i’m looking for codes that are suited for fighter characters or characters in rpgs!

the one i’m using right now is pepperly’s long rpg profile and it’s very lovely and has all the components i need to work with, but it’s not mobile friendly ^^’

all i need is a code with rpg-elements (essentially just stats) and a multi-image reference + relationships section, the rest i can probably adjust myself :D thanks!


The Coders' Quarters had a challenge that kinda followed a classes/rpg theme!


The only thing that is guaranteed is a section for combat/abilities, and most from what I can see do have a relationships section (The only thing I haven't really seen is multi-image references)

thank you so much! i saw that one challenge and i had no idea how to see all the submissions, so this is just what i needed! i can probably find a way to fit in a multi-image reference somehow :]

no problem! If you want to see the submissions, you can always go to the codes folder (the icon with the laptop w/ the coding icon in the middle) and check what month/year the challenge is and see the submissions for that challenge

thank you so much for the help! i found a bunch of codes i could use in there!

yeah no problem!