[1] Nightmare Tree

Under Construction

Still hammering things out! Thanks for your patience!
 L-028   Yarrow 

  • Who: Royal guard, dedicated to the Nightmare Tree. Lives a double life where she pretends to be a very standard non-Legendary civilian to gather information.
  • Personality: In her civilian disguise she's friendly and helpful. As a Royal Guard she's severe and curt. Very efficient with deep foresight.
  • Nightmares: Gives stress dreams. Plagued by the work you've still to do, you seem unable to get any rest at all.
  • She's most commonly found in her civilian guise. She runs a cafe in her own kingdom if your stygian wants a drink or snacks. She also moonlights as a private detective if your stygian needs any mysteries solved.
  • She does go undercover to infiltrate criminal operations so she can be the business partner or operative of any shady stygians if you don't mind her collecting information on you.
  • Other Royal Guards or Royal Guard-aligned stygians may know her Royal Guard persona, or at least know of her.
  • You can come live in her city if you don't mind the clock tower.
  • Has a giant city so other stygs can move in but it's a pain to live in bc she also has a giant clock tower that's constantly ticking very loudly.
  • Her Royal Guard kingdom contains an armory, research division, training facility and archives space and is available to other Royal Guards.
 L-029   Kye 

  • Who: Retired elder god with an extremely mild personality. Currently a mum with a small family of horrifying children who's settled down in the mountains, trying to live a normal life. Not many stygians from the current era are aware of her past.
  • Personality: Shows very little expression and is difficult to ruffle or to annoy. Has massive boobs.
  • Nightmares: Specialises in chase nightmares.
  • Likes drinking and smoking. Bars have a tendency to randomly pop up in places she frequents, so she's often found drinking in strange places.
  • She's picked up gardening and has a small vegetable & flower garden so maybe if your stygian wants a gardening buddy or needs vegetables / flowers...
  • She adopts & takes care of minis and other small creatures if your stygian is.. small...
  • She has a backstory as a bloody hunter & assassin if you want to insert her into your stygian's backstory or have her kill off backstory NPCs.
  • Has a haunted halloween-themed town but it turned into more of a holiday town for some reason because literally no one is scared of her. Has some nice mountain cabins & a scenic lake & haunted houses.
 L-018   Adrestia 

  • Who: Warlord. Queen and enforcer of her and her wife Helene's (L-030) joint kingdoms. They run a lawful & diplomatic kingdom that politically maneuvers stygians into such a position that they're forced to enter under their "protection" (have their realms absorbed into their kingdom & come under their rule).
  • Personality: Likes fighting. Likes destroying. She's quite dramatic and speaks in theatrics and cliches, but actually has a very straightforward personality. She thrills in the ruin of everything beautiful and beloved.
  • Nightmares: boss fight music is playing. adrestia unsheathes her sword.
  • If your stygian is strong she wants to fight you.
  • If your stygian represents a moderately large realm / kingdom she may visit for "peace talks" or "diplomacy" (she has a very big sword).
  • Doesn't really have a realm. She used to be tyrant queen of a massive empire, but she burned it all to the ground in a fit of nihilism. What used to be her realms have now been absorbed into Helene's kingdom, and Helene's currently in the progress of re-appropriating the razed ground into bountiful and productive land.
 L-015   Elise 

  • Who: The little princess. Lives in a roaming kingdom and seeks everything she can get her grubby paws on while exploring the nightmare tree.
  • Personality: Greedy, vain, childish, gullible and whimsical. Has a short memory. Hates theft and secrets; nothing should be hidden from her eyes or hands, after all.
  • Nightmares: your house has burned down, your PO box was robbed, and your boss has let you go due to a department downsizing. you check your bank account balance, but it's empty.
  • Her kingdom runs around absorbing other peoples' realms & spitting them back out, if you want your stygian to get lost in Elise's realm at some point, or find out their realm has been absorbed into a gigantic maze while they were asleep
  • She's fascinated by stygians of beauty or talent. She likes trying to convince random stygians to move into her kingdom.
  • A sentient shapeshifting labyrinth that creeps across the Nightmare Tree in search of more lands to absorb. Most of the realms it takes up are later rejected and spat out once the owner realises what's going on, so it's mostly temporary.
 L-051   en 

  • Who: A train conductor that roams the Nightmare Tree on a monstrous and eldritch train in search of victims. Board at your own peril.
  • Personality: not entirely human. her will is unknowable. she doesn't appear to have any interest in personal relations or even recognising living creatures as individuals, and seems to be more like a force of nature with little will outside of feeding on fear.
  • Nightmares: where are you? you don't know, but you can't go back.
  • u wanna go for a fever dream train ride? en's train will stop at your realm free of charge!!
  • as well as the train itself being kind of haunted, spectres appear around her stops and bother passersby, so her train menaces kingdoms it stops in.
  • specialises in illusion. torments train passengers with visions of twisted worlds and alternate universes which are slightly ajar from reality. even after disembarking it feels like you're lost in a dream.
  • the train will try tempting or tricking nearby stygians into boarding, always by illusion. they may not be aware that they've boarded until they've already entered.
  • she preys on the insecurities and vulnerabilities of each individual passenger. accordingly, the train has little effect on stygians with strong wills and more severe effect on stygians with regrets or fears.
 L-066   Ryan 

  • Who: An eldritch elder god. Terrorises kingdoms with shadowy monsters, steals chunks of nightmares, and absorbs stygian life force until they starve or go mad. She has a standard stygian guise that she uses when she wishes to walk amongst the masses, and is currently planning on destroying the Nightmare Tree and sinking its denizens into chaos.
  • Personality: Her civilian guise is quite doofy, she's friendly but comes off as a bit air-headed. Her elder god guise,,, Is actually still friendly, but revels in madness.
  • Nightmares: things in the shadows, older than the planet, older than life itself
  • u can come across her if you're investigating the source of strange shadow creatures that have been popping up recently but as far as you can tell she's just a very innocent & unassuming stygian working at her wife's clinic
  • otherwise it's probably best to interact with her cult and connected organisations (run by yalda MYO-177 & mitsu MYO-203)
  • having no kingdom, in lieu of spawning her own nightmares she takes nightmares from other stygians' realms
  • she stays in Nao's (pending) realm / Helene's (L-030) Kingdom
 MYO-012   Fel 

  • Who: Queen bitch. Con artist, unreliable informant, gossip monger, and peddler of lies.
  • Personality: Loves money, gossip, and backstabbing. Very egocentric, vain and materialistic. Hates ugly things.
  • Nightmares: Exposed secrets, inner desires, warped wishes, removal of inhibition. She reflects a distorted and hateful image of yourself and your fears & insecurities.
  • She's a gossip-monger and a con artist. Is available for shit talk services or for committing petty crimes & scams.
  • If your stygian has a particularly large kingdom she might be found running cons in it.
  • If your stygian likes goss & being a petty bitch, they can go out for tea with Fel
  • a darkened hall of stars, secrets and distorted mirrors. quite difficult to find. has many doors to other realms.
 S-257   Milo 

  • Who: Part-time worker in every realm on the Nightmare Tree, due to her constant need of money. Secretly part of a cult who wants to break every stygian's connection with the Nightmare Tree.
  • Personality: down to earth realist with a short temper. comparative to the rest of my cast she's good at working with people but she has high standards and can be extremely blunt.
  • Nightmares: your ideals and loyalties were misplaced all along. the people you loved are actually awful, the causes you believed in were manufactured, and the dream job you spent 8 years studying for isn't as perfect as you thought it'd be. your time and investment you've dedicated for the years of your short and fleeting life has been completely wasted.
  • If your stygian ever needs a handyman she will do literally anything anywhere for money. She's not super friendly but she's a professional worker, just don't expect her to stick around after hours or put in more than whats required by the job.
  • Currently has an apartment in Harper's Kingdom (L-040).
 D-106   Sayuri 

  • Who: jhorror wild child who was raised by wolves & eats cockroaches off the floor
  • Personality: she's not a bad girl but seems to be constantly screeching and eating stuff that probably shouldn't be eaten
  • Nightmares: monster nightmares. she's learning chase nightmares from kye.
  • she haunts one of kye's houses with a bunch of other jhorror-y stygs.. i dont imagine her roaming around a lot on purpose but sometimes she wanders off and gets lost in other stygians' realms if you want to run into her.
  • Lives in a haunted house in Kye's kingdom.
 D-026   Wintersong 

  • Who: Death metal siren rockstar. She used to do classical music as a siren but her musical tastes adapted according to human trends and tastes. Her personality varies quite a bit but above all else she's an entertainer.
  • Personality: laid-back, irresponsible, go with the flow everything'll work out in the end type. extremely air-headed and inattentive. thinks everything's metal.
  • Nightmares: The peaceful death. Nightmares that seem fun when you're in them but when you wake up you're like (mumbling) what the fuck was that
  • She has a band that she's always recruiting for because for some reason no one wants to join
  • If you need a performer she'll come perform for you
  • Nice long beach with lots of cliffs if you wanna come crabbing.
 MYO-076   Belle 

  • fuccies

  • she'll bang any & all girls (18+ only)
  • she'll take you out on a date if you don't mind her making sexual comments every 2 seconds
  • she owns a flower shop so you can come buy flowers from her if you don't mind her making sexual comments every 2 seconds
  • has a flower shop with extremely questionable looking flowers. it's usually tended by biscuit (s-229).
  • connected to the flower shop is an extremely well-tended, romantic and quaint garden with a large quantity of suspiciously well-equipped gazebos with very comfortable couches and bedding
 D-092   Anti & Audi 

  • Who: anti is the bird & is a wise philosopher who selected audi as their understudy but audi ran away bc she wants to be a food critic
  • Personality: bright-eyed, naive and curious. an explorer at heart who wants to experience every taste the world has to offer.
  • Nightmares: couldn't you be doing something better with your life? is this really where you dreamed of being when you were a child?
  • she likes travelling around eating things so she'll drop in to visit any stygs that like cooking or have eating joints in their realms
  • keeps a very strangely academically philosophical food blog, if your stygians also blog or like reading
  • Probably a restaurant. Might be in either Yarrow (L-028) or Harper (L-040)'s kingdoms.
 D-036   Lunar 

  • hyperactive lion dance
  • you can hire her to dance for u it will bring fortune and prosperity
  • bom bom bom
 D-079   Jacqueline 

  • aquarium owner
  • come visit her fish she's a good wingman
  • aquarium in harper's (L-040) amusement park
 ---   Nao 

  • is a therapist who runs a general neighborhood mental health clinic. secretly a cultist who wants to turn all stygians into dream eating monsters
  • in the past she used to be a priestess who would ease the guilt of sinners.
  • does ur stygian need a therapist come see this extremely safe & well adjusted accredited doctor who is absolutely not actually masterminding the downfall of the nightmare tree
  • Research clinic in Helene's (L-030) kingdom where she lives with her wife Ryan (L-066).
 ---   Cal 

  • smartass post-grad student who's currently working on a thesis and teaching workshops at harper's (L-040) university
  • She's a teaching assistant & does research at the university so you could run into her if your styg is also studying at harper's university or has reason to be interested in their research projects...
  • Living in a dorm somewhere around Harper's kingdom / university.
 ---   Cinna 

  • she's very happy & optimistic & childlike & thinks that the idea of loss is dumb bc they're dream creatures and can just make things up in dreams if you lose them
  • does ur stygian have a dead friend?? cinna can bring them back for u!!! did ur stygian lose smth very important to them?? no problem, cinna has the solution for u!!! come to cinnas realm where nothing bad ever happens and everyone is happy & can play w their best friends forever!!!
  • her realm has the spirits of dead dreamers & stygians that she's brought back to life so they can play for eternity. they're more like ghosts that're made up of disjointed memories and tend to get stuck in loops saying/doing the same thing over and over or replaying their happiest memories.

kemonomimi male human female feral lepitsune furry test stygian favourite a chiroptora lacie wolpid green mage appositi ezreal Tesserabbit Kite mowa pofure calvatia cherubun AI invalid tag solsticune skullcracker mowasi galfinax nightmare coelune guarmi halici catatonic ramuken otochro grotte eggcritter rosale colorimetry seraphox animals snap trap pilou demon guide snaptrap