Howdy! Since Art Fight is Suffering (as usual) I've seen some lovely people do this sorta thing in advance- where they hand out their AF characters and their IDs so that people can continue to collect references and draw them without having to wade through the AF website slowness! I'm not gunna put ALL my AF characters here, to clarify- but just the first six! Aka the characters I wanna see drawn the most. ๐Ÿ‘€

On that note- for the same reasons, if you have a character that is currently/will be uploaded on Art Fight that you'd like for me to tackle- feel free to leave their TH and AF profiles in a comment below!! This is nOT A GUARANTEE I'll be able to draw your character, mind you!!! I'll be more likely to draw them IF I haven't attacked you before and you're also Team Werewolf! I wanna prioritize friends/mutuals and opposite teams this year, maybehaps. >:3 ohoho
(I'm looking directly at all my friends/mutuals who are Also on team vampire I Do not care about teams send me your characters Anyway)ย 

ANYHOW ONWARDS TO THE PROFILES!! Good luck with your own drawing endeavors!!! Hope to see you guys in the Art Battlefield >:D

Firstly- I'm Team Vampire! My username there is Chocolatewoosh, as always. :]

62643722_jYe.pngCharacter: Codie Emery
AF Profile:
AF ID: 13589
TH Profile:
Extra: Please draw my boy please I'm desperate he hardly gets any attacks and he's my favourite boy plea
Codie is a Roboticist!! Aka he builds robots for a living in the world's Biggest Company that also kind of rules the world at the same time- Prometheus Robotics!! He tends to be a rather bossy know-it-all but drawing him perfectly nervous is also very in character too. Also he has a husband and is EXTREMELY in love with him and will gush about how much he loves his husband (Jonas Emery) at every given moment.

47448601_bH8.pngCharacter: Marcus Courtois
AF Profile:
AF ID: 1970049
TH Profile:
Extra: Marcus is almost always seen grinnin' and looking cocky n confident- he's an artist and an ex-thief!! Travels the world with his werms. Loves them Very much and they love Him. Marcus thinks he's just about the greatest thing since sliced bread and Then some. Overly confident n cool- but hilariously, also very in-tune with other people and he finds it extremely easy to read others and tell what their intentions are. He's super teasing, flirty, and strangely caring?? While he thinks of himself first and foremost- he's not exactly selfish, and not about to throw somebody else under the bus to his benefit.

60176325_ESJ.pngCharacter: Pepperoni Pete
AF Profile:
AF ID: 3080562
TH Profile:
Extra: Despite me drawing Pete lookin' grumpy all the time he CAN be rather sweet and shy!! He's just. Tired a lot. I've said this a few times but he just carries the energy of a fast food worker who lost their soul 3 hours into their shift. He's a little virtual guy Become Real! And now he's lost and doesn't really know what to do with himself. Also to be clear: he is NOT a fan of pizza. Despite it being. In his name... And on his face....... He's simply burdened with knowledge about pizza and would prefer to talk about LITERALLY anything else.

26692718_PVgYPHRzFEaeD5R.pngCharacter: CHAIRENCE
AF Profile:
AF ID: 1347518
TH Profile:
Extra: A powerful wizard that has managed to fuck up a spell SO BADLY that he turned himself into a chair. Good job that's the worst anyone's ever done it
He's pretty much permanently pissed off about his Situation and chooses violence every time. He can still speak and use spells and whatnot- he's just a purple sparkly wooden chair forever. skill issue

52052059_Vah.pngCharacter: Phillip
AF Profile:
AF ID: 424125
TH Profile:
Extra: Some kind of semi-lonely magical entity whose greatest passion is plants! Loves to read. Has plants growing out of his hair and tail always. He's sleepytired 24/7 and kinda has a resting bitch face. He's actually rather sweet though, deep down!! Uses his understanding of plants 'n magic to create his own kind of plants, growing and studying them all the time. He even created life!! He was bored 'n lonely so he started making plant people so he'd have someone to talk to, but they started doing their own thing and now they've more or less overtaken him..

66283375_7zm.pngCharacter: Sylvester
AF Profile:
AF ID: 3083344
TH Profile:
Extra: HUGE NERD!!! Loves electronics and customizing his gameboy, switch, etc- with custom cases and buttons and such. Has electrically charged tails!! Thankfully they don't seem to interact with his electronics. Doesn't actually know his way around a computer all that well- but he'd like to! Most of his knowledge surrounds older game systems. On the surface Sylvester seems like such a cool, confident and popular guy- when really he's quite shy, awkward, and laid back.ย 


Best of luck to you, Kailey! ^^)b

If by chance you do attack me, I don't mind which one of my silly characters you choose. As long as you have fun drawing them is what matters to me :D

Hiii Kailey! Recency bias is speaking to me, but I think you'd get a kick out of drawing Spider-Spot~

HELL YES ART FIGHT TIME!!!!! im rly hopin i have time because ive been eyeing pepperoni pete's design >:]

as for me uhhhhhh honestly id die if u drew any of my splat ocs, but riptide and august are my babies and i WILL cry if u did em

OHHH this is so clever! I need to save my own ocs' ids on af as well.. When i have the time >:) BUT YEAAAA i now have a good pick of who to draw for ya this year (i already kinda did but oh you know)

Unfortunatwly i am Indecisive . on who id suggest you draw HDJSK so i leave it up to your hands..

Ouhh yes!! Will def attack you again this year! :]ย 

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Omg bless! I have a doc of all of mine with toyhouse links and then IDs for af, itโ€™s so helpful for the first week haha ๐Ÿ˜‚