scpkid's Profile Comments

Sorry if this is out of your way but could you change the listing permission on this little for me? thank you and have a good day!


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oh my goodness your art and designs are so gorgeous! /pos

HELPP I was trying to authorize you and accidentally hit block…. thank you toyhouse I totally meant to do that. letting u know if you want to refollow!!!!! 

A DT would be amazing! I understand your commonly busy but I'm a fan and many of your characters are dreamies. ❤ 

hihi !! sorry for the comment but i was wondering if you'd be able to change this guys trade perms for me ? ":3

Heyo small question

I was wondering if you still had the files to this specific base I subscribed to your Patreon hoping it was there but I don't think it is so I figured I'd comment on your wall asking 😭

Edit: found I was just overlooking it xd

hi ben, it's been about 2 weeks since i sent the message about that patreon request from way back in august (the jack russell), i know you're very busy... please let me know when you're able to send over a profile of him!


thank you so much!!

Hi there! I really like your art! Do you have art trades open atm? I’d love to do one someday if so

Hey! I've been looking their your profile and your style is absolutely eye catching! from your character designs and the colors of your profile, you make me enjoy looking at bright colors. I don't enjoy looking at whites but you made me enjoy it. I feel youre a very caring person, just from viewing how many donations you've done and hundred people following and getting your creations - i'm glad I found you and I get to be a part of supporting your art career or your just hobby. I hope you have a good day or night! I'm hoping to get a design from you sometime when you open up more designs !   

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you are amazing at everything you do, dude. ur web design is amazing 

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hey! so sorry to bother you but i think it'd be good to know that someone is posting your art on pinterest and not crediting you at all

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Hi  I sent a note abt this but putting here also, but Is it possible if you can change this design to allow transfer o;

hi there! i found a very old f2u base on your Furaffinity, i was wondering if it’s still allowed to be used? Here’s the link.. Anyways i love your art it is so gorgeous!!!!!!

I only recently saw that you've been doing charity adopts. Tempted to save up now for your future months charity designs!^^ It's super awesome of you to use your designs to fund important causes and I hope I can organize stuff like that in the future someday too🥺

hello!! very sorry to comment, could I possibly get the permissions in this bean?

sorry I shoulve just said smthn when we were dming LOL it slipped my mind can I get the permissions changed on this fella I got em in a trade but the settings were wonky (if not its fine!)


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I just recently got a character that has your base and I wanted to line it!! It would be the same format and I would still keep you as the base creator I just wanted the lines a bit cleaner!!

Can I do that? 🍭💛 

yes thats fine ^^

Thank you!💕💕

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I was wondering if u could change the trade settings on this character X_X I accidentally have them on  can't be transferred 

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I use procreate on the iPad, with an apple pen, mostly default brushes like the pencil brushes!

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how do you get the specie name/text under your character names? i've been trying to figure that out but cant haha, if someone can help that'd be awesome

have you ever figured it out? i wanted to know that too 0:

sadly no- i dont think hes been relatively active. so sorry!! :(

I want to figure this out too! Hopefully he sees this.

it's a CSS thing! i can dm it to you if you'd like!! :D

yes please!! that'd be awesome! tysm :) psst comments are turned off on this fella!

Oops i fixed it!

Dog of Paradise is somewhat a minor special interest I got, and I love revisiting the charas pages. I hope u get time to work on them more soon! :) its a huge inspo for me!!

CALI GANG!!! yo i love ur art btw..

hi!! I honestly wasn't sure where the best place to/the best way to give you fan art so I figured this ought to suffice. I'm not sure if you play minecraft much, but I saw that build you posted of one of the posts you shared to your architecture twitter a while back so I thought it'd be fun to make a you Kai skin! I hope you like it!!



OMG WHAT THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was going to start playing minecraft with friends soon so im so happy to have my own skin wow!!!!!!!!!! thank you thank you!!!!!!

AA OF COURSE IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!! Minecraft is always so fun with friends, I hope you guys have a good time!! :D If you'd like any edits/clothes on it feel free to ask btw I'd be happy to add some for you!! Take care ^w^

Hello! I wanted to apologize for the fav spam I did haha, I just came across your open species and they're all so awesome!! I read about some of them and the world you made is so well thought out, I hope you don't mind me making some OCs of my own (with credit ofc) ^^

Btw, [ sorry ill stop asking after this :,) ] i have the same character description character fold css but I don’t know how to get it to work??? Idk if im doing it wrong 

Hello!!! I don’t mean to be annoying since i know this is one of the busiest times of the year but for your css, how did you get to make the side bar closer to the right and such??? I didn’t really play around with too many things and i cant seem to figure out how you did it and how to make the line go through the sidebar words and to make the topbar more condensed/smaller???

Nvm!!! I was using the 1.0v instead of the 2.0v :,)

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hi so on amino someone who doesnt have toyhouse is selling a design which is obviously by you or a base you made, i remeber seeing it on th-- a white snake/horned reptile with long tail and the belly is like a blue and pink marbling

UPSATE: it’s fixed 

apparenlrt someone bought your base and they bought an sdopt and refused to credit anyone and got taken down

ill update u, hopefully it gets taken down or they add proof

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Heya I'd love to know if you had a specific species in mind when you made this design?

5 lined skink!

Oo tysm!

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i think ur toyhouse premium ran out D: all the html/css looks funky.

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it blows my mind how fast your adopts sell out like you have the most insane luck ive ever seen and im happy for you

Hello I was wondering if it were possible to get Luca’s permissions updated? Neopit told me his previous owner might have blocked trading and selling but I’m not sure how these things work so would you mind taking a look? If he just can’t be transferred because he was a gift or something just let me know!

Get back to me whenever you can, thanks!


Tysm! :)

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Heya! Could I get the ownership perms updated for this design? ^^
Thank you so much in advance!

what css did you use for ur toyhouse?:o

hey! sorry to bother you again, but a few days back I sent you a PM asking if you still have some old lost art of one of my characters lying around, but it's unread so i'm leaving a comment here! thanks in advance

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you have so many gorgeous ocs <3

hey!! could I ask what brush you used for This image? I just love how textured it looks :,D

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You are free to subscribe temporarily to access and download all previous bases then unsubscribe, and use them, like a one time fee. Sticking around gives you future bases and other bonuses but not required

Kind of random, but are you still looking for a wooden engraved fursuit tag? I have access to a wood lazer cutter *and* engraver. You could design the tag yourself and I should be able to make it, any size you want.

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Do you plan on releasing your character HTML profile coding ? Like the splice or just all of the individual parts both work lol

Which one? All of the ones are used are by made by other people. like Hukiolukio and Fio or Cheeriko

would you ever open up an RP for Dog of Paradise? ive loved the concept for so long!

Hey man! Would you ever consider trades in exchange for your designs? I love your stuff!

^ figured I’d ask again ^^!

Hi Benji! I was wondering if you would be able to help me with the permissions for my recent patreon freebie! I'm looking at tent offers but unable to list them due to restricted permissions ^^; Thanks for your time!


Ty!!! It's really appreciated ^^

I got a character in a trade that was designed by you, but have no way of trading it now as the ownership permissions say no transfers (I’m kinda confused since the ownership log shows it’s been traded a few times?) 

Is there anyway you can change the permissions so that I can trade the oc? :0

Just changed it! ^^ If you have any more that need to be changed just let me know.

That’s the only one, thank you so so much! 

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Hey, i saw that you said you are using procreate so Since i definetely adore the illustrations you are doing with procreate, i wanted to ask some questions about the program. 

(as a classic question)What brushed do you use ? Are you using procreate's own brushes or you are using custom brushes/brushes made by other people ? Do you have any advices and/or tips for someone who is new to procreate? I have a long time art exprience but i think some advices would be so cool cuz i stick into one program for years and switching into a new program (procreate) is kinda comes of hard now

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Hsjxj sorry to bother, could you share where you found them? Iveybeen searching for a while to no avail :')

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hi! i was wondering if you'd ever add more slots to your $10 tier on patreon? i've wanted to pledge for a little while now but it's always sold out 😭 i really love your art and designs!

Thank you sosososo much for the gift! I almost cried when I saw it /gen

Ivy is such a gorgeous character and I’ll cherish them likely forever!! They genuinely were a massive dreamie of mine and dhahdjdjdk just thank you so much you made my day

hello! so sorry to bother you, but i was wondering if you had tips or tricks with finding color palettes? your profiles & designs always look so pretty so i thought id ask! :0

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Woah! Your profile is so cool :0 How'd you do it? 😮

I love the way you make bug designs! Arthropods are underrated but you really capture how amazing and varied they can be

I got a bunny design recently and it looks like your style, it’s in my primary folder. Is it by you?

No i'm sorry. It was a base I made but  I did not do the design

Ah, thanks

I hope you don’t mind the question but are you okay with fan art ? And if so, are there any characters you are not okay with people drawing ?

Hey! No idea if they are open, but I'm sure you get tons all the time...

Are your commissions or trades open?

If not, that's okay!

If so, what are the prices?

Hello! I’m sorry to bother you, my friend traded me this character that doesn’t have a toyhouse profile, but they think you designed it? I wanted to double-check before making them a profile ^^ here is the design (watermarked): 


Thank you for your time!

That is Sappycat's design!

Thank you for letting me know! I thought it was a little different than your style, but wanted to make sure ;D

how did you make that map in the original species folder ? 

did you look up maping tutorials or even used a site , id love to know because it looks really nice and that would help me a lot to know how you made it !! 

Just wanted to say that your designs are really, REALLY cool!!! Nothing else ✨

!! i love ur designs. hehe, just thought I should say that

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Hey! I sent you a DM and I was wondering if you got it by chance?


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The jammydodger one is this one but an older version thats heavily edited

Moodboard / fio

And the sidebar avatar is automatic with cheeriko's Peek css (idk how else to change it)

This user is not visible to guests. its the folder character descriptions!

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Put it in the Folder's CSS! Its under the HTML box where you edit the folder. then you add in names like this. you can also do the character ID (might work better if you may end up changing a characters name!)

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Question, I wanna get the bee base but I cant because there is no 10$ tier open. Is there any way I can get it without being a patreon?

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"feral" versions of animals still exist and they have been using them for food + material + science / zoos for all of recorded history so its not taboo or anything (though vegetarians and vegans exist) 

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Hello! My sister Mother_Persie is drawing random characters for random people. If you would like one, you can ask me or her! She will draw any character of your choice :)

I can’t leave requests on your PATREON. It deletes my comment within seconds for literally no reason. I’ve tried contacting you about this for nearly 3 months but you’ve never responded ): one of my main perks just is negated ig? Idk man it’s alright but this might be happening to other PATREONs. Please help?

EDIT: ah, it seems I cant use links or else the comment gets deleted immediately. Guess we’re good then.

I promise this isn't something I'm doing, and I have no idea how to fix it since it seems like an issue with Patreon, you should try contacting Patreon's help center

oh I’m aware it’s not you, dw! I’ve contacted PATREON and they’re like “yeah uhh might be a creator issue”

rn I’m just not gonna use links! dw abt it (: I just wanted to make sure you knew in case other users have that issue!

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Ayo may I draw ur bbs kai and yarrow together? I use want to try smthn new and ur bbs are perfect, if not together then either one separate or just one💞💅

holy crap, did u code your CSS? ive been trying to find a code that changed the colors forever now hrfejkd do u happen to have it open or? :0


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it makes me happy to see that [possibly] all of your characters are gay

I think this person traced your art, they said they didn't use a base like i thought they had.

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I was trying to make sure man

shiny math rocks are good

just wondering, do you do comms?  

Your art hasn't been coming up w your usual heavy watermarks lately! Just with the TH icon at the center. 

Hi there! Just letting you know I sent you a message about verifying a character. Thanks!