luxidoptera's Bulletins


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by luxidoptera

finally starting to feel better thank god

i was starting to think october was just going to be shitty forever

okay FUCK

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by luxidoptera

i didnt take a break from the forums with that last bulletin i posted because im boo boo the fool but now im really gonna do it because it's really starting to poison my mental health for reasons that are (from what i can tell) either my fault or my paranoia's fault

i can't have my mental illness screaming in my ear every few days that everyone hates me and is deliberately avoiding me! no sir!

diary of an oc hoarder

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by luxidoptera

me: i have over 300 characters, that's more than enough

me: [offers on adoptables that catch my eye like a damn fool]


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by luxidoptera

i think i'm going to take a short break from this site, or at least from the forums, because me and my big mouth only seem to cause trouble wherever i go and i think i'm giving myself a bad reputation. everywhere i go lately, it seems, i'm only making a fool of myself.

open message to everyone i've hurt lately- i'm sorry. genuinely sorry. i'm absolutely socially inept and you guys don't deserve to see me at my worst, so i'm going to take myself away for a while so i don't hurt anyone else.

i'm also going to put myself into quiet mode so i can just...have some privacy, i guess.


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by luxidoptera

my shit brain is trying to convince me that everyone on this site hates me and they'd be better off if i just left's such a good site..........

why does this always have to happen

why do i have to be such a paranoid fuckwit


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by luxidoptera

im feeling [REDACTED] in this chilis tonight

so i just stumbled across marighouls on the th custom species thread and oh my gosh they're so adorable please go give them a look

oh yeah there's a dA group too


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by luxidoptera

im gonna dump a bunch of ancient ocs from my old dA onto here hold onto ya butts

theyre getting redrawn ofc but Yeah thats gonna be happening

there's probably also gonna be a bunch going up for adoption because uhhhhh wow i had a lot of extraneous ocs back then


Posted 6 years, 11 months ago by luxidoptera

fuckin love that paranoid anxiety lads

just so you guys know

Posted 7 years, 4 days ago by luxidoptera

EDITEDIT: decided i don't like the chibis for icon purposes so i think i'm going to use something else, probably make some sort of frame for gallery crops

head icons are going to be replaced with something else in the coming future, i gotta stop using them for personal reasons i don't really wanna go into here. i'm not sure what i'll replace them with yet, but a cropped version of the chibi base (like on doreen) is a likely contender.

if not that i'll just doodle up some sort of frame to put something from each character's gallery into, i just want anything but cropping a pic from their gallery lol