An inter-planetary recruitment fair. Could be interesting. You mill about, peeking over shoulders and tentacles to get a look at the varying stalls. Some recruiters use food to entice you, others use free swag, and others still try to use charm and silver tongues (literal in some cases). Then you spot a stall that has drawn a large crowd. You feel like you should prob avoid it, after all its usualyl either the impossible-to-get jobs or too-good-to-be-true jobs that get a crowd this worked up.

But your curiosity is no match for the excited babble moving through the crowd.

You somehow manage to squeeze, wiggle, and shuffle your way closer to the front. Spinning some fantastical tale of criminals and steely good guys is a lithe, slightly gangly looking devoma. His image does not match his story of daring escapades...but that is precisely his point. The work is so varied, needing people of all kinds of skills and talents, that everyone can find their place.

As if the crowd isn't already enraptured enough, he builds up to his set piece.

"Y'wanna know the best part..."


Devoma are part of an incredible world, with epic worldbuilding, thrilling space adventures (for those that want them), dimension-hopping and more. I have only been a part of the community for a short time but I have found everyone to be so welcoming and so excited to see what you come up with. Of course I'd love another MYO, I just wanna keep soaking up this amazing setting.

Devoma are hosting a MYO anniversary event right now, so if you want to join a fabulous community full of great people, artists, writers, and more, pop over to this thread to find out more. Check out the Discord when you get a chance and come say hi :D 

Shiloh looks forward to seeing you there 👍 


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