Blood on Shamrock

Blood on Shamrock

As the Great War was raging on in the world, nobody was expecting a rebellion against the British in Ireland at the same time, but for Saoirse, Alastar, and their friends, it was a dream come true. Wasting no time, they quickly joined the Easter Rising the moment the plans for it were confirmed. But the fight for freedom wasn’t easy, and they’ll soon learn the price they had to pay to even start it.

Note: although the story is set during an event that has happened in history, please do not take everything portrayed here as facts. I’m not a historian and although I do my best to portray it as accurately as possible, this story is historical fiction and I’m still prone to making mistakes so I don’t wish for anyone to spread my mistakes as facts, misinforming many people.

historical ocs irish ocs 1910s