Spectral Clash

now sorted by subfolders- if you're in the 'personified space' folder, click above to actually look at the 2389323249 stars

Spectral Clash is the name of my old webcomic which is about personified space outside the Solar System - currently mostly stars! It takes place within the 1000 light-year 'sector' around the sun (who is named Sol in SC). There are as many characters as there are stars in the sky, and then some - since some of those points of light are actually multiple stars!

In terms of plot- the sector is rather quiet these days, after a large upheaval and power struggle a few hundred thousand years ago (very recent in galactic terms). The militaristic ruling class was overthrown at the time and the crime organizations they worked with were disbanded or sent into hiding. However, there's a couple stragglers of those past groups still lurking around, and the latest big threat is a certain loudmouth self-proclaimed supervillain who's now gone from pranking old ladies for fun to gathering ancient relics that could possibly start the apocalypse. Kinda a bigger problem now.

Almost all of these are stars since I'm mainly focused on the nearest 1000 LY. I do have very old concepts for pulsars and galaxies and the like that are way past the sector, and most have been reworked and are currently in the 'distant objects' folder. Currently its only Local Group - but there's some concepts for more (eye emoji)

While the majority of these designs are from me, I have a few friends that are handling specific constellations- My friend Dirsteh is handling Lepus and Draco, and my friend Kay is handling Hydra.

There are some other designs from other friends that either left the internet, or that I lost contact with for many years and recently reconnected with! I also sometimes adopt designs or friends have designed specific characters with me for fun. Altogether it is meant to be more of a hodgepodge of designers than solely just me 100% of the time.