MIASMODA's Bulletins

4 new Miasmoda have been discovered!

All are OPEN!



Please comment on the designated comments to offer/bid!
Keep in mind 1 and 2 are OTA, while 3 and 4 are auction/BTA!
ABs shall be added after 24 hours of this posting!


1) Strawberry Snails Forever by NovaStarrlight
Mutated Miasmoda
★ Offer Here! ★

Offer preferences:
USD > Art > Premade Characters (both CS and non-CS) > Coelune or Magimoo MYO Slots > Other

AB: $50

2) Inner Tube Cutie by GoopyHalos
Mutated Miasmoda
★ Offer Here! ★

Offer preferences:
USD > Premade Characters (both CS and non-CS) > CS MYO Slots > Art > Other CS items/currency > Goatlings items/currency > Other
AB: $50 or any foxtopi/slot

3) Sick Tan Bro by MellieFox
Standard Miasmoda
★ Bid Here! ★

SB: $35
MI: $1
AB: $50

4) Pretty in Parasol by MellieFox
Standard Miasmoda
★ Bid Here! ★

SB: $35
MI: $1
AB: $50



- Serious offers only, no hiding/editing comments without discussion first
- Holds and payment plans can be discussed
- Do not harass anyone else offering/bidding
- USD Payment required within 24 hours of winning, designs will not be given until full offered payment is made


THANK YOU, we hope you guys enjoy these end of summer designs as much as we do!!


Posted 8 months, 17 days ago by MIASMODA_ML

And we're live!
The MYO sale is now open for the next 48 hours - So be sure to get your claims in before 12 pm MST on Aug 17th!
There is no limit on how many slots or rarities one can buy for this sale, as long as claims are made within the 48 hour window of the sale.


MYO Prices

Standard: 15 USD

Mutated: 25 USD


Comment below with the amount of slots and rarity of slots you would like to buy.
We will respond to your claim, and DM for further payment instructions!
All prices are in USD, to be paid via paypal.
Payment must be made within 24 hours or the claim will be void.
Once paid, all slots will be added to the MYO Slot Tracker shortly after.
Thank you, and enjoy creating your new snailien friends!

[INFO] MYO Sale Announcement + More

Posted 8 months, 22 days ago by MIASMODA_ML


Greetings fellow snailiens! This is just a small update for the month, including information for the latest MYO slot sale!
I know it's been a while since the last one, so I'm excited to see some new snails here soon!



I'm happy to announce that we'll be having an unlimited MYO slot sale, beginning Aug 15th at 12 pm MST!
This means that for 48 hours, you can purchase any amount of slots that you would like in that window, but once the window closes, that's it for the sale!

For now there will not be a limit on how many mutated slots one can purchase, but this may change in future sales. Think of this as the tester sale as we try this style of sale!
The plan is to hold a slot sale every other month from now on, so don't worry if you can't make it this time! There will be plenty of other chances in the future.

And, if you aren't already part of the discord, we'll be doing a small slot raffle there to coincide with this sale! A perfect time to join if you ask me...


To finish the summer off with a bang, we'll be having a small adopt batch as well, releasing fully on Aug 30th, at 12 pm MST.
The general theme is summer/beach-time fun, and once we're ready we shall post sneak peeks and previews in our booster chats.   A general preview shall be posted 24 hours before the batch is open for offers, however, so don't worry about missing out too much!
This batch shall be OTA and Auction style, dependent on the artist, with autobuys added about 24 hours after the batch has been posted!
We hope you enjoy these snails as much as we do!!


And, to round off this set of announcements, this is just a reminder that the Summer Special Prompts will be ending in 15 days, on the 25th - That's just over 2 weeks from now!
Remember, this is the only way to get the special Terrarium Miasmer trait is to do these prompts.
Be sure to get your art and writing in soon before it's too late!


That's it for now! Be sure to stay cool and have fun with the rest of your summer, everyone!

[INFO] Summer Special Prompts

Posted 9 months, 21 days ago by MIASMODA_ML

Hello and welcome to the Summer Special Prompts! This is a series of prompts that you can draw or write for to earn cups of milk and a special summer trait item!
This event shall run all through the rest of July, starting when this bulletin is posted, and end August 25th.

To claim your rewards for completing any of the following prompts, just comment on this bulletin with the following form:
Username: [xx]
Prompts Completed: Prompt 1, Prompts 1-2, All, Etc

Links to Completed Prompts: [xx] (make sure we have permission to view your work!)
Rewards shall be handed out accordingly, and the form can be filled out multiple times for multiple characters if needed.


Let's Beat the Heat.... With a Party!
Miasmoda generally prefer to keep things cool, but some enjoy the hotter weather that summer brings! (Even if it makes their Miasmer melt...) How does your slug handle the heat?

Prompt 1: Fit Check!

Someone's throwing a big sluggy pool party, and your Miasmoda is invited! What does your slug wear to the party to keep cool? Do they go all out and put on their best swimwear, or are they too shy to show off? Maybe they don't plan on swimming, and instead are just here to eat good food and enjoy the cool evening breezes. Whatever the case may be, as long as they're comfortable, they're cool in our hearts.
Reward: 1 Cup of Milk

Prompt 2: A Refreshing Retreat
It looks like all kinds of fantastical and fancy drinks are being served at the party... And if your slug's favorite isn't already being served, they can just ask for it to be made! Anything is possible here. What kind of drink does your slug want? What's their favorite to drink on a hot day? Is it as simple as a cold can of soda, or are their tastes more extravagant than that? Feel free to get creative and make up something refreshingly delicious!
Reward: 1 Cup of Milk

Prompt 3: It's Sink or Swim
Since this is a pool party, there's a humongous pool to jump into! Does your slug immediately dive right in, or are they not as inclined to swim? If they do get into the water, how good are they at swimming? Are they a pro that can swim circles around the other miasmoda, or are they more prone to, well, sinking? Maybe they get into the pool, but only swim in the shallow end! Feel free to explore and get creative with how your slug handles the water.
Reward: 1 Cup of Milk + 1 Slugberry Sundae (if completing all 3 prompts, not including the bonus prompt)

Bonus Prompt: Party Time!
What does your slug do at the pool party, if they aren't swimming? Are they dancing to the awesome music that's playing (or maybe they just happened to start playing their favorite song), or just chatting with friends? Maybe they're playing some of the party games that look like so much fun! Or, just maybe, they're trying all the food available from the buffet! There's lots to do at this party, so feel free to get creative as to what your slug would be doing!
Must have completed one of the above prompts to complete this one!
Reward: 2 Cups of Milk + 1 Slugberry Sundae


Art Guidelines
You may use NPCs or someone else's Miasmoda (with permission) if wanted.
All art must be at minimum a clean sketch with color.
For chibis, they must be a full body chibi.
For non-chibis, they must be at least half-body.
If you opt to draw slug forms, it must include either at least 2 slugs OR a background with indication of depth (Foreground, midground, background)
Backgrounds are not a requirement unless you are going for the slug form option!

Writing must be, at minimum, 250 words. No bonuses shall be given out for longer lengths (for now).


Summer Special Trait Item - Slugberry Sundae

What a delicious looking sundae! It even has the slugberry right on top. Giving this sundae to your miasmoda grants them the Terrarium Miasmer trait!
This trait gives a slug's miasmer a see-through look, almost like glass! Inside the miasmer can be variety of things, including but not limited to, liquids, slimes, jellies, various objects, plants, etc!

[CLOSED] December Turn-In MYO Event

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by MIASMODA_ML

Hello everyone, and apologies for the delay on this announcement!
We're excited to officially announce December's main event: A Turn-In MYO Event!
In short, it's an event where you create a design and turn them in to be approved so they can be official!

This event will be primarily free, with a paid option if one desires, so be sure to read all the rules carefully!

This event will take place starting December 1st at 10 AM MT, and close January 14th at 12:00 AM MT!
Here's a link to a countdown for the closing of the event: Here!



- One Miasmoda design per person for this event

- Standard Miasmoda will be free, while Mutated will need an additional $15 fee

- It does not need to be designed by yourself, a friend can draw your Miasmoda for you
(However, you cannot commission someone to design your Miasmoda)

- You may not claim for someone else, only yourself

- You can pay for others, though, just be sure they make their own claim

- Payments are via PayPal only, USD

- Once prompted to pay, you have 48 hours to send the payment
(If no payment is made within that time frame, your claim is forfeit and your Miasmoda will not be approved)

- As there are no MYO slots for this event, claims cannot be sold or traded as such
(Miasmoda made via paid claims CAN be sold, for their $15 upgrade cost)

- To prevent abuse and foddering, there will be a 2 week cooldown on all Miasmoda made via this event

- Please don't post your Miasmoda publicly until they have been approved
(Either hide keep their TH profile private, or make use of an image hosting site such as sta.sh, imgur, etc)

- Please join the TH World, and optionally Discord server, to keep up with the species and future events!

- Claims made before the event opens or after the event closes will be deleted/ignored


How to claim and submit your MYO

Remember, this event does not give out MYO slots!

1) Comment on this bulletin with the following form:

Standard or Mutated: [Remember, mutated will cost $15!]
Extra: [Bulletin links, tags, etc!]

a) To earn some bonus cups of milk (our species currency), do any of the following and put any links/pings in the extra section in the form above!

- Make a bulletin sharing this event: + 1 cups of milk

- Tag a friend: + 1 cups of milk

- Tag 3 friends total: + 1 cups of milk

- Draw our mascot Yoru: + 1 cups of milk
(Please make it at bare minimum a fully colored headshot/bust!)

b) Once any of the following are done, you will be added to our currency sheet, and given the appropriate amount of cups of milk!
(I.e., I share the event and tag 3 friends, I will earn 3 cups of milk)
A moderator will reply to your comment and confirm that you have been added and given your cups of milk

2) Once you have your design ready to go, send a message to MIASMODA_ML with the following form:

Message Title: Turn-In Event MYO - [username]
MYO Rarity: [standard/mutated]
MYO Slot Link: [link your claim comment here]

Design Link: [link here]
Designer/Artist: [Please include both usernames if they are different]
Traits: [List all applicable traits: Antenna/Miasmer/Scars/Tail/Shell/Other]

- Autopsy scar
- Back opening
- Tail(s)
- Miasmer
- Antenna
- Shell

a) Please be ready to pay if asking for a mutated slot - You will be asked to do so along with the approval status of your design

3) Your design will then be approved and uploaded to the masterlist
(or sent back with changes that need to be made - don't worry, your claim will not be invalidated just because you need to make changes!)

4) You are now free to post and share your new Miasmoda!


Useful Links

Visual Traits and Anatomy: Here!
Written Traits: 
MYO Guide: 
Species Lore: Here!
Discord: Here!


And that's the whole of it! Have fun designing your snails, and happy holidays!
Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the discord, or here on this bulletin! Thank you!!

[INFO] November News + Hello World!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by MIASMODA_ML

Hello all, long time no news update!

I have a few small things to announce, but November should be relatively quiet in preparation for December's activities!

Ownership Change

"It's been a while and I have an announcement to make! As of today, Miasmoda as a species will be handed over to GoopyHalos as the new owner!
This decision was in the making for a while for me, I wanted to continue on with Miasmoda but certain external circumstances and new developments in my life made it so I'm much too busy to return to this anytime in the foreseeable future.

Hence, so that you can all still enjoy Miasmoda as a species, I've chosen to hand the baton over to 
GoopyHalos! I will still be around when I can, but not as the species owner anymore. It's been a great time and I hope you will all continue to have fun with the little sluggies!!"


I sincerely wish him the best with his endeavors, and look forward to what he contributes when he is able to! I'm beyond glad to have had the opportunity to do this, so I extend big thanks to Tama!! I'm looking forward to working on our little snailiens, and am eager to see how things go in the future. I hope you all are just as excited as I am!

While full ownership has been transferred to me, not much will be changing! So please don't worry too much. <33 I want to maintain what the species has now, above all, with only minor changes to how things are run! Speaking of....

New Moderators

I'm happy to say that I've brought on some help, since running everything by myself would be a time and a half. I'm very grateful for these guys, so please help me welcome the following:




We're going to do our absolute best to keep the species fun and active! Look forward to what all we do!

MYO Tracker Changes

As of today, we will be switching to a google sheet tracker for MYO slots! From now on, please comment on the following profile with the provided form so we can update things for you!

Please go here to check the new tracker: MYO TRACKER

If anything looks amiss, please don't hesitate to message us and let us know!

If your MYO slot has been italicized at all, please contact us and let us know your new username(s) so we may correct it, thanks!

Discord Server Boosting

I'm happy to say that from today onwards, there are perks and rewards for boosting the Miasmoda Discord Server!

Not only will you get special sneak peeks for adopts and upcoming events, exclusive booster raffles for shop items, adoptables, and more, you will earn 2 cups of milk per month, just for boosting! What a deal!

If any of the above interests you, definitely consider giving us a boost! I appreciate any support!

Not already in the server? Consider joining so you can share art, chat with fellow snail enthusiasts, and much more!

Discord (16+ Only)

December Plans

Last but not least, I want to share a little of our plans for December, since November will be more of a catch-up month for myself and the mods.

For the entirety of the month of December, we're planning to hold a Turn-In MYO Event! So get your drawing pens ready, and design your dream snail!

All standard-rarity miasmoda will be free, and mutated-rarity miasmoda will require a $15 fee. One miasmoda per person for this event!

More details will drop on the 24th, so stay tuned for that announcement.


Overall, I'm very excited about this species, and I hope you all are too! There's so much to do in the coming months, especially for the holidays, so I hope we can provide something fun for everyone! 

Take care all, and have a good one!

[INFO] February News!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by MIASMODA_ML


Hello all! 

For the month of February, we have a special valentines event in store!

Valentines Event

In this art-based valentines event, you can earn cups of milk and a special trait item for the valentines traits, which would usually be considered mutated!

Please go to the link above to read more! The event will run from 1st Feb to 14th March!

Valentines Gacha

On the 14th of February a valentines gacha will be released! The details are still being hashed out, but expect a bunch of fun valentines themed slugs up for grabs!

This batch will be posted on my deviantart page for a change! Details will be released closer to the date!

Shop Adjustment + MYO Sales

You may notice that theres no slug myo this month, but that's because they will make an appearance in the Valentines gacha batch (yes, purchasable for cups of milk still!)

In the month of February, there will be no MYO sale - to compensate, I've lowered the cost of MYO slots in Xeno's shop and lifted the limit of cups you can earn per month till further notice! 
This means you can earn as many cups as you can draw for and get an myo even faster than before!

New Mutated Traits
Two new specials traits have been discovered in Miasmoda! 
These traits both count as mutated traits and are free to use for all mutated myos. In the future, they may become available as special item traits too.


Multi-slug is observed when two or more slugs are inhabiting the same skin. This usually also manifests secondary traits such as multi-miasmer, multi-tails and multi-antenna corresponding to the type and number of slugs in said body. (Eg. A pink slug and white translucent slug will become a miasmoda with pink and white multi-miasmer, at least 4 antenna and at least 2 tails) 
For mutated multi-slugs, they may appear with or without the secondary traits.


Multi-skin is observed in Miasmoda that can switch between two or more skins at will. These skins may be variants of each other (eg human to mermaid with the same human torso) or completely different (eg human to feral) but always maintain the same antenna, tail and miasmer consistent with their slug. Mutated multi-skins can morph their tail and antenna styles according to different skins, but their miasmer always remains the same.


All in all, I apologize for the slow month, but I hope the event and new traits are exciting! Things may be slower for a while due to my health and schoolwork, but I hope I can still deliver a fun species experience! The reason for the lack of an MYO sale this month is mostly because I'm not sure if my health will allow me to keep up the pace I've had so far with the species, and I honestly feel guilty to sell myos while not being sure where I'm taking the species... I started with big plans, but perhaps I bit off more than I could chew, which is why changes may also continue to occur as I try to find a good spot with the species. As such, there may not always be a monthly news update but I will try to focus on hosting seasonal fun events in addition to regular adopts and stuff as I can. Thank you for being patient with me!


[INFO] Valentines Event

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by MIASMODA_ML

The Valentines Event will run from 1st February to 14th March! This event will be an art event wherein you can obtain a special Valentines trait item!

To claim rewards from a prompt, please fill out this google form and leave a comment with your username and type of form filled!
Username: [xx]
Form: Quest 1/2/3 Submission

What is Love?
Miasmoda may travel the galaxies... but how much do they know of the emotion of love? In the month of Valentines, lets take a look at how these little slugs interact with this strange concept!

What is your Miasmoda's history with love? Have they ever felt lovestruck or heartbroken before? How did they react to that? It doesnt have to be romantic either!
Draw your Miasmoda dealing with love or heartbreak, it can be the event itself, the aftermath, or anything as long as it coincides with the theme! They could be in love after discovering a new dish or dressing punk after going through a breakup! Include a blurb in your submission if needed to explain your approach!
Reward: 1 Cup of Milk

Quest 2: Love Song 
It looks like many species use music as a way to explore love... What about your Miasmoda? Do they have a favourite song?
Draw your Miasmoda with the theme of a song! The song does not have to explicitly be a romantic song. You may draw them listening to it, dancing, in the song's theme (etc, drawing them in a scene or outfit from the music video), and so on as long as it fits the theme!
Reward: 1 Cup of Milk

Quest 3: Valentines Day!
Its the day!! People are celebrating love everywhere! What is your Miasmoda doing on this day or in preparation for today? Are they on a date? Making chocolates? Treating themselves to a self love day?
Draw your Miasmoda celebrating or preparing for Valentines! 

You must have completed Quest 1 OR 2 to complete this quest. 
Reward: 1 Love Potion (Valentines Special Trait Item)

Completing all 3 quests earns you an extra cup of milk!

Art Guidelines
You may use NPCs or someone else's Miasmoda (with permission) if wanted.
All art must be at minimum a clean sketch with colours and simple shading.
For chibis, they must be a full body chibi.
For non-chibis, they must be at least half-body.
If you opt to draw slug forms, it must include either at least 2 slugs OR a background with indication of depth (Foreground, midground, background)
Backgrounds are not a requirement unless you are going for the slug form option!

Valetines Special Trait Item - Love Potion 

Oh to be in love! This potion grants your Miasmoda ONE of the following traits
Stylized hearts in Miasmer (Any size, any number, modifications ok) Eg: Broken heart, heart sprinkles, etc
Miasmer fading into hearts (Miasmoda fades into gas/mist that forms hearts)



Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by MIASMODA_ML

The MYO sale is now open!
4 standard slots and 1 mutated slot are up for sale!

REMAINING: 2 standard slots are pending!

MYO Prices

Standard: 15 USD

Mutated: 25 USD

Please comment to claim with which rarity you'd like!
The sale will be open for 24 hours, or until all slots are taken!

Hello! This is a formal bulletin to announce that the 24 hour limited MYO Sale will be moved from the 20th to the 22nd of January! It will be posted at 11pm SGT as usual, compare timezones HERE! As stated in the monthly bulletin, the sale will be of 4 standard and 1 mutated slot! Thank you all for your understanding!