Orion Valcourt



3 years, 9 months ago


Orion Valcourt
passionate . impulsive . charismatic


Orion was sold to an organization, Desmios, as a child in order to be experimented on and trained as both a hit person and emissary under its name. However before this time came, through faults supposed of his own, the entire facility was destroyed. Orion, narrowly avoiding drowning, was the only one to escape, and thus washed up on the shore of Rivenview.











♊︎ ☉ . ♋︎ ☾ . ♌︎ ↑


On the surface, Orion is a very extroverted individual. He lives through the connections he makes with others, often in goodwill, and will never say no to a good time. This sometimes gets him and Amaryllis in a bit of trouble here and there, but he always seems to find a way to skirt the repercussions through his talent in charisma.

However, beneath what he chooses to show others is a torn person, hellbent on the revenge and dismantlement of the organization that took not only his childhood away but the lives of all those in it that he cared about, including the one he loved, Livia.

He is not entirely aware of the repercussions of this mindset; the grief of his past and the belief of all their blood on his hands is enough to cloud his judgment and become entirely fixated on pursuing his goal, even at the cost of and the detriment of himself.


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  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.



Orion tends to live life day by day. If he continually tries to chase the present then he doesn't have time to drown in the past. Prior to the events of Eclipse, a typical day for him would usually involve perusing the market, scrounging a way to make a quick buck, finding someone fun for the evening, and then waking up in Boss’s tavern the next day with a raging headache.


He doesn't really abide by any set of ideals. He lives to right his wrongs, and anything beyond that is either unknown territory or unconscious in action. However, he does have a tendency to want to help those in need and has a particular knack for taking care of children and the elderly. His ideals and most of what he wants out of life can only be discovered after he moves on from his past.

significant people

He grew up in an unstable household with a mother who didn’t want him and a father who didn’t care enough to fight her on it. To escape their constant arguing, he would visit Mrs. Petrillo’s vendor stand. She was the most positive influence on his life pre-Desmios and more family to him than his own flesh and blood.

During Desmios, he grew his family; Pravir, Parni, Cass, Maiya, and the love of his childhood, Livia. All residents to the same institution, they made his life a little easier… Dante, the figurehead of Desmios and Livia’s father, was a complicated father figure to him.

Post-Desmios, Boss, the owner of Rivenview’s local tavern, took Orion in after finding him washed up on the shore. Before meeting Amaryllis and Payne, Boss was the only one who knew and kept Orion’s wings secret.


He is no stranger to being stubborn. Once he has his mind set on something, he is unwavering in his approach. This can curate into more extreme instances of revenge on his past institution, Desmios, or more mundane arguments with others. Contrasted with his carefree attitude toward casual flings, Orion is a very jealous man when it comes to those he deeply cares about, most notably Payne.


Orion highly values his social standing with those around him. He loves people, he loves creating a community, and will actively participate in it. He pays careful attention to the lives of those he talks with and makes them feel seen. Unfortunately, he keeps most at a safe distance, rarely allowing those to get too close and truly know him as he knows them. This creates conflicts, especially with the many people he has casually entertained or flirted with on a whim.




Orion grew up in a small coastal town, Virolejo, to two dysfunctional parents. On his 10th birthday, an organization called Desmios made his parents a fiscal offer to take custody of him in order to conduct “medicinal research”. Being extremely money-motivated, they accepted and Orion hasn’t returned since.

During Desmios, he met others in similar situations; Pravir, Parni, Cass, and Maiya, all of whom were taken from their homes at young ages through some means or another. The only one with differing circumstances was Livia, the figurehead’s daughter. Orion and Liv met while learning to play piano for the investors and grew a strong adoration for each other.

Each of the children adorned a type of branding somewhere on their body to initiate them into the institution; for Orion it’s his neck, for Livia it’s her arm, and so on and so forth. Each child was vigorously experimented on through a vague mix of science and hidden magic and then forced to train in combat, language, and general espionage as future emissaries. This is where Orion got his wings and his latent wind manipulation.

As Orion grew in age and time drew near for him to be promoted, he couldn’t take it any longer and planned a revolt and escape for himself and every other miserable child that had the misfortune of ending up there. Everything was going perfectly until the very last second; confused and confronted by Livia, the explosions redirected, and through a shove off the island’s dock, Orion was the only one who seemed to survive… Now off the island and on a different land, a rival organization forces Orion to pick up the ghosts of his past and fix what he started.


















san 50/50

hp 10/10

mp 10/10

db +1d4

build -

move -

luck 50

idea 50

know 50

Notable Skills.

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0

Name 0


personal belongings

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

  • Cash: $$$
  • Asset: $$$
  • Spending Level: $$$


weapon (type)

Name 0


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.



Growing up in Desmios and being trained to execute missions internationally, it was imperative that Orion learned many popular languages in order to properly manipulate his social surroundings.


Aside from charisma, combat is his most noticeable asset. The leader of Desmios took a keen interest in keeping Orion trained in hand-to-hand combat, but he prefers using his bo staff/spear.


The fuel to his ire, Desmios put him through rigorous experimentation in order to get his body to where it is today. For social assimilation purposes, they were made to be retractable, but it causes Orion a great deal of pain to endure, and even more so the transition from retracted to fully out; while most think Orion drinks for social fun, he is mostly seen around the bottle to numb the physical pain of keeping them in so long.

Manipulated Form

In order to sustain the high altitudes of flying, Orion’s lungs can withstand thinner air due to being able to increase the amount of hemoglobin inside each red blood cell, streamlining his supply of oxygen.

Aerial Manipulation

Not much is known to Orion about these powers, as Desmios never planned for him to have them. He wasn’t even aware that they initially existed; They’re mostly used to help him navigate the skies, but as the story goes on he finds that they affect him in more ways than simple navigation and are a bit harder to control.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.