[CLOSED] December Turn-In MYO Event

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by MIASMODA_ML

Hello everyone, and apologies for the delay on this announcement!
We're excited to officially announce December's main event: A Turn-In MYO Event!
In short, it's an event where you create a design and turn them in to be approved so they can be official!

This event will be primarily free, with a paid option if one desires, so be sure to read all the rules carefully!

This event will take place starting December 1st at 10 AM MT, and close January 14th at 12:00 AM MT!
Here's a link to a countdown for the closing of the event: Here!



- One Miasmoda design per person for this event

- Standard Miasmoda will be free, while Mutated will need an additional $15 fee

- It does not need to be designed by yourself, a friend can draw your Miasmoda for you
(However, you cannot commission someone to design your Miasmoda)

- You may not claim for someone else, only yourself

- You can pay for others, though, just be sure they make their own claim

- Payments are via PayPal only, USD

- Once prompted to pay, you have 48 hours to send the payment
(If no payment is made within that time frame, your claim is forfeit and your Miasmoda will not be approved)

- As there are no MYO slots for this event, claims cannot be sold or traded as such
(Miasmoda made via paid claims CAN be sold, for their $15 upgrade cost)

- To prevent abuse and foddering, there will be a 2 week cooldown on all Miasmoda made via this event

- Please don't post your Miasmoda publicly until they have been approved
(Either hide keep their TH profile private, or make use of an image hosting site such as sta.sh, imgur, etc)

- Please join the TH World, and optionally Discord server, to keep up with the species and future events!

- Claims made before the event opens or after the event closes will be deleted/ignored


How to claim and submit your MYO

Remember, this event does not give out MYO slots!

1) Comment on this bulletin with the following form:

Standard or Mutated: [Remember, mutated will cost $15!]
Extra: [Bulletin links, tags, etc!]

a) To earn some bonus cups of milk (our species currency), do any of the following and put any links/pings in the extra section in the form above!

- Make a bulletin sharing this event: + 1 cups of milk

- Tag a friend: + 1 cups of milk

- Tag 3 friends total: + 1 cups of milk

- Draw our mascot Yoru: + 1 cups of milk
(Please make it at bare minimum a fully colored headshot/bust!)

b) Once any of the following are done, you will be added to our currency sheet, and given the appropriate amount of cups of milk!
(I.e., I share the event and tag 3 friends, I will earn 3 cups of milk)
A moderator will reply to your comment and confirm that you have been added and given your cups of milk

2) Once you have your design ready to go, send a message to MIASMODA_ML with the following form:

Message Title: Turn-In Event MYO - [username]
MYO Rarity: [standard/mutated]
MYO Slot Link: [link your claim comment here]

Design Link: [link here]
Designer/Artist: [Please include both usernames if they are different]
Traits: [List all applicable traits: Antenna/Miasmer/Scars/Tail/Shell/Other]

- Autopsy scar
- Back opening
- Tail(s)
- Miasmer
- Antenna
- Shell

a) Please be ready to pay if asking for a mutated slot - You will be asked to do so along with the approval status of your design

3) Your design will then be approved and uploaded to the masterlist
(or sent back with changes that need to be made - don't worry, your claim will not be invalidated just because you need to make changes!)

4) You are now free to post and share your new Miasmoda!


Useful Links

Visual Traits and Anatomy: Here!
Written Traits: 
MYO Guide: 
Species Lore: Here!
Discord: Here!


And that's the whole of it! Have fun designing your snails, and happy holidays!
Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the discord, or here on this bulletin! Thank you!!


Username: AphroditeAngel

Standard or Mutated: Standard!

Extra: bulletin

Apologies for the delay, thank you!

You have been added to the bank and granted + 1 cups of milk: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LetpDE7OujLe5aCp38X-GiN7U_o8vPun7RshQWpkYTY/edit?usp=sharing

This user's account has been closed.

username: raijin

standard or mutated: standard c:

extra: n/a

Username: GingerCake3

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: N/A

This user is not visible to guests.

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
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Username:  kippuii

Standard or Mutated: standard 

- bulletin

-  inkboopus tegism RASHID

- Draw our mascot Yoru

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
You have been added to the bank and granted + 4 cups of milk: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LetpDE7OujLe5aCp38X-GiN7U_o8vPun7RshQWpkYTY/edit?usp=sharing

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
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Username: Chocokit

Standard or Mutated: Standard!

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1082954.miasmodaaaa-
Friends: ChaoticGecko inkboopus SnowDistortedDragon
Art: https://sta.sh/0236vo1xncsz

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
You have been added to the bank and granted + 4 cups of milk: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LetpDE7OujLe5aCp38X-GiN7U_o8vPun7RshQWpkYTY/edit?usp=sharing

what to do with the cups of milk ,, can add mutated traits or something??

Apologies for the delay on response, Cups of Milk can be used in our shop to purchase trait upgrades, yes, or MYO slots/MYO slugs!
Here's the shop if you want to take a peek: https://toyhou.se/~world/98045.miasmoda/page/46987.species-bank-shop 

Username: K1tsune

Standard or Mutated: standard

Extra: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1082563.cs-myo-event-nm- AHelpfulName Castle_in_the_Sky TheGeneric (Sorry for the pings, but here's a really cool event!)

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
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Apologies for the delay, thank you!
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Username: kobivo

Standard or Mutated: standard

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1081609.miasmoda-turn-in-myo-event-

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
You have been added to the bank and granted + 1 cups of milk: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LetpDE7OujLe5aCp38X-GiN7U_o8vPun7RshQWpkYTY/edit?usp=sharing

Username: smolmortician

Standard or Mutated: standard

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1081531.myo-event-c- 
tags: tye-moon Vanilla_Lotus Cristal-Tears

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
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Username: raffleticket

Standard or Mutated: standard

Extra: n/a 

such a unique idea! can’t wait to make one 

Username: Momomancer

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1080111.miasmoda-myo-event-
Drew Yoru: https://sta.sh/01uefw04bpej

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
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Username: Dinopoprocks

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: Fiendology , Plasma_Eve , aesthana , and bulletin

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Apologies for the delay, thank you! (cute icon btw!)
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Username: merf
Standard or Mutated: standard
Extra: bulletin, EmiLost (sorry for the @ :')  )

(also unrelated to the form, but just asking to make sure for planning reasons ! when you say theres a 2 week cooldown, do you mean you can make two miasmoda if you wait two weeks and the events still going on?? or do you only have two weeks to finish and submit your design :0 ?? )

Oh, the 2 week cooldown is for trading the miasmoda you make, after it's been approved! Meaning Miasmoda mad via this event can't be traded until 2 weeks after they've been approved. You have the entire month to make your design, and can only design the one. ^^

Okay tysm !!
Just wanted to double check ^^

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
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Username: victimvideo

Standard or Mutated: standard, please!

Extra: n/a

Thank you for holding this event! I found this species through the forums, and I really love the vibe + traits :)!!

Aw, I'm glad you found us and like the species!! Looking forward to what you make ^^

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Username: Eathrid 

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: n/a

Username: Lanarious 

Standard or Mutated: Standard 

Extra: N/A

Username: MCAverse_Database

Standard or Mutated: standard

Extra: n/a

Username: Kumiko-

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1057035.snail-time-snail-time-nm-but-vjfjfejcnf-pos-

and for Tags: CinderedCider MythicalBat gimikiss (I feel that y’all may like these cuties!)

Apologies for the delay, thank you!
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Username: VampSuger 

Standard or Mutated: Mutated!

Extra: N/A

when do we have to send payment? :0

Payment shall be made when you submit your design, so don't worry about it rn! ^^

Okie dokie!! :D thank you!!

Username: Mangoei

Standard or Mutated: standard

Extra: Bulletin

Thank you!
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Username: birdlion

Standard or Mutated: standard!

Extra: bulletin + tagging gravesyard Hibisquits Legendary_potatoes

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Username: sgtbutterben

Standard or Mutated: Standard!

Extra: Bulletin and tagging birdlion cryptidaer and shibatown !

Thank you!
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Username: gravesyard

Standard or Mutated: standard, pls !

Extra: bulletin is hereee and... birdlion cryptidaer sgtbutterben

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username: hunibunch standard or mutated: standard extra: n/a

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Username: EtherealDreams

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: Dinolil1 TannerCat UniversalCasey

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1053612.miasmoda-event

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Username: tucanes

Standard or Mutated: standard

Extra: n/a

Username: m3ep

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: Meridith art bulletin racboxx

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Username: litwick

Standard or Mutated: standard idk what to do w a mutated one sorry bestie

Extra: ilu

Username: cerulean_konqueror
Standard or Mutated: standard 
Extra: bulletin !  readyPLAYERone Darkfin7 raincloud_anatomy

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Username: SleepyDragonnn

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: bulletin offbottle mochipandabear Emuwyrm

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Username: toh Standard or Mutated: standard Extra:

Name: Lost_Fox 

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: I‘m a bulletin, Emotional_Damage

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Username:  DreamsOfLucius

Standard or Mutated: Standard!!

s e a  sl u g

Username: aikn

Standard or Mutated: standard

Extra: bulletin, catxze

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Username: Lethe

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: bulletin here, and tagging Samuraiwolf LOOK SO CUTE

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Standard or Mutated: Standard!

Extra: Bulletin, mawile94 Grappucino

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Username: 0_Jubbie_0

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extras: bulletin, Slevinixe_

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Username: parashy

Standard or Mutated: standard

This user is not visible to guests.
This user is not visible to guests.

Thank you!
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Username: Dallathor

Standard or Mutated: Standart

Extra: N/A

Username: Zombebe

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: N/A

Username: Ryshium

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: N/A

Username: Yamroll

Standard or Mutated: Standard!

Username: CosmicLoveDemon

Standard or Mutated: Standard

Extra: n/a

Username: Smoliv
Standard or Mutated: Standard
Extra: n/a

( im excited i always wanted one!! )

Username: Leeviathans

Standard or Mutated: Standard!

Extra: Bulletin, and tagging Fairixia !! 

hope i did this right lol

You got it!
You have also been added to our bank, with + 2 cups of milk: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LetpDE7OujLe5aCp38X-GiN7U_o8vPun7RshQWpkYTY/edit?usp=sharing

ty! just to clarify to we have until the end of the event to turn in our design, or is it whenever we get a design?

You have the end of the month to turn in your design, yes! Time can be extended during the approval stage if changes need to made, tho!