Art Fight Prep! Meet'cha there?

Posted 1 year, 21 days ago by RANZOMEGA

Hello all! I'm not sure if anyone really looks at my account, but I'll put this out anyway just in case!

I'm prepping for Art Fight! I haven't participated for a few years and thought it would be fun to try it out again this year! I'm RANZOMEGA on there as well, and here's the link to my profile in case anyone wants to follow- I follow back on Art Fight.

I also saw someone else asking this, so I'll do it too! ⇒ If anyone is interested, what OCs of mine would you like to see on there? So far, I've gotten to all the featured OCs on my profile-- Fisk, Ayo, Haku, Epsilon, Velvina, and Ty- as well as a few others so far, including Aklinate and "rises the moon". I'll be working on getting more up soon. O7O)b I'll try to update this bulletin with the avatars of characters I have submitted to Art Fight. 

Feel free to leave your Art Fight link here in the comments of this bulletin as well!


Previous Bulletins


Aaa I am always excited around Artfight, at the moment my characters are hidden as they are undergoing some editing, mostly just new watermarks.
Maybe I would love to see your Jello there! 

I should have just hidden and worked on my characters too rather than delete them all-- ahahahah- :'D Good luck with getting your characters in order for Art Fight!! ^7^

And I would be happy to include Jello on my AF roster!I pray that she gets blessed with an attack this year.   

Noooo, whatever way you thought was the easiest way was the right way. I am mostly done, just gotta add 2 more characters and I am ready to rumble? xD

I am sure she will!

Ayyy, can't wait! I still have to finish making refs and setting up stuff for my OCS but I'm mostly ready o7 here's my AF :3 Be ready for getting attacked when it starts!!!!

Even I don't have proper refs for much of my OCs- I should get to work on that too-- haha! Followed you back!! Thanks so much! Gonna try to get some attacks in when it starts too! ^7^

Aaa I can't wait for AF to start! I just followed you there too, I'm ~IlludensParadoxa over there too!

You have some cool characters, I might attack you even if we end up in the same team lol

Same here!! And thanks a lot, I sent over a follow as well! :D
Thank you! You also have so many neat characters, friendly fire is always welcome and I enjoy giving it to! ^7^

Can't wait to attack ya hehe! I send you a friend request on AF already but here is my profile tho!
Art Fight - WeirdStashGangstaCat's Profile

Aaah thank you!! I can't wait to get some attacks out this year too!! I've sent over a follow! ^7^)b

Sweet sweet! I'll be looking forward to attackin yeh hehe

i can't wait for AF to start!!! might drop some art of ur cuties then, haha

my AF Art Fight - _TheRatKing_'s Profile

Same here!! And thanks, I'm glad you think they're cute!! 5jg1xe.jpg I've sent a follow you way! ^^

LETS GO ARTFIGHT !!!!!! gosh these are some pretty characters you have in your lineup here....... might have to throw some art at one of them this year :eyes:

my artfight is ekholocation !!

LET'S GOOOO!! And thank you so much- I'm glad you like them!! I've sent a follow you way! ^7^

youre welcome!! and thank you too aaah