? - probly i don t remember tho

79) Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone? - noe

80) Have you ever been the recipiant of a practical joke? - probably once

81) What would be your best achievement to date? - wjhsvhjmheksilguk

82) Do you prefer baths or showers? - showers but id deffo like baths more if they were like.... more sanitary

83) Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural dryin your hair? - i have to towel dry/air dry my hair to style it atm, and before i got this cut it was also towel drying

84) Have you ever built a snowman? - no (doesn't snow where i live)

85) Have you ever been sledding? - no (doesn't snow where i live)

86) Have you ever flown a kite? - not that i can recall

87) What colour socks are you wearing? - m not wearing any

88) If you could live anywhere, where would that be? - probably a foreign country/a city (one with less pollution preferably)

89) Have you ever been famous? - no

90) Would you like to be a big celebrity? - i think that would be awesome but i can see pros and cons

91) Would you ever go on Big Brother? - dont know that show

92) How big is your TV? - large but only my parents watch it

93) What is your most essential appliance? - mmmmmmmmm=idk

94) What type of music do you like? - lemon demon (i know its not a genee but idc)

95) How do you get yourself to sleep? - watch some asmr and im out

96) How many Pillows do you sleep with? - 2

97) What position do you often sleep in? - left side kinda fetal positin

98) What do you wear to bed? - tank top n shorts ig

99) How big is your house? - average on the smaller end

100) How'd you find these questions? - xdarkeneddisasterx who stole it from Excisus_Kade who stole from the user toastymint who stole from Fennell (big question maRK)

important fir owed art

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by krisp

Ill probably take a break from this week to next friday bc next week is finals week! Might make some art this weekend but maybe not, expect lotsa art next weekend tho (3 day weekend :))))