startle's Bulletins


Posted 18 hours, 15 minutes ago by startle

best kind of tabby patterning?

5 Votes mackerel
3 Votes classic / blotched
1 Votes spotted / broken mackerel
1 Votes ticked
10 Votes rosetted, marbled, etc

HI GUYS I'm so sorry I forgot to write a bulletin last week, I procrastinated on my packing / etcetera so I didn’t have the time to post anything, many apologies!

As with the past four summers, I will be working at a rural overnight camp that gets basically no service at all & is 22 hours of work a day 6 days a week yadda so I will basically not be contactable throughout the entirety of the next three weeks. This summer I am only working the first three weeks of camp (the last week and a half were staff training, so that’s why I was gone) so you can expect me FULLY back on July 6th. 

I do have Saturdays “off” ( June 15, June 22, June 29, July 6 ) but I leave camp at ~2ish, get back at maybe ~3ish, and then I have to be at camp at 1pm SHARP on Sunday, so it’s not very much of a break unfortunately. Please don’t expect a lot of activity from me during those times - I’ll probably be focusing on helping out the SB staff team with the overwhelming amount of applications that were definitely-maybe-a-little my fault… oops. 

As for ArtFight, I will be trying to participate a lot this year; I start RA training a week after I get back from camp but that should hopefully not interfere with things TOO much…? Who knows, though. You can find my artfight HERE – I’ll update this with which team I’m picking when those drop tomorrow!

Thanks for your patience, the INCREDIBLE reception to my video, and I’m also SO sorry if I missed anyone’s messages, I did NOT expect that video to blow up and I got wayyyy more DMs / etc than I was expecting; prepping for camp & editing/recording/etcetera that long of a video at the same time definitely burned me out and I’m sorry for the ghosting that may have happened as a result :(


  • 5 Blisters
  • 1 Second-Degree Burn
  • 1 Infected Toe ( no, I do not know how this happened, either )
  • Hornet Stings ( occurred like this morning! 6/14! )
  • 23 Bruises ( I don’t know where I got these... )


This is the LOWEST score I’ve had in years!! I really need to study my mosquito locations and get back to you guys… embarrassing performance on my end, honestly…

Anyways, yes! That is the information, thank you all again for being so awesome, and I hope everyone has a fantastic summer!

RIP to a Legend…

Posted 1 month, 28 days ago by startle

What Do You Bring to the Funeral?

15 Votes 💐 Flowers
6 Votes 📝 A Solemn Poem
20 Votes 🎵 Sorrowful Music
5 Votes 🤵 Mourning Clothing
14 Votes ⌨️ B, X, 3

I am sorry to inform everyone that on April 18th, 2024, my beloved computer has finally decided to brick itself to the point I can’t even get to or past the lockscreen. We had such good times together… such amazing memories… but I guess all good things have to come to an end eventually. Sad.

Anyways I have been expecting this for a while and I have money set aside for this exact purpose so I’ll probably be able to get a new one this weekend (?) if everything goes right although the fate of my files is up in the air… hoorayyy ( <— voice of girl not looking forwards to having to repirate Sony Vegas or redo her PMV WIPs). So for the next few days you can expect me to not create digital art & be way less effective at communication, any other tasks that require a computer, etc, since I live in dorms without a roommate 2 hours away from home without anyone to borrow a laptop from.

Can’t even do my schoolwork now smh… I suppose I will take up a monastic lifestyle or just read fanfiction for the next four days.

WE'RE DONE !! [google forms poll also!]

Posted 2 months, 22 days ago by startle

Pick A Flower

3 Votes 🌼 Chamomile
17 Votes ⛈️ Forget-Me-Not
6 Votes 🪞 Heather
5 Votes 🦇 Poppy
6 Votes 🕊️ Rose
15 Votes ☀️ Sunflower

Today is Day 100 (the finale) of Mission 205!!

I actually cannot believe that I managed to consistently upload an entry a day for 100 days but I've done it! 

For those unaware (fair...) Mission 205 is a creative writing project I was doing where I wrote in-character journal entries / 'mission logs' for a particular span of time and live-updated them (ie when it was January 20th IRL it was January 20th in Mission 205). It was a super, super fun creative writing project and now that it's all done you can read it all at once if you want!

I'd like to also give a special THANK YOU to the people who commented on nearly every upload; you guys kept me going through the whole project and I cannot thank you enough, you are some of my best friends and the most important people in my life and every single comment you left made my day a million times better. I couldn't have done it without you!


For Day 100 I (spoiler alert) drew a sort of short comic strip, but for a while I'd like to keep it on thumbnail-only so only people who reach Day 100 get to actually read it; hope that's understandable :P


Lately I've been trying to 'study' something that's very difficult to do by myself, so I thought I'd make a poll in order to get a larger / more easily accessible 'sample size'! 

Despite the questions in the beginning I unfortunately probably won't find the energy to make it into a YouTube video, at least for a good while, so don't expect that; the question is mostly there just in case. I will try to make a ToyHouse bulletin about the results though!

Anyways, I hope everyone is having a fantastic March, I would really appreciate it if you read M205 but you do not have to / please feel no pressure to do so, and have a lovely rest of your day!

that valentine's poll: three days late edition

Posted 3 months, 30 days ago by startle

who gets the apple sorry i mean which do you want

4 Votes power
10 Votes common sense
20 Votes hot wife

filled out this survey instead of studying for my chemistry quiz. pray for me guys. also i stole this from swiffer... sorry its like three days late i think i had a fever or something or maybe it was the chemicals i inhaled on tuesday by having the fume sash up. much to consider.

Have a Crush? 

  i haven't had a crush in like. holy shit. sixx years (?)

Favorite Candy? 

  can't get enough of these stupidly expensive bastards

Favorite Love Songs? 

  wildfire | valley girl | rivals | bad love | do it 2 me | never be mine | danger to myself | room for you | thunder | bowerbird | messengers 


  fairly certain i'm cishet sorry guys

Poems or Love Letters? 

  oh, poems, 110%. i adore writing poetry and i love reading it, it's so fun -- my favorite poet is pablo neruda!

Favorite Fanfic Trope(s)? 

  soulmates, slow burn, secret relationships, 'outsider' perspective, a basic understanding of grammar.

Ever Been in Love? 

  doubt it.

Favorite Milkshake Flavor?

  funny story about my tastebuds, they're super wacked out.

Dinner Dates or Brunch Dates?

  if you try to take me to any restaurant, let alone for the worst two meals ever invented, i will maul you.

Favorite Flower?

  snowdrops! they're the first flower of spring. tiger lilies are my mother's favorite.

Favorite Perfume?

  my sense of smell is also wacked out.

Favorite Candle Scent?

  see above.

What's Your Ideal First Date? 

  i don't date.

Favorite Love Story?

  whatever the characters in my head have going on.

Most Attractive Thing a Person Could Wear?

  'attractiveness' is defined by the person you're trying to attract, so there's no universal answer to this. a good, strong sense of fashion and good hygiene standards are pretty acceptable across the board though. 

Chocolate, Vanilla, or Red Velvet?

  vanilla hands down.

Snow, Rain, or Sun?

  thunderstorms <3 the sun startles me

Favorite Dating Sim? Favorite Character in it? 

  slay the princess, the beast.

Dream Wedding? 

  i'm not interested in getting married.

What Makes You Blush?

  fever. lol. also fanfiction i guess sometimes but it's mostly secondhand embarrassment. 

Believe in Love at First Sight?

  'love' is a complex phenomenon and mostly describes a bond between two people, so it would be impossible to form within seconds. you can be strongly attracted very instantaneously though, and there's no reason that couldn't lead to a good relationship.

Do You Believe in Soulmates?

  i'm the least religious / spiritual person possible.

Denim Jackets, Leather Jackets, or Bomber Jackets?

  i love bomber jackets.

Star Sign?


You Single?

  yes and thank fucking god am i right? who has the time...

Do you Prefer to Charm or Be Charmed?

  do not look at me.

Guitar or Piano?

  they both have their strengths and weaknesses. not sure which one would win in a cage fight.

Favorite RomCom / Romantic Movie?

  i don't watch these but i bet my mother could recommend you 2000 identical hallmark couples.

Valentine's Decorations?

  despite my lackluster enthusiasm in these responses, valentine's is actually my favorite holiday although that's entirely aesthetically based. i like most valentine's decorations, although i will say that red and pink next to each other make me want to tear my hair out 95% of the time. keep it to just pink and you're golden.

Cloudgazing or Stargazing?

  stargazing; cloudgazing is boring whereas i usually have at least one coworker who knows something about stars when we drag the campers out to complete stuff for their pins or whatever.

Like to Dance?

  in theory strongly yes. in practice, never in front of people but i'll do random ballet moves i half-remember when i'm alone on occasion. i like movement. 


  these idiots changed my brain chemistry age 11

Kittens or Puppies?

  kittens ( <-- allergic to cats and stupid ). 

Coffee, Hot Chocolate, or Tea?

  fun story about my taste buds! before my sense of taste was zombified, out of these three i'd only drink hot chocolate.

Favorite Soda?

  i've actually always hated soda, although i will refer readers to previous statements vis a vis sense of taste.

Gazing Wistfully Out the Window or Lying Dramatically Over the Sofa?

  staring out the window. i have the nosiness of your average poorly-trained toy breed.

Favorite ABBA Song?

  lay all your love on me. sorry its basic; i'm not a huge abba guy... (not as in i don't like them, as in i'm not hipster-pretentious about them, so i don't try to know everything abt them or have a sufficiently indie favorite song of theirs etc) 

Fuck / Marry / Kill?

  guys you have to like put people in these you can't just ask this with no context!

Favorite Pajamas?

  i don't wear clothes to bed. for some reason this surprises people? even when i do wear clothes to bed they're just. my regular ones. i don't understand the pajama thing. 

Think About Love a Lot?

  yeah the fools in my head are having dramatic romantic tragedies all the time

Walk in the Park or a Walk on the Beach?

  i'm flabbergasted. a this or that question where i actually really strongly like both answers? i guess i'd have to go with beach here because this is probably referring to like, a playground type of park, but if this means middle of the woods oourgh i don't think i could make a good faith choice here sorry...

Hand Kisses or Nose Kisses?

  did you know that humans have so much bacteria in our mouths that it's actually a fairly high infection risk if you get bit by a person?

Dream House?

  um one that has the necessities to live and i have my own room and i can afford it. i don't have super high standards.


if you want opinions on love from someone a bit more obsessive about favorable towards it, i will plug mission 205 again -- which is my creative writing project that updates daily, constructed as a series of in-character diary entries mission logs! it's over halfway published, lots to read if you need something mildly entertaining to get you through the day <3

here's some songs you can listen to while you read it if you want?

college 2: the sequel

Posted 5 months, 20 hours ago by startle

how long is your winter break

13 Votes [ free from school button ]
3 Votes one week, and i'm in highschool.
1 Votes one week, and i'm in college.
31 Votes two weeks, and i'm in highschool.
0 Votes two weeks, and i'm in college.
5 Votes three weeks, and i'm in highschool.
1 Votes three weeks, and i'm in college.
3 Votes ~1 month, and i'm in highschool.
4 Votes ~1 month, and i'm in college.
2 Votes [ middle schooler button?? i'm a poor influence don't follow me... ]

after having accomplished what experts estimate to be nothing of importance across my entire month long winter break (apologies for the seething jealousy i have just invoked in all highschool students) i have returned to college, and my dorms, huzzah. i was going to say 'expect a dip in activity' but honestly i'm far more social (even online) when i'm being forced out of my room, so expect my activity to be entirely unpredictable as per usual. 

i am currently listless, still burned out, and projectless, but i expect the wizards to curse me with a new project in three to four business days and all of you will likely have to deal with the consequences, so please prepare. i haven't been working on anything but mission 205 is on day 32 (?) now if you were like waiting for there to be more than one chapter to read or something idfk... anyways... 


aster sunstartle


Posted 5 months, 9 days ago by startle


21 Votes merry happy!
22 Votes merry merry!
2 Votes what

no more designing for me for the rest of the year (2024)!!!!!!!!!!!! hell yes !!!!!!!!!!

i have finished my christmas designs late as all gte out but thats okay i finished a design for each of the eighteen people who filled out my form so all is good and well in the world or whatever something something 


here they all are laid out very poorly etcetera (firealpaca does not have any sort of grid snapping feature so attempting to align layers is a challenge...)

anyways they Will be this late again next year as i have learned nothing at all. god bless

oh yeah and everyone can use this base for free if you want. merry!


sorry for the delay!

Posted 5 months, 19 days ago by startle

babes what do we do for burnout

3 Votes push through it somehow
6 Votes lay on the floor until its over
15 Votes go indulge in different creative activity ur not burned out in
4 Votes touch grass
15 Votes mindlessly consume media

As I'm sure everyone may have noticed (or may not have? I don't know!) I have unfortunately failed in my quest to complete the Christmas designs for everyone. Not to worry, they will all be finished! I was going to give a date on this but I have decided to not do that for reasons which will maybe become clear, but regardless: I am very sorry for the delay!

My misfortune is entirely self-inflicted, but essentially my eyes were too big for my stomach (drawing ability) and I massively burned myself out while working on this year's Secret Sumire PMV, to the point that this bulletin (and my online presence) are two entire days late, which I also apologize for. I feel physically ill which I very well might be and have spent that time reading / intermittently in bed and not being productive... sigh... Which is why I don't feel comfortable giving a timeline on the Christmas design completion, since just thinking about drawing right now is enough to make me even more tired.

If you would like to watch the PMV in question, you can do so



Algorithm-boosting actions ie commenting, etc are massively appreciated! <3 It's underperforming since I barely promoted it and published it at midnight... who could ever have predicted this...

That PMV seriously sucked the life out of me lmfao

Anyways, I'm posting this to force myself to return to (online) society since I have a tendency of sequestering myself away when I'm ill / tired, so I'll be getting around to messages / comments etcetera as fast as I can. Thank you guys so much for your patience and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!


heres divinity holding nox since i find this gif amusing and also this is me reacting to everyone who is nice to me [ with the utmost of affection ]

(my) birthday & gifts For You & other stuff

Posted 6 months, 1 day ago by startle

birth month?

3 Votes first one
3 Votes valentine's
5 Votes easter month i guess
8 Votes prank month
8 Votes flowers
3 Votes pride month
4 Votes fireworks month
5 Votes august
7 Votes back to school
6 Votes halloween
2 Votes thanksgiving nightmare
5 Votes holiday season

hello! i'm nineteen now (12/14). huzzah !

....okay anyways back to the important stuff:

so, as I did last christmas, I am making gifts for everyone! I can never remember birthdays so I try & compensate by just getting everyone something for christmas lol.



Unsure if we're friends? No worries!

Are you on the SB Staff team? -> Yes, we're friends, stfu (lovingly).

Do I follow you? -> Yeah, we're probably friends.

Otherwise... I mean, there's a chance? ^^; 

Worst comes to worst I just don't make a design if I don't know you lol... 

Unfortunately, I'm majorly behind on my Secret Sumire and also I'm tired as all get-out so I don't have the time to do art this year, just designs </33 sorry sorry a million apologies...

As was the case last year, the base I use to make these designs will be released publicly / as a F2U base on Christmas Day, so everyone gets thar small 'gift' from me too !

In other business, as a birthdaychristmas gift to myself I'm starting 'publication' of Mission 205, which is a creative writing project that I will be updating every day for the next 100 days. They're styled as journal entries and are relatively quick & digestible! 

I know that it's hard to ask for 'reviews' from anyone, but if anyone ever wants to comment on it it would mean the world to me! 

Hopefully M205 can be a good testing ground for future, more complex ideas...

If people decide to keep updated with it I think I could die happy <3

animation meme :3x

Posted 7 months, 24 days ago by startle

whenif you animate, you prefer to...

9 Votes tween
27 Votes hand-draw (frame by frame)

I HAVE FINALLY MADE A VIDEO... after a month... lmao.



comments on the video are infinitely appreciated -- don't even have to be about anything! maybe tell me what you're going for for halloween?

sincerest apologies...

Posted 7 months, 25 days ago by startle

QUICKLY, which nucleic base is the best?!

9 Votes Cytosine
4 Votes Guanine
14 Votes Thymine
5 Votes Adenine
7 Votes Uracil

...for what I'm about to do.

Remember like two weeks ago when I uploaded all of those sketches? Yeah... I've got 251 more. Sorry. This is the last time I'll be doing such a large image dump, I swear! I only get to use the scanner when I visit my parents' house so you know I have to make the most of my time... lol. You can always edit your subscription to not give you image upload notifications! Or you can watch me have a mental breakdown in the image descriptions in real time; whatever floats your boat!

also be ready for tomorrow... cause I have something prepared for YouTube ;3x
