
Long, long ago, the two realms we humans know as Heaven and Hell were one dimension, known simply as Celesti- the realm of both the omniscient Deity and their legions of angels and demons alike. Back in those days, angels and demons lived in relative harmony, side-by-side, performing their duties. The angels kept watch over Celesti and guarded the souls of the pure-hearted, while the more social demons watched the goings-on of Earth and played tricks on the souls of sinners. Such as it was for many years.

One day, between the angels and demons, civil war broke out. The demons had overstepped with their mischief according to the angels, while the angels had been too much of stuck-up humorless foils according to the demons. With the two races battling, the Deity, blessed be them, decided there was only one way to settle this. With a mighty bolt of magic, Celesti cracked in two- one half staying in the sky, while the other half fell into the depths of the Earth. And so, what we now know as Heaven and Hell were formed. And so it was, and so it would be.

Centuries passed. The angels and demons' cultures split further and further apart, into the roles we know today. On both sides, there were beings who believed that they had been treated unfairly. The Deity saw this, and saw that it was cruel. Their children had split apart into two factions, and they had only reinforced the perception of them being so different. So, with delicate hands, they took Hell from below the Earth, and they gently placed it back where it had once been, bridges of gold and jewels connecting the two halves- somewhat haphazardly, but it would do for now. And so, Celesti had formed once more, but it would be many, many years before harmony was reached again. And so it is, and so we see- angels and demons, living together once more, learning how to coexist.

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