EvoCrit Announcement

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by aquapyrofan

When I started EvoCrit, I had zero idea of what it would take to realize such a project, from the technical side, among other things.  I also had someone working with me to develop the site, which I do not now.  As such, I will be taking some time to work on the site features to better facilitate running the site, as well as more of the ARPG-related features.  I do not know how long I’ll need, but I’m the only one working on the site so it’ll probably take a while

I will be taking a break from the following:

- adopts

- Semi-customs

- commissions

- Non-MYO freebies

I will continue working on the following:

- site code

- MYO approvals

- ARPG rolls

I will also be moving some of the ARPG rolls (where possible with my current skill level) to the site/automating things a bit more.

I will also be updating the TOS again, as there are a few things I forgot to add or that need clarifying.


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