hi (season 3)

Posted 10 months, 17 hours ago by catergiest

another day that holds no significance to me whatsoever. I'm opening up requests again on this totally insignificant day. it is simply a european custom

happy birthday bill clinton by the way heard you'll have a big party and all your friends will come



I HOPE I AM NOT LATE TO WISH U A HAPPY BAPPPPYYYY . SMILES HUUUGE. u r my favorite august baby pal <3 HOPE U HAVE/HAD A GREAT DAY WAHWOOOOOOOO!!! dg68lu0-6280e296-0be6-44bc-86d4-29802a5a

Happy birthday baby bill 🏂

https://toyhou.se/SyberSpace/characters/folder:2447400 Here are my freaks , you may bless anyone here 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL CLINTON!!! God I forget I've known you for so damn long and it's like,, aw,,,, my buddy my friend,, I MISS YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY I LOVE U!!!!!! I hope you have been well and get to have a super fun day today 🙏

Anyway would be so real to see you draw this freak again, no need tho ty for the chance, you've got a bunch of requests already so kdkfkflg 

it's insane that we've known each other for so long now...... love jacki so very much and it makes me so happy to have jem in me life <3so very sorry you knew me when I was like. 13 though. appreciate you sticking around despite what a little shit I was

I'm very happy to still have you around even if we don't keep up that often, it's always a nice time when I can catch you <33 always excited to hang out when I see you unmuted in call so today was fun YIPEEEE

WOAH! Happy borfday Billy Clinton, I slide you this lovely lady if she strikes your fancy!~ https://toyhou.se/3260805.diamond

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No fucking way... Move over bill clinten it's a European day -_-

Could you draw yourself interacting with any of my ocs? I think today on this day you deserve to bother them especially 

Woahg,,what a day, happy bday to that Clinton guy

I present to u, a freak <3 : https://toyhou.se/19076931.terrence-steinmetz

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yay yoohoo what a good day!

I offer you a bird guy… I just love the way u draw pointy noses and he’s got a silly pointy nose https://toyhou.se/15711422.branwen thank u hehe

oh em gee can u draw this guy? or thsi fellow,,both r my faves rn so feel free to draw whoever! :3

haaaaii on this special day you think you can draw this mf https://toyhou.se/18060252.tartarus tyty

happy bill clinton day!please draw you and mori playing a fun game of your choice. maybe eating a bowl of pretzels and drinking water too

edit: make it mori