[ Fantasy ] [ 18+ ]

"Bound by guilt. Bound by grief."
orion-fw-small.gif payne-fw-small.gif amaryllis-fw-small.gif ilya-fw-small.gif

- Synopsis -

Praesent elementum sapien eget gravida facilisis. Curabitur massa purus, cursus at mi vitae, tincidunt scelerisque dolor. Phasellus ultrices sit amet leo non placerat. Nam egestas odio dapibus quam fermentum hendrerit. Nulla imperdiet massa at ligula viverra interdum. Proin non eros in augue volutpat sollicitudin. Aliquam volutpat, sapien a aliquam pellentesque, mauris orci mattis magna, id commodo neque nunc ac nisl.

- Lore -


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non ante lacus. Nulla bibendum eleifend diam sed lobortis. Praesent sit amet tortor a urna efficitur congue eget nec nisl. Suspendisse id odio mi. Sed auctor, arcu nec vestibulum ullamcorper, metus ante rutrum ex, a suscipit est tortor et ex. In suscipit, lorem ut interdum auctor, odio sem accumsan magna, et condimentum dolor leo sit amet mi. Vivamus eleifend nisi a tempus iaculis. Phasellus sed magna massa. Donec mollis quam sit amet felis vestibulum sagittis. Curabitur mauris magna, lobortis non sapien elementum, ornare feugiat mi. Ut lacinia, mi quis tristique feugiat, nunc dui volutpat risus, non dignissim tellus dui id lorem. Cras fringilla magna dui. Etiam tristique a lectus semper lacinia. In vehicula turpis ac tincidunt hendrerit. Vestibulum nibh nunc, suscipit in fermentum nec, dapibus accumsan nisl.

Donec nec lacinia neque. Nam non lectus ac arcu aliquam varius. Vestibulum hendrerit sit amet purus et lacinia. Donec sed nisi tortor. Vivamus eleifend felis non arcu bibendum ultricies. Donec efficitur tempor varius. Integer egestas tincidunt eros a elementum.


Mauris non fringilla risus, nec dignissim tellus. Curabitur fermentum ipsum vitae condimentum mollis. In non ex sit amet mi imperdiet elementum in ac enim. Aenean enim eros, eleifend vel lectus et, volutpat porta turpis. Praesent ornare convallis felis nec placerat. Ut suscipit ipsum sed nulla luctus gravida. Fusce tincidunt lectus id fringilla eleifend. Curabitur non feugiat arcu, eget tincidunt ex. Ut sollicitudin diam massa, vel porta elit convallis eget. Suspendisse suscipit quam et nibh ullamcorper venenatis. Sed dui massa, lobortis tempor ligula sed, semper vulputate sapien. Nam egestas, nibh quis lacinia dapibus, orci nibh eleifend enim, id efficitur nulla quam gravida lacus. Maecenas ac metus non orci pellentesque efficitur. Ut in leo ultricies, finibus est et, interdum enim. Mauris lacinia porttitor nisi viverra vestibulum.


Mauris non fringilla risus, nec dignissim tellus. Curabitur fermentum ipsum vitae condimentum mollis. In non ex sit amet mi imperdiet elementum in ac enim. Aenean enim eros, eleifend vel lectus et, volutpat porta turpis. Praesent ornare convallis felis nec placerat. Ut suscipit ipsum sed nulla luctus gravida. Fusce tincidunt lectus id fringilla eleifend. Curabitur non feugiat arcu, eget tincidunt ex. Ut sollicitudin diam massa, vel porta elit convallis eget. Suspendisse suscipit quam et nibh ullamcorper venenatis. Sed dui massa, lobortis tempor ligula sed, semper vulputate sapien. Nam egestas, nibh quis lacinia dapibus, orci nibh eleifend enim, id efficitur nulla quam gravida lacus. Maecenas ac metus non orci pellentesque efficitur. Ut in leo ultricies, finibus est et, interdum enim. Mauris lacinia porttitor nisi viverra vestibulum.

- Characters -

Main Cast

Orion Valcourt


Payne Cordero


Amaryllis Sirelly


Ilya Vītols




(Antagonist: FOIL)


(Antagonist: FOIL)

Vincent François



(Antagonist: Institution)

Side Characters











- Terminology -

【 FAE 】

Used both singularly and plurally, the fae are a species that innately wield magic of some sort. While light fae and night fae are the two main types of fae, they are separated into multiple different categories such as aqua fae, transfigure fae, and others. Light fae and night fae can sometimes be called angels or demons, however this is a purely religious sentiment. Each category wields different magic with differing physical appearances to match, but some subcategories can overlap with each other.

(Note: Hi.)

【 Light Fae 】

Their magic is focused on the essence of light. They are around human size with small wings to match, however, they can shrink down to an orb of light in order to travel faster. Depending on the geographical region their physical characteristics can have antennae and wings (forest light fae), colorful feathers (tropical fae), large ears and tan coloring (desert fae), stripes and spots (savanna fae), and so on and so forth. They are typically associated with the sun and body.

(Note: Amaryllis was taught by light fae and use their magic.)

【 Night Fae 】

Their magic focuses on the essence of darkness. They are around human size, but they have certain characteristics like pointed ears, monochromatic skin, and sometimes horns or wings. There aren’t many variations based on geographical region as they usually occupy a separate realm from the physical one. They are typically associated with the moon and spirit.

(Note: Payne thinking he's half-demon due to his faith, he is actually half-night fae.)

【 Aqua Fae 】

Their magic comes from anything to do with water. Most typical are the ones who live in the ocean. They can acquire a wide range of aquatic characteristics such as tails, fins, tentacles, etc. Alongside night fae, they are the most abundant demographic due to not having to hide as much as the other categories of fae. It is also typical for aqua fae to have a great overlap with transfigure fae in the form of sharks, fish, and more grand creatures like “Niseag”.

(Note: Out of necessity to save her life during the story's events, Naomi is eventually turned into an aqua fae.)

【 Transfigure Fae 】

Their magic rests on the transformation of their body, most notably with animals. Popular transfigure fae are werewolves, satyrs, centaurs, and others. They often overlap with the other categories of fae such as vampires with night fae, pegasus with light fae, sea serpent with aqua fae, and so on. They can either mainly reside as their more human counterpart or their more animal counterpart. The degree to which they resemble their animal counterpart in human form varies by individual, some more distinguishable than others. These fae are popular with humans as most folklore is written about them. It is also easier than other fae to assimilate and hide amongst the human population given they look mostly human in their human form.

(Note: Resources extracted from transfigure fae are what Desmios used to give Orion his manipulated form.)