last tiny hiastus + future plans!

Posted 11 months, 22 days ago by throwbugs

hello everyone! 

this month has been extremely busy for me in terms of personal life and included a ton of travelling, so unfortunately i haven't been able to be as active as i had planned! next two weeks probably be the bussiest so far, so i might not be always able to be online! however, after that i am completely free and i can finally start fully focusing on social media again, which i am very excited for! 

i also wanted to mention some future plans! i am so so incredibly grateful that people are so interested in my designs and art and i genuinely cannot thank you guys enough for your love and support! however, i am often absolutely terrible at replying to comments and messages as i get easily overwhelmed and tired, and very often the comments tend to get very crazy with many people asking whether certain designs are still aviable and that turns out to be very hard for me to get through. i would absolutely love to get better at communication and it is my biggest goal to do so, but i struggle with mental health and motivation a bunch and so i need to figure out a new system that's gonna work for me instead of trying to force something that is uncomfortable! 

so my plans for the future are kofi subscribtion tiers + a discord server! i will be setting up both in the span of next month! the lowest tier would include preclaims for adoptables, as i still want them to be affordable but i want to lower the amount of chaos! 

and i would love to start using discord servers for more direct communication with everyone - as i said i often lack the energy and motivation to reply to messages and dm's and hopefully discord could make that more comfortable! i don't want replying to feel like a chore as i genuinely love to interact with people!

+ also artfight info!!! i have a ton of owed art to work on which is a huge priority of mine at the moment, so i will only participate for the last week of artfight! 

thank you to everyone who made it through the rambling and i hope you have a wonderful day!


ohh hype for dc server !!

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i can’t wait to see your kofi and discord server :3c !

i can totally see your art through this giant ass watermark

(for legal reasons: this is an inside joke, i goT BLOCKED BY SOMEONE LAST TIME I WROTE THIS-)

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