Comments on looking for combat/rpg styled codes! All Comments

The Coders' Quarters had a challenge that kinda followed a classes/rpg theme!

The only thing that is guaranteed is a section for combat/abilities, and most from what I can see do have a relationships section (The only thing I haven't really seen is multi-image references)

thank you so much! i saw that one challenge and i had no idea how to see all the submissions, so this is just what i needed! i can probably find a way to fit in a multi-image reference somehow :]

no problem! If you want to see the submissions, you can always go to the codes folder (the icon with the laptop w/ the coding icon in the middle) and check what month/year the challenge is and see the submissions for that challenge

thank you so much for the help! i found a bunch of codes i could use in there!

yeah no problem!