unxverse-'s Profile Comments

Hiiii!!! I hope you're having a wonderful day/evening/night! I have this character that's one of your designs that I haven't used much and lost connection with and I was wondering if you'd be okay with me finding them a better home (the character permissions says not to sell them for currency if they don't have commissioned art, so I'd be doing a Write To Adopt for them) 

Or if you prefer I could give them back to you! At the moment the character permissions doesn't let me transfer them so I would need you to allow me to transfer them either way. Thank you for reading this! And whatever you decide is okay with me! Here's the link to the character :)


I changed the character permissions, feel free to trade them away!

Thank you!! ☆

Thank you so much ❤️

Ugh I wanna organize my characters but also don’t

Casually forgets characters can have animated icons

Can I adopt Rina if they'r still free?

And Sorry if I commented this at a bad time 




Sorry for late reply, hello

It's ok! Hru today?

Good, u

I'm great! I also wanted to tell you I updated comm prices so phone and computer backgrounds are cheaper depending on what you want


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I didn't know how much I needed the petpet gif, I apparently needed it a lot, Tysm!!

Yw!! <33

Tysm for the pet pet gift :D

Your welcome!

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Ty ty ty tysm!

something awesome hached from ur egg© https://toyhou.se/10722808.boo

Looks cool!


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I havnt started them yet, but hope to soon!

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Average, u?


Well. Atleast it’s Friday!

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_dreamcatcher_ I got wolf tales! Sooo maybe we can play together sometime? But I just got it today so yeah I’m pretty new to it ok bye

ahh sorry i cant use that anymore qwq


ello friend


Still want to make a species?? <3


Great!! Do you have a discod?


aw the art is so cute!! Thank you so much ;0; <33





Average, u?

me too


3 Replies

Panda! :3

Panda! :3

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HMmMm  your art style seems familiar... do u have scratch?

Yes, even though I don’t post my art there often lol. It’s artist-707

DT? 🥺

Sorry, but I’ll have to decline


I’m already doing an art trade with you, and I have a lot of other art to do already. And school is taking up a lot of time lately

But I didn’t fill out the form correctly you even said I didn’t

Dt? UwU

Uhhh sure! :D

Ok! What would you like?

Could u do this color palette https://coolors.co/e7e6f7-dc6bad-191716-aef78e-c6d2ed and this mood board for the theme? https://www.google.com/search?q=moodboard+maker&tbm=isch&hl=en-US&chips=q:moodboard+maker,g_1:aesthetic:CxFM5bbBU3o%3D&prmd=isvn&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS917US917&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS_YP14oDuAhWEYqwKHXhICYEQ4lYoAHoECAEQBA&biw=1080&bih=695#imgrc=31SUx07TXIBYwM

Okay! I would like a coffee themed cat. With a chill vibe to its design? :3

I’ll try my best!

Ack I’m so sorry but I don’t think I’ll be able to do my side! Again so sorry

Thank you so much for the sub! <333

Your welcome <3 I saw one of your projects on scratch and saw you had a th so I decided to sub.

That’s wonderful! I need to update my TH, it’s got a lot of my old art haha


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I’m still going to do some of them, I love the designs of your characters :D

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I did another piece (bust) could you transfer Tiger?

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Tysm, I love yours too!

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Uhh sure why not! (But I’ll still keep the old art in his gallery)

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I didn’t get the ping, but would you be able to do azul? Unless your better at humans I have some of those.

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Yes I do, I’ll transfer them over!

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I might, which one is it?

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hii i jus wanna say that i'm super thankful for the gift and it really means alot! (◕ω◕✿)


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Ok! I’ll send over the characters soon.

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I won’t :)

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Hey there! I believe it's been almost two weeks since I've completed my part of the art trade we agreed on, and this comment is just a lil reminder for you to submit yours just in case if you've forgotten! Please don't stress yourself drawing but I'd really appreciate a progress report since I'm rather worried without any communication from your side, as the forum thread you made seems to be gone... Thank you once again for participating in this art trade with me!

Oh ya.... I’ll work on that today :)

Ah, it's been more than a month now... This is another reminder once again- If there's anything you're really busy with irl or something like that, please do let me know! Just remember to finish your part eventually, but don't stress yourself; I completely understand if there's anything taking up too much of your time! 

I was planning on finishing it soon, thanks for another reminder. It’s just school has rlly taken up my time.

Hey, urm, not to rush you but may I have a WIP? A rough sketch or something like that would be perfectly okay, I'd just like to know how you're getting along with your part!

If Sabrina or Regan don't interest you at all and you don't have much progress, anyone from my th is fine! I've got humans, ferals, anthros, worms, and more-

I finished! Sending over in a sec....

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Good, hbu?

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