krisp's Bulletins

hehehe name change

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by krisp


7 Votes Good chnage keep
0 Votes Change baxk (in a month)

krisp > olliescorner

ive actually been wanting to chang my user to this for a while,

its something I thought up bc the first time i found kurtis conner’s YouTube i thought his user said “kurtis corner” instead of “kurtis conner” and i thought that was rlly endearing hehehehe….

im thinkinf of changing my user

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by krisp


3 Votes olliescorner
3 Votes krisp

i wanna chang it to olliescorner.... ollie being a shortend vers. of oliver

lmk if you like it or not (its anon so b honest!!!) :>>

(pls don't take the name olliescorner pretty please )

SO the warrior cats community has put together this really cool playlist with premiers being 15 minutes apart! there are 6 maps total (and im in one of em hehe,,) and its just a collection of some of the really cool Halloween maps, everyone'll be watching it and it'll be a really fun time for all :))) please consider checking it out and supporting all the amazing animators for these wonderful maps!!

starts at 7 pm GMT (in 23 minutes)

art for 1 da point

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by krisp

ill do like a smlal lil doodle???? for 1 point????? idk why but i only have 299 instead of 300 pls i need another

sorry for kinda clickbait title lmfao

stole again heehhehe

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by krisp

What is your name? Krispy is my most used but u can also call me Beau (pronounced bo) or oliver

Gender? yes

Are you dating anyone? nop

Do you have a crush? nto rlly atm

What country do you live in? USA

Summer or Winter? summer

How many languages do you know? english and a slight bit of Japanese (im not like a weeboo or anything- I've been "studying" it for 8 years or so)

Any tattoos? How many? nope (minor)

Have any pets? How many? What are their names? 4 cats (Auggie, Mittens, Alex, Mika) 1 dog (Jake) + fish pond in m backyard

Ever been to another country? Do you want to? i haven't and idk where id go

Favorite school subject? math or history

Favorite beverage? sprite

Favorite food? noodle

Do you prefer books, movies, or video games? video games an d books :>

Do you have any favorite books/movies/games? warriors; none; minecraft

Favorite fictional character? hehehehhehej behvbj dheh (ena)

Have you ever broken a bone or had surgery? no

Favorite genre(s) of music? idk just whatever lemon demon is

Favorite song(s)? lemon demon songsf

stolen from xdarkeneddisasterx

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by krisp

first sona: Chrystal

current sona: everyone here !! (Oliver, Beau, Lucifer, and Cassandra)

most developed character: Ruby (story chara unlisted atm bc i needa update their profile)

most expensive character: raze - $

vent character: no specific one atm

character with most art: chrystal but not all is submitted so lucky

a new character that you cherish: jacob

nostalgic character: probably chrystal lol, shes like 5-6 years old

character of your favorite animal: Chrystal (cat)

favorite comfort character: lucky :>

shoutout to awesome animator

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by krisp


0 Votes heloween
0 Votes No halloween (wrong answer)
1 Votes i accoidently added another oops

ok so

this person is super frickin talented and i dont think theyre getting the recognition they deserve so 💥💥💥 yea i encourage you to sub!!!!


Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by krisp




/nm /lh

lol Krisp > krisp

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by krisp


1 Votes Yes
0 Votes no

last time i changes it back i accidentally made it capital which I did not want ,, so