updates & oc questions lol

Posted 11 months, 22 days ago by startle

which of my ocs is winning in a fight 2 the death

2 Votes divinity
7 Votes flashfire
0 Votes dashtag
0 Votes annulet
1 Votes 180
0 Votes kudzu
0 Votes sunstrike
0 Votes laia
2 Votes azbithe
20 Votes i don't know ur ocs (VALID) / show results

hellooo!!! so as you guys may have guessed I have started camp -- I just got back from staff training, lots of fun, MAN I'm wiped as hell but I'm very excited for my second year as a counselor!

for all of my new followers (hiii i see you & i love you), during the summer I work at an overnight rural no-electronics summer camp! It's very important to me but it's also very draining and physically taxing, especially since we're kinda broke and it's working w/ kids 22/7 with only two hours of break a day lol. i don't really have the energy to elaborate much more so here's a bulletin I made last (?) year about it.

i have a confirmed week off during July so that's when I'll mostly be participating in ArtFight! hooray :) when I have cell service i'm probably just going to use it to like... like tweets or something, so don't expect me to be very responsive for the next couple months lmfao

( this is my ArtFight btw )

during the time off that I have I'm mostly going to be focusing on finishing my artfight refs so sorry if you were looking forwards to me doing anything else

also i'm glad you guys like the pride base sm!! :3 i love seeing how its been used <3

anndd just for fun here's this oc poll i found in the bulletin activities i missed

main oc/sona: i barely ever use them but my sonas are zex & missy. if you do art for me i prefer it if you'd draw some of my other characters just bc i'm not very connected to either of them loll [more of my thoughts on the matter]

favorite oc: far and away it's flashfire 110% no QUESTION

oc with the most images: of all the characters on my toyhouse it's zex, but w/ regards to active ocs it's fidgetfire!

biggest achieved dreamie: i don't really do the dreamie thing i'm sorry lmfao

favorite designers: crossing my fingers hope this doesn't ping anyone umm i have a very particular taste in designs but i'd have to say Scootioz & CMYK & Coastyreef & MothMew & Damndaniel ( <-- all people who i do not know obv i also like my friends' designs lol )

newest oc: ... might honestly be sabre which is WILD. newest profile is laia but i've had her for a long time lmao

oldest oc: my first real fursona, chumo. in active use? these two. duh :P

oc with the most lore: damn that's fuckin crazy

oc with the most favorites: delphi! ( wow i wonder why <- sarcastic ). of ocs that i use frequently its... fidgetfire! who actually has 172 favorites which is More than i thought by a large margin asgdhjk

most expensive oc: i don't log worth ahaha

oc that needs more love: cottonridge, sweetheart.... i'm so sorry 


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