startle's Bulletins

skull emoji

Posted 2 years, 5 days ago by startle

hiking opinion

10 Votes frothing at the mouth let ME do 15 miles
6 Votes i like them !! do em pretty regularly
18 Votes ah yes, ive been on a hike before
14 Votes horrendous enver say the word hike to me ever again

soooo uhh im home until wednesday (well, tuesday really cause i should be back wednesday morning) bc i caught covid el oh el :sob:

and then my power went out !! twice !! while i had a fever

its been an intersting couple of days....


but look at all the designs i got done while i was out !!! 

HIT 50 WOOOO im probably stopping now tho lmfaooo

camp has been very very fun im hyped to go back my favorite thing i did was a 15 mile hike !!! up very difficult terrain it was so so fun and i only touched stinging nettle twice which is a significant achievement considering how much of it there was (i was not as successful w/ regards to greenbriar). 

look at how fucked up my legs got thooo bahaha



it really doesn't hurt im completely fine !! just goes to show how much stuff you do at camp tho -- and this is just staff training :flushed:

anyways had a nice fun fantastic time, i love my fellow staff ex oh ex oh, uhhh but i can probably do stuff until tuesday/wednesday !! remember i do have covid so activity will probably be spotty a little bit, but just wanted everyone to know that i am unexpectedly online for a few days :)


Posted 2 years, 14 days ago by startle

whats ur summer camp history...

35 Votes never gone </3
11 Votes went once, never gone since
24 Votes ehhh ive been to a few
13 Votes i am a regular summer camper
0 Votes i spend all summer at camp(s) uwu

hii! hi.

So, as some of you may know and some of you may not know, I have been attending the same outdoors, overnight summer camp for like ~9 years (Maybe? It's so many that I've lost count...). This is the first year that I am going to be an actual counselor, which means I'm getting paiidddd baybee! But it also means that I will be there longer than usual. 

The camp which I will be working at is (as previously stated) an outdoors, overnight camp. It also has a strict no-cellphones/other electronic devices rule for the campers; staff are strongly encouraged to not use devices in front of campers for a variety of reasons. The service kind of sucks anyways... And counselors get around 2 hours of break a day, which also includes showering, so really it's a bit less. 

What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to be largely inactive for the vast majority of the summer.

Again, I have up to two hours of break every day, might be able to do some sneaky phone time when campers aren't looking and I also get (some of) Saturday off. This means that I may be able to sporadically respond to messages, and if I am feeling up to it I /might/ be able to do some very, very quick digital art. However, writing long posts, detailed or consistent art, etc is a no-go.


... Maybe, I might end earlier than that but we'll see.

I also might be working at the day camp for one week. If that is the case I'll get evenings off and can actually do some art :) But don't bet on it lol. 

Please understand that 22 hours of being a camp counselor a day is physically and mentally exhausting. If I don't get back to you or am not very chatty, I'm sorry. If it takes me three weeks to get to your character offer, I'm sorry. Knowing myself, I am going to likely prioritize 'easy' and 'fun' things due to my lack of energy -- which, if I'm predicting right, would probably just be chatting with friends. So either save your rougher things for after camp, or be content with a lackluster/late response ^^;;


  • Sumire's Blessings

As I'm sure my endless promotion has made you aware, Sumire's Blessings is soon-to-be entering it's second season. I am not the only moderator on the mod team! I have done my best with the time I had; I have faith that they will be able to run the applications smoothly. I will make an announcement when applications are posted (yes I will ping everyone who asked to be pinged <3) as soon as I can.

All thirty-six designs up for grabs designs can be found here. [I'm also allowing those who get in to use this base but no one else!! mwahaha!!]


Those designs, again, will be given freely to applicants who get in. The Season 1 server is open to spectators (and we also have a preview/practice application form up in there...)! Here is more information about the roleplay, and here is the list of all pre-made cats available for Season 2 (see previous link for what that /means/). 

Anyways, even though I am gone I am confident that the seven other people on the mod team can pull through! Keep an eye/ear out for when apps open.

  • First Watch

First Watch stuff is temporarily put on pause, although I will be working on story and maybe a bit of scripting at camp (Because funnily enough, notebooks are legal! Crazy, I know...). The base 3D model is coming along, I'm currently working on rigging it (which manages to screw everything else up because Blender hates me) and will move onto texture painting Sun's model soon! Although soon is relative, considering I won't have much time to work on it haha. 

Here's the GIF wip I posted a while ago -- I have since fixed the face, but I am Not showing you it because I haven't fixed the texture painting for the new mesh and he looks bald. So you get this slightly-weird face instead. 


  • Discord Server/Species/500+ Subs Thing

All three of these are tied together; and I'm sorry to say that it's going to have to happen after camp. I want to advertise my Discord server in the 500 subs thing (which will likely be some kind of raffle), and I want to code a bot for my species in the server before it starts up, and Python is hard to learn <//3. If it ends up still taking forever when I get back, I'll probably still drop the raffle before the Discord server gets finished if it ever does lol. 



(there's like. some species wip stuff bc i'm fairly confident i didn't post anything abt it on here...)

  • Writing Contest

Yes! I'm sorry this is coming a day late, but the winner of the writing contest is saltyb0ba, who wrote some ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROSE! Please, please go read it -- Leo is a FANTASTIC writer <3

  • ArtFight

So. I have an ArtFight account, and I have characters up. During it's runtime, I will try my best to make some attacks (Current strategy I plan on using: sketching out designs at camp, digitizing them on my day(? half day?) home); however please understand that it will be very, very hard for me to return any. If you would still like to attack me anyways, it is SUPER APPRECIATED!! 

"But how will I entertain myself without your endless string of content?? :("

Great news, I have created so much content in the past and unless you're stalking me (...) there is no way anyone has consumed all of it! Here are some Things I Have Made which you may entertain yourself with:

  1. You can read the entirety of (what I have posted of) First Fire. The writing is a bit old and it's sometimes clunky, but idk some people have told me it's entertaining :) At the very least it is Long.
  2. I have a YouTube channel which has quite a few videos! Here are some unlisted old or wip videos if you would like to watch them, too: [meme, map part, map part, meme, unfinished hawkfrost animatic, meme, voiceover speedpaint, sketch oc animatic, wip oc animatic i actually wanna finish, and finally an unfinished meme i wanna remake w/ a new model
  3. You can go read through all of the First Watch bios, because idk I think some of them are funny :) If I get the time tonight I'll put more of my lore dumps like this one in a stash/doc (they're pre-written but hosted on TiddlyWiki). Also super unrelated but muts/friends lmk if you want to be put on an 'i know flashfire + dashtag's secret identities' list bc all of their civilian art is private rn <//3 
  4. Go uhhmmm spectate Sumire's Blessings I write a lot of the plot :)
  5. Read back through every bulletin I have ever posted
  6. Stalk my Twitter account, where I exclusively simp for women with fangs.
You know, maybe I don't put out that much content... huh...

My final message: Go watch some of Dr. Sapolsky's psychology lectures. I know it looks boring, but give it five minutes and you'll be hooked!

also im at college orientation tomorrow lol so also not v active. next week + half is staff training so it's like a general downwards spiral into inactivity...

edit: aforementioned unorganized lore dump


Posted 2 years, 22 days ago by startle

[READ POST FIRST] Interested?

51 Votes Yes
16 Votes No


I am one of the moderators for Sumire’s Blessings, which is a medium-high literacy, long form, heavily moderated roleplay. It’s kind of a warrior cats RP; but it ditches traditional Clan structures in a variety of ways, from the warrior code to how it handles ghosts/spirits, ‘magic’, and visions.

We are currently approaching the fifth and final chapter of Season 1, which focuses on the journey a group of ParaClan cats are taking to locate and being home the tooth of their god, Sumire.

Once this chapter is finished and loose ends have been tied up, we will be opening the server to new members! A lot more new members.

Characters which can be applied for will be from four primary ‘factions’:

1. ParaClan, which is a “Clan” that worships Sumire, their god. They are pacifists by nature, adhering to strict rules and isolating themselves from their Clanmates in order to gain spiritual abilities.

2. The Noveau Flame, a group of cats who are either ex-ParaClan or have been wronged by ParaClan in some way. They are aggressively non-religious and are (mostly) fueled by spite.

3. The Polix, who used to be a large group of city cats worshipping the god Crescendo through song. After taking heavy losses in a huge battle with their long-time rival, AlleyClan, there are only a few survivors left trying to rebuild. 

4. AlleyClan, a city Clan known for their rowdy and aggressive demeanor. They are mostly made up of younger cats, and don’t have much of a code — or many issues with using violence to solve their problems.

MOST CATS which you can apply for are pre-made canon characters, however a lot of freedom is offered with most of them. Many canon cats you can apply for only have a group, name, age, maybe a gender, and possibly one or two family members. The rest is up to you.

As with Season 1 Applications, those who join will have the option of receiving a free design. Designs are not usually tied to characters; instead characters might have a color (eg ‘this is a black cat’) or may even have no restrictions at all, thus allowing you to pick any design that falls under the category. If you need an example, here is how the designs were handled in Season 1 — applicants selected their top design choices. This time around, however, you may also choose to make the design for your character yourself (if you do this you cannot also claim a design lol).

This bulletin is designed as a season 2 INTEREST CHECK. Due to some changes in how moderation/plots will be handled going forwards, we no longer require a 1:1 moderator to actor ratio. Thus, we feel comfortable adding many more actors than we previously had.

We are sending this poll out a bit early so that we know how many actors we need to prepare for — and thus how many designs need to be created, how we should realistically structure plots based on the number of participants, etc. It is likely that it will take 1-3 months for Season 2 Applications to open.

So, let us know! Would you be interested in joining the cast for Season 2? AS A REMINDER:

1. This is a highly active and highly literate roleplay. RP responses are written in prose and are usually above two paragraphs in length. We will also be implementing activity checks — so don’t just join, make a cat, and check out. All cats are plot-important in some way, and we take great care in our plots.

(It’s also not a rule, but currently we have a very active + engaged community with regards to OOC/non-RP-related chatting as well as art creation; so please be aware that you’re also signing up for this.)

2. Sumire’s Blessings deals with heavy subject matter. Season 2 in particular deals a lot with DEATH, SPIRIT POSSESSION, AND RESSURECTION. If these sorts of things make you uncomfortable, this server may not be the right fit for you. 

3. And yes, it is a server! You must be at least 13 years of age and have access to Discord in order to participate.

4. Unless you have been banned/kicked from the server, those who have left due to lack of interest, activity levels, or other such reasons are welcome back for Season 2 if you would like.   It is rather difficult to handle some plot things when people leave, though, so please only re-apply if you are fully confident that you have the time + interest to fully commit.

If all of those check out for you and you’re very interested, let us know by voting! The more people that we can be reasonably sure will apply, the more custom character slots we’ll be opening. (It really will be easier to get in with a pre-made character, but I know some people like to ‘name their own cats’ or whatever 🙄/j)

WE WILL ALSO HAVE A PING-LIST FOR WHEN SEASON 2 APPLICATIONS OPEN. If you would like to be put on the ping-list, please let me know in the comments on this bulletin (I may not respond to it, but trust me: you will be added).

On the fence/need more info about the RP? You can check out more about Sumire’s Blessings on its Toyhouse world page here.

Additionally, the active Season 1 Discord server is open for spectators! You don’t even need to talk if you don’t want to, feel free to pull some ghost shenanigans. The invite link is here:

If anyone has any questions not answered in this bulletin, ask away! We will not be revealing information regarding possible mod/helper positions, any designs, or undecided aspects like how character secrets will be treated at this time.
(have some corvidlotus as a thank-you for reading)


character questions :)

Posted 2 years, 26 days ago by startle

what was your first 'character'?

7 Votes self-insert (or 'sona') fandom oc
7 Votes non self-insert fandom oc
7 Votes a 'fursona' (anthro or otherwise)
16 Votes a random animal character
2 Votes a human/humanoid sona, but slightly to the left (magical or whatever)
3 Votes a human/humanoid who wasn't representative of you
4 Votes other (comment?)


look at this comic i drew!! :)

okay question time [i stole these from qwizz thank u qwizz]

1.) which of your characters represents you the most?

missy probably, she's my sona lol. i will say that i don't tend to make 'insert' characters -- i put a piece of myself into every story and character of mine, but i don't usually fully project myself onto any of them. i don't know why that is but i've never really been able to do it haha.

with the core first watch cast, i actually did put pieces of my personality into them to help me connect when writing them, though. however! i also put things which are unlike me into them. it's what makes them interesting to me; i'm able to draw out connection and empathy from our shared traits so that i can properly understand the ones we don't share. 

annulet is very academically minded and she's caught between her shyness and her urge to stand out and take charge. however, unlike me she loves math/engineering, prefers for things to have a concrete answer, and she's very responsible, always needing a plan.

180 is optimistic and incredibly sheltered, a bit distracted and idealistic. however she is also very energetic, and she's willing to take risks and openly rebel against authority.

kudzu loves biology, doesn't like to seem weak in front of others, feels a strong desire to be useful. but she's snappy, and aggressive; she has no issue with being assertive and telling someone to their face that she doesn't like them.

sun is obsessed with psychology/sociology, he goes through the world like he's seeing it for the first time, he is bad at making the first move when talking to people but is a chatterbox when you get him to open up. he daydreams. and yet sun is secretive, he's often violent, he doesn't really feel like changing or challenging his worldviews but he also always ends up doing the right thing anyways.

i don't really know where i was going with that... i guess what i'm saying is that i try to make my characters relatable to myself whilst also recognizing them as their own people. i know this question was probably about sonas or whatever, but it's your fault for reading all of it :P

2.) which of your characters represents you the least?

i mean this as lovingly as possible but every single one of the characters in this folder barely resembles me. which is good! i prefer to focus on different lives, it's entertaining for me.

3.) what is your favorite design that you've made?

i have a whole favorites folder for them actuallyyy but i'll name some specifics.

finn is very fun + i like how elegant the design is, despite its theming.

my love for lotusfall's design is absolutely mostly because i adore how wishy draws him but i can't help it mannnn

pink + orange are my favorite colors ever and flamingo has them in spades!

buttercup.... tiger....

i don't usually favorite characters i happen to own, so of my designs that i am also in possession of: 

i kept wipeout from an adoptable set for a reason.

aand the same can be said for shimmer

i actually really love what i did with divinity's redesign, but i think kinetika is objectively the best-designed first watch character as of right now.

4.) what is your favorite design you own?

there's no way i can pick just one! it's a toss-up between windfall and pinnace, whomst i absolutely adore even though i don't draw them as much as i should nowadays <//3

i actually haven't grown out of my tropical-theme...-phase...

5.) what is your biggest yet-to-obtain dreamy?

okay so dreamie folders are very weird for me, because some people see them as a shopping list and i Definitely Do Not. full-stop, there's no way, some of those cost upwards of 100$ are you kidding me?? i'm going to college man i have to pay my tuition ;;w;;

i treat dreamie folders more as a ... favs folder i guess?? lmao. like, 'wow this design knocks my socks off' kind of deal. there are a significant portion of designs in those folders that i don't think i'd actually want to own, so when i list these please understand that these are not just yet-to-obtain, but probably 'will-never-obtain-and-i-don't-really-feel-like-trying' bahaha


fritt is straight-up the absolute love of my life, would kill for/die for her.... she has the fuckkiiing bow.... i'm not gay but....

adorable, showstopping, incredible

halcyon.... her little fangs.....

man im getting too obsessed with this art again ughhh so im not gonna list any more specific ones, but here's my top dreamie folder! they r so fun to look at <3

6.) what is your most prized achieved dreamie?

i don't actually think that i've ever like. achieved a dreamie in my life lol just cause i really don't care to try !! 

7.) what is your oldest character?

that's a bit of a hard question, i guess, because where do you draw the line? i've been technically making characters since i can remember, because i've been writing stories my entire life. 

the oldest character that i can truly remember with any sort of clarity is a warrior cats oc named meadowwind, whomst was a brown-and-white patched mackerel tabby she-cat. she was born a rogue and abandoned, being adopted into windclan where she then became deputy and died tragically in a fire. 

my oldest fursona was named iron; she was a gray-and-white husky.

the oldest character that i have uploaded to toyhouse is chumo, who was my second or third fursona, although she's on private so no one can see her :P

8.) what is your newest character?

lmaooo apparently it's sly fox which... good for him i guess!

9.) favorite feral character you own?

oh fidgetfire no QUESTION!! look at her !


this is my profile pic for a reason <3 fidget means so much to me; not only is her design fantastic (this isn't a self-compliment lol i just mean that i love the aspects of it, it's bright orange and she's a slightly-feral woman), but also her story is very long, complex, interesting, etc -- and ON TOP of that she's like. sort of a representation of sumire's blessings to me, i guess. aaaaandndbd dd i slove myyy server sooo much shdgtyhj snfffffffff

10.) favorite human(oid) character you own?

why would you do this to me <//3 im NOT picking just one

flashfire lives in my head rent free, i literally daydream about them 24/7 (not. like that), their story is sooo <3 they're just so sick and cool and they're so resilient it makes me wanna cry. yes i know i wrote them that way but listen LISTEN okay!!

divinity is my little blorbo scrungly !!! he has questionable morals and hes a narcissist but like, a loveable narcissist <3 and he wears pinnkkkk and i love feminine men okay! he is also the other half of my daydream scenarios (NOT LIKE THAT) so ig i have2 put up with him ... (/affectionate)

i know i don't actually talk abt them that much, but i ADORE dashtag to pieces. they're the absolute best sibling (well. okay. a very good one) and they're super funny and i love the way they think about the world !! they argue w/ ppl all the time and its rly funny to think abt.

i also also love sun, but i'm still working on who he's going to be as a person outside of .... the context of how i think about him now (iykyk) so i don't think it'd really be fair to say that i like who he is in what is arguably his 'backstory' phase. this goes for the other first watch protags, too! i'm still hammering out their character and story arcs; so its really hard for me to conceptualize them because they're super malleable right now -- as opposed to flashfire, divinity, and dashtag, who are suitably past their backstories in my head :P

but yeah lol i've got that maladaptive daydreaming type beat going (thank u adhd ....) so when i say they're in my head all of the time i absolutely mean it pfff. flashfire's playlist has 112 songs on it and i'd say i have amvs in my head for ~75% of them

11.) favorite anthro character you own?

hmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm uh

i'm just now realizing that i totally neglect my non-story ocs ;;w;;

i suppose missy!! again, i like her a lot, she's got a lot of design tropes i adore. 

12.) first original species you obtained?

i think it was actually a dutch angel dragon (whomst i have since sold/traded) that i made myself when i first joined the furry fandom ~4 or so years ago! original species don't really hold that much interest for me unless i am the one making the species, mostly because i need some kind of community and hard guidelines around it (which most open species don't really provide) or i don't want to drop money for a closed species myo.

i really love species in concept which is why i try and make so many of my own, but i have such a terrible time getting engaged in other people's species. maybe it's the lack of lore? it could also be the fact that its hard to mesh with other stories, idk.

i am actually working on a species right now, and i'm gonna add a roleplay and definitely a lot of lore. i think a roleplay is a pretty good way to keep people invested.

13.) what character do you plan to shower with love next?

working on the first watch 3d base model version 3.0.... errr, 4.0..., err.... whatever ! high number.0. once that is done, i am going to give annulet, 180, & kudzu mild redesigns (actually a pretty hefty one in annulet's case and a miniscule one in kudzu's case) and make their models, and once THAT is done i can finally go get some art of them ;;w;;

i don't ACTUALLY love all of the others more than them, i'm just so hesitant to comm art because i know i'm going to want to redesign them before or even as i make their models. but once that's done? yeah, so much art!

14.) what character holds the most $$$ value?

i literally don't keep track of monetary values because if i am selling a character, it sells for what it sells for! i'd imagine the character who has the most monetary value is the one with the most art, but that's so subjective... i've definitely spent the most money commissioning art of flashfire and divinity (i don't really comm art of any other characters) so i guess it's either of them? but a lot of the art is outdated so <//3

15.) what character has the most art?

zex does (75 pieces of her current design), but not counting sonas it's flashfire (52) followed by divinity (49) and then fidgetfire (38)! i don't actually spend that much time collecting art of my characters unless it's character interactions -- which is why they all have so many; a decent portion of that is ship art. most of flashfire's images are actually private (because their secret identity is spoiler territory and i'm getting more serious abt the first watch) as are a fair bit of divinity's, but those numbers are accurate!

i think they also have a lot bc those are the three characters i doodle when i'm bored lolll

16.) what character has the most favorites?

"F2U base" lmaooo

no but in all seriousness, of actual characters it is delphi and then sprite. people like their eggy designs i guess :P

17.) any characters you co-own?

nope! co-owns seem entirely too complicated and because i don't tend to buy characters anyways, there's no incentive for me to co-own any. my favorite kind of co-own is the one where its not a co-own in any sense of the word but your character and someone else's character are shipped or have some other kind of relationship and you draw them almost as much as your character :) those are fun (this is about crowswoop and cherry <3)

18.) if you had to give up all your ocs but one, which would you keep?

well i cannot in good consciousness separate divinity and flashfire, so as much as it kills me i would have to let them go. 

honestly? i'd probably keep fidgetfire out of everyone.

19.) any characters based off of show/book/movie/game?

a lot of my story-heavy characters take decent chunks of inspiration from various other sources, but never in a kinsona or ripoff sense. it's not even so much that they take inspiration from the character themselves -- it's more like the tropes those characters themselves are presenting, if that kind of makes sense? i'll list a few of them so you can see what i mean:

divinity is inspired by ruby pokespe in that he is a feminine male who likes fashion. he's inspired by chat noir because he's a showoff and he's also inspired by ladybug in his creation powers. he's inspired by pit kid icarus in the angel theme. his parallel to laia (and flashfire's parallel to azbithe) is the faintest bit inspired by the comparison zutara shippers draw between zutara and oma + shu's story.

flashfire is inspired by sapphire pokespe because they're half-feral and blue themed. they're inspired by peril wings of fire because they're a gladiator with a weird type of fire. also the fact that they have like 42 siblings is inspired by the seawing royal family bc i think its funny. 

dashtag is inspired by gold pokespe in that their name is related to gold's hobbies kind of and also some of their temperament. they're inspired by kid flash (teen titans original edition of kid flash) in half of their powers and in some more of their personality. their relationship with flashfire is partially inspired by sokka avatar and his relationship to katara avatar.

etc. i honestly can't even trace back every inspiration i've ever had, but i try to take care to Not entirely or even mostly copy whole characters. i kind of just take bits and pieces of things that i enjoy from various sources, and then i elaborate between those using common sense and music.

20.) your smartest character?

Annulet no question! She has common sense and academic talent.

21.) your clumsiest character?

Fidgetfire's scars are canonically caused by her tripping over and bumping into things because she doesn't usually look where she's going. Sunstrike is also very clumsy because he's adapting to uhhh.... lack of certain senses and certain new senses :)

22.) your evilest character?

Siren hands down. She doesn't have a toyhouse profile yet because I'm struggling with her design, but she's the big bad of the First Watch!verse and is also a terrible horrible evil person. Not only is she a billionaire + company owner, but she got there by kidnapping a child, manipulating him into thinking his father abandoned him, and then using his powers to get a leg up in the supervillain + business world. she's manipulative, abusive, has the most absolutely reprehensible method for keeping her employees in line, and she's also a sadist who likes to physically hurt people she has under her control.

23.) your sweetest character?

oooorugh that's a bit hard... i'm gonna say scarlet signal (who also doesn't have a th profile because i am also struggling with her design!) 

24.) do you have a season/holiday themed character?


25.) a character you are currently wanting to rehome more than any?

tbh i really don't care that much. doesn't kill me to hold on to characters in my trade folder for a bit longer lol ^^;

26.) which of your character's names do you like most?

any of the ones in here! they're all nautical themed in interesting ways (except for windfall, that one is pirate-themed). no matter what i was NOT going to name them boring-ass things like 'ocean' or 'aqua' ughhh those kinds of names are the literal worst i would rather die. i take very good care to name all of my characters interesting and slightly-deranged things :)

27.) which character have you drawn most?

absolutely flashfire hands down! not even like.... digital art, i mean all drawings including doodles. and flashfire is my favorite doodle muse :)

28.) any hybrid characters?

zex is an angel-housecat

spindrift is a tiger-housecat mix

windfall is a cheetah-housecat mix

dashtag, flashfire, and their littermate lyrian (who doesn't have a toyhouse profile) are half-fyrefolke, half-human

divinity is 3/4 holy one, 1/4 human

and that's it i think?

29.) your most unique character?

vivo was suchhh a challenge to design but i don't think i've seen anything like him before! (and if i have i really don't remember lmaoo)


Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by startle

whats ur feelings about the moon

17 Votes i love the moon
2 Votes the moon is my enemy
9 Votes i desire to steal the moon
12 Votes my girlfriend turned into the moon once
13 Votes that's rough buddy
16 Votes the moon is a lesbian
9 Votes i am the moon

Entering my clickbait era! Except it's like true pff.

So, I've finally given in to my heart's desire: I'm hosting a writing contest! Hopefully the first of many, but we'll see how this one goes.

This is NOT a substitute or a replacement for my promised 500 subs... thing (??) ... I'm still working on parts of that that are taking longer than I had anticipated <//3 But it will happen eventually!

This is just something I have wanted to do for a while, and hopefully everyone enjoys it!! Nothing too stressful -- write less than 1000 words of literally whatever you want so long as it follows the one-word prompt <3

The winner gets this design which I have been told some people enjoy! Look at it... so sparkly.... you want to write and be creative ....



111 questions lets get it

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by startle

who is actually going to read all of this lol

28 Votes i am! (why)
10 Votes i ain't reading all that. i'm happy for you. or sorry that happened.

stole these from loki who... yeah im not going down that whole chain whatever these questions are not originally by me and i'm pretty sure anyone can do them etc ^^;;

also i am ALMOST done with my IB exams!! so after those are done i'll probably be hosting that art raffle i promised and will maybe open commissions or make adopts or something. i've just been non-stop screwing abt with blender for the past like.... two weeks on top of exams so those are both the reason for the activity dip, my sincerest apologies!


1). Are you really ready for 111 questions? 

Would I be doing these if I wasn't?

2). Was your last real relationship a mistake?

Haven't had one, will get back to you when I have.

4). Who did you last say "I love you" to?

My dear mother whomst I adore!

5). Do you regret it?

NO! You are never, ever too good or old or etc to tell your mother you love her (unless your mother sucks... or is dead... in which case I'm very sorry). If your mother is a good person and also alive go tell her you love her! Go do it!

6). Have you ever been depressed?

I do not have depression and I rarely get sad, although I have had a rather recent bout of dampened mood (not currently, just recent) because of several overlapping medical issues. Turns out life is more fun when all food you eat doesn't taste like rotting chemicals, who knew!

7). Are you a boy?

No and thank god <3 (I'm a misandrist). 

8). Are you a girl?

Yes and thank god <3 (I'm a misandrist). 

9). What is your relationship status?

Single and based on lifelong trends it will probably stay that way forever </3 ;;w;;

10). How do you want to die? 

Well, I'm personally of the opinion that it could be possible that massively extended lifespans which border on immortality (not in the traditional concept of it) could very well come into reality during my lifetime with increased stem cell research. However, if this is not taken into consideration, I don't really have that much of an opinion on it. I don't tend to like pain, but since after death it's... nothingness... maybe going out with a large amount of feeling would be appropriate. 

All in all, anything that's fast should function. Though the most realistic circumstance is me dying of anaphylactic shock at like 20 because people like to put things I'm allergic to in random ass foods lmaoo

11). What did you last eat? 

Chipotle while I am writing this!

12). Played any sports?

As a child I was on recreational soccer teams for like... six or seven years. I wasn't super good at it but I wasn't awful at it either. I have taken tennis lessons but have never actually competed in a tennis tournament or anything. Since I'm super anemic and hate the outdoors (unless it's camp) I usually stay away from most sports. 

13). Do you bite your nails?

No and I really don't get people who do haha! There's no like... feedback so I don't understand how it's satisfying. I actually usually have very long nails because I forget to trim them frequently and they grow ridiculously fast. 

14). When was your last physical fight? 

I don't make a habit of physically fighting people and am hugely conflict averse, so it was probably a minor scuffle with my brother when we were younger. And when I say younger I mean years back. 

15). Do you have an attitude? 

No lol I'm a people pleaser. 

16). Do you like someone?

No :( Cupid has forsaken me. 

17). What is your real name? 

Funnily enough I'm not feeling the urge to doxx myself online today, but all I am going to say on the matter is that my name was a vague form of nominative determinism (especially when I was younger, people would make jokes about it all the time). 

19). Are you gonna get high later? 

Absolutely not! With all due respect to people who smoke weed, I am much too scared of the neurochemical repercussions as well as the fact that it is illegal. And I have asthma anyways so no <3

20). Do you hate anyone at the moment? 

Unless this question can be applied to supreme court judges and politicians, no. I just distance myself from people I don't get along with, no need to waste the energy.


21). Do you miss someone?

Very vague question. I don't miss anyone very strongly so I guess it depends on where you draw the line. 

22). Twirl or cut your spaghetti? 

Shove it into my mouth with no table manners.

23). Do you tan a lot? 

Last summer I walked into the cabin I was CITing for with black nail polish on (long story) and was immediately accosted by my campers who told me I looked like Mavis from Hotel Transylvania. Despite the fact that my hair is not black nor cut like hers... we don't look or act anything alike...

Anyways long story short I am as white as a ghost and would be very surprised if I ever met anyone as not-tan as I. The 'porcelain' concealer my mother bought for me was too dark against my skin. But I do make a habit of staying out of the sun enough to not sunburn, either. 

24). Have any pets? 

Two (2) dogs and a history of very tragic fish deaths <//3

25). How exactly are you feeling? 

Tired and torn between the addictive urge to return to 3D modeling and my immense exhaustion with it. 

26). Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?

If anyone hasn't done this I would be shocked. 

27). Ever made out in the bathroom? 

You know, I'm getting the feeling there is going to be a lot of romance questions I won't be able to answer on this. 

28). Would you take any of your exes back?

Ah yes, my many exes. 

29). Are you scared of spiders? 

Literally no. If you just turn away and don't look at them, shocker, they don't do anything and you can forget about them! Crazy I know. 

I am not looking forwards to having to console a bunch of six year olds about how spiders aren't that scary ughhhh. 

30). Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 

It is really a question of the rules surrounding it. Do I get to pick the time? Does this mean back in time in my lifespan, or back to any time period? If it is during my lifespan, am I placed in my own body -- or am I the current version of myself, separate from my past self who still exists? Does going back in time create an alternate universe, and which one would I return to or live in? Etc.

31). Do you regret anything from your past?

Eh. Not really. I don't make many bad choices -- really, I don't make many choices at all -- and there's nothing egregiously bad back there. I've had my fair share of stupid, thoughtless decisions, but honestly it's important to recognize the situation you were in and how old you are. I really don't care about a petty fight I had with a friend when I was 11, nor do I judge anyone (even myself) poorly for it. Children are children. 

I really don't want to get into my philosophical disbelief in the concept of free will, but regardless of even all that having empathy for your past self is important, and regretting past mistakes really doesn't do anything for you in the present. You have to learn to just go with the flow (as corny as it sounds). 


32). What are your plans for this weekend?

... 3D modelling. I know, I live a super interesting life.

33). Do you want to have kids? 

I have the desire to be a camp counselor for 10 or so weeks every summer for the next four summers. I do not have the desire to be a full-time camp counselor for 18(+?) years, nor do I have the desire to host a parasite in my body for 9 months. No thanks. 

This has nothing to do with kids, kids are lovely and people who hate kids just for being kids are more annoying than the kids themselves. However it is a lot of responsibility that I really do not want to sign myself up for.


34). Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? 

Do I even know someone whose name starts with an M?

35). Do you type fast? 

'Fast' is subjective. I certainly write a lot.

36). Do you have piercings?

No haha! Not that I'm opposed to having them I just don't think about getting them really.

37). Want any more?

I feel like these two questions should have been a part "A" and a part "B". 

38). Can you spell well? 

I can certainly spell specific words better than the average person, and I have a very expansive vocabulary. However I skipped first grade, so I was left with a less-than-desirable conceptualization of certain words which are usually taught that year. For example, I wasn't able to properly spell 'because' until like... seventh grade.

I'm decently sure that I have figured out that handful of words over the last ten years, but every now and then I will slip up and make an absolutely atrocious spelling error on an incredibly simple word. 

To say nothing of my propensity for typos...

39). Do you miss anyone from your past? 

This is literally a repeat question bahaha. 

40). What are you craving right now?

Sleep. Or a fully-faceted understanding of edge loops and particle generation systems. I am willing to sacrifice one for the other.

41). Ever been to a bonfire party?

I've been to several bonfires and have built several bonfires. Not sure if they count as parties because they were all at camp and there were six year olds present, but...

43). Have you ever been on a horse? 

I mean, I've had my mom pay like 5$ to put 6-year-old me on the back of a horse at a ren fest before.

45). Have you ever broken someone's heart? 

How in the world would I know this lmfaoo. Maybe?? I haven't broken up with someone and I've shot like two people down ever, but I would hardly say they were heartbroken about it.

Also what happened to questions 42 and 44 ????????

46). Have you ever been cheated on?

Wow, I'll have to go and think back on all my myriad of relationships. 

49). Would you live with someone without marrying them? 

Okay, either the person who made this skipped like 5% of the numbers between 1 and 111 or somewhere on the telephone chain of copy and pasting this someone accidentally deleted these.

Anyways, that's called "having a roommate". I know, very surprising, but in this economy it can be difficult to pay rent by yourself. 

50). What should you be doing? 

I dunno probably my quarter's worth of math homework I didn't do but honestly... I've already been accepted into a college...

51). What's irritating you right now? 

Not to be a one-trick pony or anything but holy shit how the fuck are you supposed to do edge loops without a base sculpt?? 

52). Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? 

If you like someone so much it hurts my suggestion is to go to a doctor because I am decently sure that's not normal. Unless this is meant in the metaphorical sense in which case uhhhh maybe write a poem about it I dunno. 

54). What is your favorite color?

Changes with the moon but it typically oscillates between light red (light red is not pink!), hot pink, blush pink, eye-bleeding orange, and gold. 

55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? 

I can do you one better: I can change clothes in a sleeping bag. (But the answer is yes). 

57). Do you have trust issues? 

I generally believe in the inherent good of humanity and that people can rise above their circumstances blah blah and I have Attention Bad Disorder so No. I very much overshare and overtrust.


62). Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?

Here, I'll go poll all of my many, many exes and get back to you on this one.

63). Who was the last person you cried in front of? 


64). Do you give out second chances too easily? 

I'm a professional ghoster but if people can get past my insane ghosting talents (I cannot emphasize enough how good I am at cutting people off) then yeah. Literally just give me a sappy speech and I will 110% forgive you. 

65). Is it easier to forgive or forget? 

I forgive very easily because I instantly immediately forget conflicts. Maybe I'm not even that passive of a person -- maybe I just have the memory of a fruit fly. Much to think about. (For two seconds until I forget to think about it). 

66). Is this year the best year of your life?

That's something which is incredibly hard to quantify. All years of someone's life are good and bad in their own ways, and you are a different person when you experience them. 

67). What was your childhood nickname? 

I am plumbing the depths of my memory and I genuinely do not think I had one. 

68). Have you ever walked outside completely naked?

I have not been naked in public but I have been *outside* -- as in not in a building -- naked, yes. 

70). Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

Sure. It's just that the reasons are usually one or more of the following: Gravity, blood sugar/hormone/biochemical levels, air currents, capitalism, genetics, diet, parenting styles, political scheming, 

71). What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 

Listened to music and read Zutara fanfiction because it's one of the only vaguely popular ships I ship (if your favorite pairing has more than 500 fics on AO3 and/or is the most popular ship in the fandom you do NOT know my pain).


73). What is bothering you? 

Blender. It all comes back to Blender...

74). Have you ever been out of your state? 

I was born out of my state! But yes, even if not considering that. My father doesn't live in my state (and I visit him on occasion), plus I am lucky enough that my family is usually able to go on vacation around once a year. 

75). Do you play the Wii? 

I used to a lot, but my childhood Nintendo console was much more the DSI than it was the Wii. Also I have a Switch now, so...

76). Are you listening to music right now? 

You know what, I wasn't but thanks for the reminder. 

77). Do you like Chinese food? 

So, parosmia is wh

78). Do you know your fathers b- day? 

.... In my defense I don't know my own address. 

79). Are you afraid of the dark? 

I sleep with blackout curtains, and if I can't I have to sleep with an eyemask. Also HOW would there be anything in my room how is it getting in there?? I understand being afraid of dark and unfamiliar or outside locations, but as it is typically presented (ie being afraid to sleep in your bedroom without a nightlight) there is no reason to be afraid other than 'oh no i stepped on a lego because i couldn't see the floor'.


80). Is cheating ever okay?

As a general rule absolutely not, however there are very, very specific situations where it is okay, usually under situations of separation (so the cheating is more 'technically cheating' versus actually cheating') or when the non-cheating partner is abusive or something else bad is happening. These are very rare circumstances, though. 

81). Are you mean? 

I'm very judgmental mentally (NOT on things someone can't control, more like 'this essay is poorly written') but I do not voice and/or act upon those thoughts and am a bit of a doormat so I am going to go with 'probably not'. I could be talked into considering myself mean, though, so if anyone thinks I am then uhhhhhhhhhhhhh feel free to say so I guess?

82). Can you keep white shoes clean? 

I don't think white shoes look very appealing anyways. 

84). Do you believe in true love? 


Where is my soulmate where is he I would like a soulmate.

Actually you know what true love DOES exist when it is my ships. 

88). Do you like the outside? 

I despise the outside unless it is camp.

89). Are you currently bored?

No, I normally fill out huge quizzes when I am sincerely entertained by other activities. 

90). Do you wanna get married? 

If I get married (which is a huge if) I'm not having a wedding if I can help it because that is a lot of money. I'm generally wary of such huge commitments, and it seems like a big choice to be making. However, I have (as I have pointed out several times) never been in a relationship, and it is sincerely possible that with proper context or the right person my opinion on this can/will change. So the answer is: I have no clue. 

91). Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?

Again, see above with regards to relationship experience. However I find 'baby' not a word I tend to enjoy with regards to fictional relationships. I prefer like... sweetheart, darling, dearest, honey, love, etc. Those are a lot sweeter to me (I think sweetheart or love is my favorite -- but again, that's with regards to my interaction with fiction). Honestly, a nickname or personal term of endearment might even be better than those. 

92). Are you hungry? 

I'm on Adderall and have parosmia. Take a gander. 

93). Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?

Sheesh, I can't remember so I'll have to ask my huge mass of exes who I called here previously. 

94). What makes you happy?

Lots of things! Fanfiction, particular ships (franticshipping...), high-speed & high-energy music, imagining scenes with my characters put to said music, biology, genetics, pedigree problems in biology, travelogues, being asked to examine imagery in fiction, most of my teachers, when blender actually works for once, seeing art of my characters, being asked questions about my characters, people taking genuine interest in my characters, particularly cool sets of colors, school being cancelled, a good night's sleep, when shiny pokemon show up, writing, using and creating generators, and a lot more!

Not to mention particular people... my dear mother and stepfather, (sometimes) my brother, my dearest best friends, the sumire's blessings mod team and actors, etc :)

95). Would you change your name?

Ehh probably not, it's a lot of effort. There are certainly names that I like better than my name (I have historically said I would change my name to Piper if I had to pick a new name) but I don't feel so strongly about it to deal with having to tell everyone, having people ask questions about why, having to mentally change the way I address and/or think about myself, changing my name on all documentation etc. And really I don't hate my name! I think it's alright, so I wouldn't go through the effort of picking and donning a new one. 

96). Ever been to Alaska? 

No, although I have (apparently) been to Canada as a baby/toddler. 

98). Do you watch the news?

I get all my news from political Twitch streamers posting on YouTube as well as random people on Twitter Dot Com, which is somehow markedly more accurate information than what is on a lot of professional news channels. 

99). What's your zodiac sign? 

Sagittarius! I am also a Capricorn moon + rising. Zodiacs are super fake but I like learning about them anyways :)

100). Do you like Subway? 

So, parosmia is when

101). Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?

Very difficult! If anyone figures out how to kiss nonexistent people, please let me know. 

102). Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 

Oh yes, one of my many, many close good male friends. I talk to so many men on a regular basis and definitely am not somehow friends with exclusively women.

In all seriousness, though, if I had a best male friend it really depends! I am all for a good friends to lovers story -- but that heavily depends on the feelings being reciprocated. And as this is a hypothetical friend I cannot tell you if they would be. 


105). Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?

This is the traditional teenage rite of passage, to see someone you know while shopping with your parents and immediately begin to avoid eye contact as if they have turned into Medusa. 

106). Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act  yourself around? 

Hmm, let me ask my many male frie

107). Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?

My dear stepfather!

108). Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? 

Yyyess. I have decently bad asthma, and not to mention I can't stand the smell. I'd imagine kissing with that taste in your mouth wouldn't be much fun either. AND its a super expensive addiction to have...

109). Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with? 

My dear mother :)

110). Favorite lyrics right now? 

They have and always will be: "The sky looked white and the water like wine when I first met you/But somewhere along the line/Rayleigh scattered across my eye/And I found her blue." (From Lapis Lazuli by the Oh Hellos)

Which is just PURE GENIUS on so many levels! (If the meaning is escaping you, some languages used to not really have a word for 'blue', which is why in old texts they will describe the sea as wine-dark even though it isn't red and the sky as 'white'). However, here is a collection of some of my other favorites because lyrics is one of if not the most important parts of my enjoyment of a song:

"Oh, yes other hearts were broken/Yeah other dreams ran dry/But our golden ones sail on, sail on/To another land beneath another sky" (from Never Die Young by James Taylor. I am fully confident in saying that the cover of this song by the Arcadian Wild is my favorite song ever period.)

"Oh and tell me what it's like to be loved by you/Cause everybody wants to be loved by you" (from Cherry Street by the Icarus Account). 

"I'd leave a trail of roses that lead back home/(So come back home)" (from She's Killing Me by Rocket to the Moon)

"I don't even need to change the world/I'll make the moon shine just for your view/I'll make the starlight circle the room" and "And if the sun starts setting, the sky goes cold/and if the clouds get heavy and start to fall/I really need somebody to call my own/I wanna be somebody to someone" (which are both from Someone to You by Banners)

"We're drunk but drinking/Sunk but sinking/They thought us blind/We were just blinking" and "Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring/I promised you they'll sing of every time/You passed your fingers through my hair and called me child/Witness me old man I am the wild" (which are both from the Horror and the Wild by the Amazing Devil)

"And if you're searching for her/She's always shedding light/She's the one you can't miss/Because her smile makes the sun seem less bright" (From Messengers by Jared & the Mill)

that is so non-exhaustive that it isn't even funny and now I'm tempted to make one of these question things about songs... hmmm....

111). Can you count to one million? 

How much am I being paid?

i can't fucking do this anymore.

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by startle




I am livid, I am fuming, I am scared. The Republican Party has gone off the rails. If you don't know what I'm talking about?


Yes, that's right! These "people" are in support of not only turning Roe V Wade over to the states (meaning many of them will ban abortions), but they are also in support of... a nationwide ban on abortion (so much for 'states rights!'), BANNING CONDOMS, and banning birth control for anyone who isn't married.

Did I mention that the leaked draft of the Supreme Court decision implied that they were going to come after gay marriage as well?

This means that CHILDREN who get pregnant have to carry the child to term and give birth. This means that if a 10-year-old CHILD is violated by her father, she has to give birth to the baby. 

This means that if a woman has an eptopic pregnancy, she cannot get the fetus removed and will unequivocally DIE. That's right, a ban on abortion means that they are literally sentencing women to death. 

Banning abortion doesn't ban abortion. It bans safe abortions. It is murdering women.

I would like for everyone to read the following images as well, because I believe they hammer the point home better than I ever could.Screenshot_126.pngScreenshot_124.pngScreenshot_125.png?width=709&height=606Screenshot_127.pngScreenshot_128.png?width=725&height=606




Here's a map of what would happen to specific states if Roe v Wade was repealed:

In conclusion:



edit: i really appreciate all of the support this bulletin is getting!! unfortunately there are so many comments that i cannot respond to them all; however if anyone needs any related resources i am a veritable resource mine and will always be glad to answer dms asking for them. 

if you can vote, please do; if you cannot vote please get your family members to vote or maybe write letters to your congress people etc. i have very little faith in the process at this point but doing something is better than doing nothing.

if you would like to learn more about the tactics the right uses to gain political power and control the narrative, this series of videos is a fantastic learning resource.

and here is a list of reputable abortion funds you can donate to.


Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by startle

which one is your fave?

18 Votes design raffle (premade(s))
21 Votes art raffle (possibly custom(s))
4 Votes design a character contest
6 Votes draw (a/my?) character contest
7 Votes f2u base(s)
1 Votes other (comment!! :D)

i'll laugh so hard if posting this makes people unsub and it makes me drop back down, but hey! i hit 500 subscribers on this account, thanks a million! <33


OBVIOUSLY when a milestone is hit, there must be some sort of event held. What else is there to do? :P

So, I've put some options in the poll! I may not choose the one which has the most votes; but rest assured it will be one (or maybe even multiple) of the top ones ^^

Feel free to also suggest things that I didn't put in that poll below <3

Also also.... would you guys be interested in bigger projects? I've been considering making a discord server for a while, I've also been toying with making a species or some other longer-form projects of the like. Just let me know (or don't haha)! Nothing's set in stone, but I really, deeply appreciate the support and would love to give as much entertainment to you guys as I can.

Love you all and thank you so much again!

compliment me

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by startle

which one next?

8 Votes annulet
7 Votes 180
3 Votes kudzu
1 Votes other (comment? the only ones id probably consider practical r vivs or ff or dt)



here was the image that i used to make this ^^

i'd really recommend that anyone making a model draws a full turnaround first, it makes everything a lot easier!!


also i have modeled his glove and bracelet lol theyre just not on the render bc i want to keep the mirror modifier on in case i'd like to edit the mesh in the future When I Am Rigging It (which will be a Journey, i hate rigging ughhhh)


Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by startle

besides your own, what is the best zodiac sign?

1 Votes aries
3 Votes taurus
6 Votes gemini
4 Votes cancer
7 Votes leo
4 Votes virgo
1 Votes libra
2 Votes scorpio
0 Votes sagittarius
5 Votes capricorn
4 Votes aquarius
3 Votes pisces


i'm working really hard on the character-focused one, but I need to finish quite a few refs first <//3 

Please feel free to send questions, although I do ask that you first read the rules. I love love love questions about my OCs, and I similarly adore questions about art (advice, how do you do this, etc). I will also give my opinion on media/fandoms, people, drama, current global events, politics if you really want me to, etc. :)

I just ask that you please don't send me stuff like "hi", "hru", "i love your art" etc!! Because as much as I appreciate it, it's super hard and not very interesting to respond to <//3