plushpon's Bulletins

sorry for inactivity

Posted 24 days, 22 hours ago by plushpon

a quick hello, i just wanted to reach out and apologize for the recent inactivity. my attention is currently needing to be split between work, and i've also been pretty mentally & emotionally darker and just trying my best to get through it. thank you for your love, i hope to be posting more for you u all soon <3



🌈 Doodledopt Gacha Trading Post

Posted 1 month, 9 days ago by plushpon

you can use this as a hub for swapping ( or trading, reselling, etc) the recent gacha event (includes any other gacha events as well!) ^^

Critter Gacha!

Posted 2 months, 7 days ago by plushpon


some little critters have been discovered in the area! some seem a little more lively than others ' O ' !

for everyone:

1 roll is $35

(max 2 rolls per person!)

🌱for kofi members:🌱

to select/hold 1 specific critter for $50

(only 4 slots available, 1 per person.)


since it's first come first serve, someone may end up rolling what you want if you didn't choose it before it was rolled!
please include the # of the critter or the link to it in your message!

🔎 Critter List...

| * |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
* galaxy ram cannot be chosen, only rolled for

they each have an individual page with a card! click the number to see this critter's info!

there are 26 total critters! first come, first serve!
(must be able to pay up front - no holds unless you are a kofi member)


• reply here› to buy 1-2 rolls 

•  kofi members reply here› to make your claim

reply to me once you've sent payment!
disclaimer: please do not send me payment before i reply to your first comment!

Rolls Left:

no more left,

thanks for playing!

just wanted to make sure you guys know!

Posted 2 months, 13 days ago by plushpon

i may post a lot of adopts but a majority of what i post is a lot of already finished work or unused/unposted designs. i've been working on my commissions but i've been struggling with the burnout for a while. at the moment adopts/commission are the main income and when bills come up or we need groceries, that's when i get more active in posting adopts. i'm still trying to finish the donation commissions from pawmie's jaw surgery and i though i've updated our kofi about this i wanted to make sure i said it here too that i promise i'm always working on commissions little by little regardless of the adopts or artwork i post. sometimes i do take a break and i try to draw something for myself to get out of my rut, but i'm doing my very best ;w;/ <3 we're not very well off so money we make on adopts and things always goes into taking care of our lives. you'll know we're doing better when i open trades or am looking for character trades because i can finally do something leisurely or for fun ;w;;; i put a lot of pressure on myself and i genuinely feel extremely guilty for posting things when i still have owed work done. i'm not the best at communicating but when i deliver a finished product i really want to make sure it's worth the wait. i'll often redo/restart a piece over and over and over because it just doesn't feel up to the standard i want to set. i really want to make work people love and treasure T_T 

ANYWAYS tldr; i'm working hard on commissions, (adopts are 99% of the time unposted work, it's not instead of your work) & my mental health can greatly affect my efficiency but i'm doing my best to work through it!!

ALSO IM SO SORRY I LOSE TRACK OF PRIVATE MESSAGES, i know for a fact i've fallen off of a few and i'm sincerely sorry if we were talking about something before and i just stopped responding, i promise i'm never trying to ghost anyone, you're free to nudge me about everything and anything TOT !!

also i just turned 30 on the 25th but lord almighty do i not feel it what so ever haha;; i think my brain turned into a chunky stew during my development...........

here's a link to a google doc with how we selected the winner, includes a key! (it was pawmie's idea to do it this way because they felt it gave a more fair chance to everyone rather than just picking a random number out of all total entries)

and the winner chosen was.............. Elissinia !!! congrats!!!! happy lucky puppy!! dd59jwi-c73e1e6c-64dd-4714-854b-04c78380

thank you for entering everyone! there'll be another raffle next month!

giving sheezyart another try

Posted 2 months, 29 days ago by plushpon
trying again since we've officially left deviantart ( T_T )
the customization...... is very fun owo b


Eeveechu Raffle Winner!

Posted 4 months, 22 hours ago by plushpon

what would you like the next raffle design to be?

72 Votes 💫 another pokemon / fusion / fakemon
27 Votes 🐾 a feral design
101 Votes 🎀 a mascot / anthro design
21 Votes ⭐ a neopet
32 Votes 🍃 an animal crossing villager
46 Votes 👽 a small silly little guy
1 Votes other - comment a suggestion!

i get chatgpt to compile a list of everyone who entered and assign them a number.
(users with extra entries get extra numbers/listing!) i then ask it to randomly select one of those users!


⭐🎉 Congratulations to Banabby !!! 🎉⭐
thank you to everyone who entered!

Neopets Adopt Batch!

Posted 4 months, 12 days ago by plushpon

which is your favorite? ^^

49 Votes starry acara
40 Votes robot kacheek
40 Votes disco aisha


starspntbrush.gifclick here for starry acara!

toy_kacheekrobot_windup.gifclick here for robot kacheek!

disco_aisha_plushie.gifclick here for disco aisha!

sb: $65
ab: tba
sb: $65
ab: tba
sb: $65
ab: tba

ive had this wip forever and finally got around to putting them on a template and setting them out ;w; <333
i was torn between making the disco aisha woodland or disco because they're not suuper disco, but its more so based on the aisha's specific design for the color ><
im really happy with the robot kacheek the most !!! i almost didn't do the rainbow tail but glad i went with it! ^^

xmas has not gone as planned

Posted 5 months, 16 days ago by plushpon

i realized i never gave a proper update!!!


she's doing much better now, it turns out she suffered a mild heart attack but it wasn't due to artery blockage, which from what we're told, is the best kind to have if you're going to have one. she hasn't been quite back to herself since coming back but she's doing much better, a lot of is is emotional and still struggling with the symptoms after all of this + her usual symptoms. but we're working on it, little by little. thank you again to everyone who showed us kindness during this time. it was extremely scary but we go through it, thank you ; w ;

mirroring post from our kofi:

"so previously, i updated you guys that we were going to visit my parents for christmas, and we have and it has been nice up until recent. my niece had covid and it spread to me and pawmie, and exasperated the virus my dad already had and my mom had started to show symptoms as well. so we had to put off christmas / gift exchanging / the bigger family get together. well, my mom has been in poor health for a while and part of the reason for coming out was to just in general help them and be there to help take care. a couple days ago, when my dad went to check on her because she was sleeping for an unusually long time (it's not uncommon for her to sleep through a day due to her pain) he found he couldn't wake her up. she was snoring, so she was breathing, but she was unresponsive. we called 911 and we were given instructions for cpr as we carefully brought her to the floor. paramedics and help came very quickly and got her taken to the hospital. it turns out the medications she took the night previously plus a patch she needs for pain was too much for her system and it was a bad interaction. like an overdose. (not intentional, she's just has to take so much, she needs a better system for organizing and tracking what she takes) she's in care now, she's been awake and more alert, i got to visit and see her but she is very very much out of it. i'm so thankful we were all here and she was able to get help as quick as possible. the nurse told me and my sister she's lucky to be alive. she's been getting a plethora of tests done. just today they gave her something for her chest pain that also did not interact well and caused her blood pressure to spike and her heart rate to dip, but noticing this they gave her something to counter act it, and her body is just exhausted and her heart overworked. but they are taking care of her. my dad is there now, my sister is there now as well, i'll be visiting her soon but i'm watching her dogs. i know this is extremely personal, but my mom is everything to me and this has genuinely been extremely traumatizing. we're going to be staying out here until i know she's ok and can come back home. but for now, there's just too much happening.
i want to help out here as much as i'm able to. i'm going to be emptying out all currently finished designs for sale to raise funds for helping them. we're not in a good financial position and i apologize that we still have commissions needing to be finished, but i absolutely must prioritize making some income for them. i feel absolutely powerless to all of this, so if it's something i can do, i will. i cannot take on anymore work, i'm going to be too busy going back and forth to the hospital and running errands for my dad. i appreciate all of you who have been supporting me. i didn't expect kofi to have to be a place i ask for help, i wanted this to just be where i could update everyone on artwork because that's what you follow us for, not for life things, so i understand if these kinds of updates are overwhelming. thank you to everyone who's been sticking with us through all these things, it sincerely means the world to me."

edit: thank you all so much for your overwhelming support and kindness, it really means so much to me, i've been so stressed this year and i just want to be able to help the people i love. i'm always so anxious when posting anything online anymore and it makes me so sad i have to make life updates like these, but seeing the love makes it much easier to bear, so thank you sincerely ; _ ; i hope next year will be softer on my loved ones and yours as well

@ ppl who comment on adopts /p

Posted 5 months, 28 days ago by plushpon


I APPRECIATE U even if i don't always reply!!!!!!!!!!
whether you're saying something nice or informing me of something broken on the page or whatever feedback it is I LOVE U FOR THAT THANK YOU!!
