MAWA Secret Santa 2022

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Spooktacles

Cold Heart! She is chaotic ice cherub who thrives in winter conditions. Thus, drawing her in her element would be nice! She's generally seen around her father, mentor, sibling, and best friend.

Writing Suggestion: I would love to see her reacting to the first bit of snowfall or enjoying her birthday with her family as it is December 1st. Her enjoying December in any capacity would be perfect for her!
46326296_0oCz7HLQWhw4bCS.pngBoysenberry! An adorable horror from the unknown who just wants to live the life of a cute little lady. She's a bartender and a scary abomination, so you can draw her being cute in a bit of a spooky setting.

Writing Suggestion: I would love to see Boysenberry going out to see and study how other people celebrate the holidays in their homes and being unintentionally terrifying towards them. Maybe even a first-person log of her personally experiencing of the holiday season. As long as she's shown to be going a bit spooky!
52747378_OKaGEO72JP8RB0Y.pngPound Cake! A fairy made of cake and sugar, the last of her kind. She's a bit of a fish out of water when it comes to Mahou Wando, so her enjoying any Christmas tradition would be lovely! She is often with her pet Breadrick Von Breadstick.

Writing Suggestion: I'd love to see her enjoying what MaWa has to offer this holiday season! She also makes fairycakes! Where she makes ENORMOUS cakes and shrinks them down for a big flavor in a tiny bite. I would love a story where she tries to make them and it turns out disastrous.

54510249_FvfHY31cpEIFmYY.pngWhimsy! The Mickey Mouse of Mahou Wando! In his heyday, he used to make animations and wonderful feats of magic with his creator Wilhelm Whimsy. However, those were years ago. Being recently freed of petrification, he's trying to get back in the groove. Thus, a Christmas-y theme park or anything resembling vintage Disney Christmas postcards would be lovely. He's generally seen around his adoptive daughter and lousy employee

Writing Suggestion: I would love a scrooge type story for Whimsy, where he's being a cranky little goblin, fixating on making a unique holiday animation to profit off of for the season. Then he remembers the true meaning of Christmas as he remembers the holidays he spent with his creator Wilhelm Whimsy.

PearlyWhite GlitterGrin! Daughter and Mascot of the GlitterGrin famous toothpaste brand: Twankle Twankle. She's a sweet country bunbat with a love of making friends and dental hygiene. She can be drawn doing any Christmas things, but she only eats toothpaste, mouthwash, peppermints, and candy canes. She is generally seen around her best friends Aleon and Hermes

Writing Suggestions: I would love a story of her trying to play in the snow with her neighborhood friends and having difficulty doing so because she's a little weird. It would be nice if it was resolved by her friends surprising her and them all playing in the snowtogether!


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