
Lui's Universe Directory

Note: Not all characters have full profiles. They will be added eventually.

Violet Bullets

Violette Violet lives a tiresome life. After having her family name tarnished by her mother, she struggles trying to make people see herself for who she really is, and not judge her by her family. Having constant murder attempts was getting really annoying for her and she was surprised that she was still alive.

In one such attempt, an officer suddenly ordered her to get on the ground. As a result, Violette survived, but the officer was shot instead. She became acquainted with the officer, Echo Song, while visiting her in the hospital. Probably through infatuation, Violette kept wanting to talk to her more. And the more she learned about Echo, the more she liked her.


Violette Violet

27 . female . rekt

Vio is one big mess. She is rekt and a giant weeb. Loves Hatsune Miku and makes viola covers of Vocaloid songs. She absolutely hates sparkling water and anyone that drinks it is an elitist.

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Echo Song

26 . nonbinary . quiet

Echo doesn't talk much nor does she react to anything, other than getting mad at Cynthia. She works as a rookie officer and plays piano and violin as a pastime.

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Cynthia James

28 . female . obnoxious

Cynthia is loud and obnoxious. She isn't very considerate and unintentionally causes problems. Her heart is in the right place, but the execution is done poorly.

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Paige Fukushima

28 . female . warm

Paige is the mom friend, always helping everyone out and being a shoulder to cry on. She tends to look after others, but ignores her own needs.

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Vanrus Song

24 . male . pretentious

Vanrus is Echo's younger brother. In canon, he died when he was 12. He acts nice, but he's a pretentious asshole. He is very skilled at piano.

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Cassandra Le

28 . female . hardworking

Cass is Cynthia's older twin sister. She judges people, but doesn't say it. She seems nice and has accomplished a lot, and many people admire her. Suffers from feelings of loneliness.

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Jamie Kang

24 . agender . shy

Jamie robbed Cynthia the first time they met and then Cynthia saved them from getting run over by a car. They are shy and rekt and speak in opposites when panicked.

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Luuly Luu

24 . female . pious

Luuly is a very hardworking girl who wants to take care of her parents. She goes to the same private school as Vanrus and roasts him every time he bothers her.

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The characters here span a variety of stories. Chrys and Kelvin meet when he accidentally hits her in the face with a basketball and she throws it and hits him in the balls (LOL). They bicker and fight, but slowly find out that they have more in common than they thought. Meanwhile, Melvin helps fan the flames of a rumor that the two are dating and now their mom has spread it through the family, making Kelvin's life diffucult. The next year, Chrys' auntie gets married. She watches the house while her auntie goes on her honeymoon. Robin then imposes herself on Chrys and invites herself to stay and watch the house with her.


Sheldon Shen

21 . male . gay

Sheldon is a mysterious being. His existence transcends all logic. He's here, then he's there, then he's buff, then he's a shrimp! Some swear they saw him levitate and walk on water.

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Melvin Shen

25 . male . uwu

Melvin is Kelvin's younger twin brother, and Sheldon's older brother. He likes to mess with people and then act like he didn't do it. Especially likes to annoy Kelvin and make him suffer.

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Kelvin Shen

25 . ????? . tired

Kelvin is tired. He doesn't want to live, but he will live. He needs sleep, but he doesn't sleep. He's majoring in chemistry--a subject he hates. And he likes Chrys. Truly a maso.

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Chrys Wooding

23 . female . rude

Chrys is the best-selling author C.J Wooding. She hates people and likes being left alone. She is able to start arguements over anything. Has a soft side she doesn't like showing others.

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Robin Rouge

25 . female . spunky

Robin is a very energetic and spunky girl. She does fencing and is an extremely skilled baker. She majored in business and doesn't know exactly what to do with it yet.

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Ice Le Chatelier

24 . female . bubbly

Ice is a very bubbly and airheaded girl. She is studious and gets straight As and wants to become a pharmacist. She and Kelvin met in chem class and went out for a bit, but she ended it.

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19-year-old Chase Yang undergoes a genetic mutation that grants him the power to slow down time. He meets other super powered humans and joins their organization...while working at their cafe.


Chase Yang

19 . trans male . pushover

Chase is a shy and awkward boi. He doesn't tell people off even if they bother him *coughs, Crescenzo, coughs*. He hesitates often and is unsure about everything.

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Crescenzo Pavone

18 . male . annoying

Crescenzo is obnoxious and super dramatic. He keeps glitter in his pockets and throws it at random times. He calls Chase his self-proclaimed BEST BRO!!!

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Dinah Dinh

16 . female . energetic

Dinah is loud and energetic. She is very social and likes hanging out with others. She hates Crescenzo and they have a rivalry going on where they compete in everything.

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Rila Amemori

16 . female . polite

Rila is quiet and observant. She lacks social skills and has a hard time making friends. She has an attachment to Dinah, even if she doesn't want to admit it.

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Artemis Cheung

20 . female . defiant

Artemis is one of the members of Black Phoenix. She has some authority due to her mom being the head. She is very defiant and really dislikes complying with her mom's orders.

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Lucille Li

40 . female . manipulative

Lucille is the head of Black Phoenix. She's a very sly and cunning character. She is good at observing people and finding out what makes them tick, then manipulating them to do her bidding.

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Alex Velazquez

40 . female . stern

Alex is strict and serious--so serious that people think that she doesn’t know how to have fun. She is intelligent and resourceful but feels distant from everyone.

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Naomi Ling

36 . female . stern

Naomi works as an emergency medicine doctor as well as occassionally working in the ICU. She is strict and stern, so it's hard to tell that she actually cares deeply for others.

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FAN(t)Astic (idk)

Daily life of Fana and co.


Fang Yu

18 . trans male . kindhearted

Fang is optimistic and wants everyone to get along. Even when life keeps kicking him down, he tries his best to keep going. He loves performing and making people smile.

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Rinna Yosui

??? . female . confident

Rinna is bold and confident. She is very charismatic while her twin brother has none of that. She is the more athletic twin, doing archery and fencing in high school. She also has a good sense of justice.

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Reika Yagiri

??? . female . bully

Reika is cunning and manipulative. She uses the information she has on people against them and blackmails them to do her bidding. Back in high school, she would bully Rinri (Rinna's brother) and therefore, also clashed with Rinna when she came to protect her brother. The only person Reika fears is Reina (LOL)

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Reina Aizen

??? . female . obsessive

Reina is an obsessive stalker. She went to the same school as Rinna and Reika and finds them both hot and attractive so she breaches their privacy and stalks them--and got so obsessive to the point of hurting them so no one else could have them!!!

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??? . female . supportive

Yukari is BFFs with Reina and is her #1 supporter! She supports all the questionable illegal things Reina does!!

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Haito (HITE)

??? . male . mischievous

He just pulls dumb pranks with slut (Kevyn??) and goes to jail with slut and Reina???

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Characters that either don't belong to a story yet, or I haven't uploaded the rest of the characters from their stories. They will be redistributed once I do so.


Antheia Blackwood

16 . female . chaotic

Antheia is an asshole who just likes to bully people, despite her short and small stature. She also has albinism so she's very sensitive to the light and can't see very well.

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Tama Tamagawa

22 . female . friendly

Tama is Antheia's older adoptive sister. She tries her best to keep Antheia in line. She lost her eyesight at a young age and was devastated for the longest time.

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Santino Nicchia

16 . male . fun

An aloof boi who likes to have fun. He cares for his friends a lot and loves being around people. He tends to hide his real feelings to not worry others.

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22 . female . upbeat

Rae loves playing music and lifting other people's spirits. She is also obsessed with girls and wants a girlfriend.

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21 . female . naive

Ivy doesn't understand a lot of things, but she has good intentions. She's childish and naive and is very guillible. She may not understand that what she's doing is wrong.

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Minji Moon

20 . female . sweet

Minji is a very sweet girl who loves to put a smile on people's faces. She's bubbly and friendly and tries her best in almost everything she does.

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Rainie Chan

19 . female . childish

Rainie is stupid and childish and likes to scream. She is always in other people's business, bothering them. She's bascially your annoying little sister.

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Lilac Rose

23 . female . tired

Lilac is a very low energy person and is often tired. She wants things to be quiet and peaceful. Hates noisy environments.

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Fae Rie

25 . female . stupid

Fae is extremely stupid and doesn't know a lot of things due to living a sheltered life. She relies on her maid and best friend Cindy, to take care of things for her.

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32 . male . asshole

Zero is an asshole who likes to push people to the edge and make them uncomfortable. He likes getting reactions out of people and will cross the line often.

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Phuc Yu

19 . female . shy

Phuc is shy and timid. She is quiet and stays in her corner playing games. Very asocial.

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9 . female . playful

Amethyst is a very energetic and playful circus demon. She likes playing pranks and often gets herself in trouble. It's hard to get her to listen to you.

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Mucheng Lan

24 . female . energetic

Mucheng is an acrobat who loves to perform and make people smile. She is part of a traveling circus and has also has a strong sense of justice.

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Mindy Vu

24 . female . grumpy

Mindy is angry and grumpy all the time and just wants to be left alone. Has very little friends and somehow caused a rumour back in school that she was haunted.

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Max Bui

29 . male . annoying

Max has been taking care of Mindy 5ever and counters her bitchy attitude by annoying her more (LOL). He works in finance (probably) and is tired, but hides his real emotions.

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January Einsiedel

16 . male . studious

Jan is a genius who graduated high school at age 14. He's majoring in Chemical Engineering like his father and wants to help the environment, but has a growing interest in astronomy, chemistry, and physics, which ultimately leads him to an astrochemistry research group.

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Kohaku Asagiri

23 . female . cursed

Kohaku is extremely cursed and says a lot of NSFW things and draws questionable doujins, mostly featuring fishmen. Wants to be rawed by fishman dick. The youngest triplet.

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Koi Asagiri

23 . female . quiet

Koi is quiet and just watches her two siblings fight. They go to her to vent and she will end up helping both sides take down the other (lol). The invisible middle triplet.

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Hikari Asagiri

23 . female . bossy

Hikari gets into fights with Kohaku often. She dislikes Kohaku and wishes that she would go away. In the end, Hikari went abroad for university to escape her sisters. The oldest triplet.

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23 . male . wimp

Somehow Kei is Kohaku's only friend (LOL). He doesn't know how to say 'no' and gets roped into doing questionable things with Kohaku, like wearing lingerie and modeling for her dkfjhdfdg

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Leila Mochizuki

24 . nonbinary . misunderstood

They are quiet and barely talk so they are often misunderstood by others. They are a violinist and seem very melancholic when playing.

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violet bullets x-30 shenanigans little turtle ffxiv spider blossoms