Posted 8 months, 29 days ago by startle


52 Votes ME


Results are concerning this survey.

I'm very sorry that these survey results are coming out so late! The long and short of it is that I have yet again started college and I have to say, it is really draining my energy. Although unlike last year I am showing up to all my classes and also actually taking care of myself, this does unfortunately come at a pretty severe energy cost. The reason I've been uploading so much traditional art is because -- well, it's because I figured out how to do it, but it's also because I'm now physically sitting in classes & thus physically draw; instead of online classes where I could be doodling digitally during them, etcetera. Apologies if the 'spam' is annoying to anyone! I just like having an accessible record of traditional doodles I've done lol.

Anyways, no one cares about that, I know I know. I was also putting this off because I was considering trying to make a YouTube video with the results, but I ended up scrapping that idea as participants did not explicitly consent to having their responses on YouTube. 


Firstly, I would like to clarify that this survey was made:

A. On a whim, completely unplanned.

B. In less than three hours.

Which isn't an excuse so much as it is an explanation... ^^;;

In retrospect, I would have done quite a few things differently and some of your critiques were definitely right on the money! I never expected this many responses and if I had, I think I would've definitely changed a few of the ways in which it was structured. Unfortunately, too late is too late -- I know that you might be able to alter survey questions without removing all previous responses, but I've had that happen to me before and I was a bit leery about possibly accidentally deleting 100-something responses from people. 

If I could go back in time, I would definitely add a 'prefer not to say' option on quite a few of those questions [mostly the demographic ones], in addition to 'this question doesn't apply to me, as i do not [blank]' -- eg, 'i don't order commissions'. Not having those in was definitely an oversight, and I sincerely apologize to anyone who was confused, unwilling to continue further, or torn because of the lack of those options. 

Most of the options lacked a lot of nuance, but this was... slightly intentional. While write-in questions do allow for far more nuance and explanation of one's particular stance, unfortunately Google Forms doesn't put those into an easy to digest graph and I do not have the time to sort 156 survey responses -- which, by the way, I got 156?! -- into separate categories based on my own personal qualifications. Additionally, a lack of nuanced or 'in-between' answers limits the human tendency to just pick the middle option every single time and forces people to choose whichever fits the most. Although I do understand why 'black and white' questions could be frustrating, I also hope that you [all] are able to understand the benefits that I saw in them!

A list of suggested categories I wish I included: Opinions on profile/character warnings, political alignment/affiliation, orientation ( <-- this was actually originally on there but I cut it because I thought there were too many questions lol), country/nationality. 


This survey was taken by one hundred and fifty-six people! Wow!

Participants were asked to only participate if they were an active user of ToyHouse or had used ToyHouse in the past. The following is the exact wordage used in the beginning informational blurb of the survey:

This is a just for fun and anonymous survey conducted by startlebecause I was bored and love making Google Forms. Please only fill out this form if you are a current or past user of the website!

This first section is a demographics section.

Remember that all of this data is anonymous! An amalgamation of all data will be published as a ToyHouse bulletin at a later date, but specific responses will not be visible to or seen by anyone except for me (Aster / startle).

Participants Were Gathered From:

1. Seeing the initial bulletin, which you can find in its entirety here

2. Through advertisements in two Discord servers, one of which is a long-term warrior cats roleplay server [that I am on the staff team for] and the other of which was Bunkin's Burrow [art/socializing server owned by and focused around one person]. 

3. A forum post in the General & Off-Topic thread.

Given this information, do keep in mind that these can definitely sway the statistics. For example, followers of mine -- who are the people most likely to see my bulletin -- are more likely to enjoy or engage with the sort of content that I post. Etcetera. If this was a survey given to every single member of ToyHouse, you'd likely see some different results.



[ 30+ is at 3.8%, with 6 respondents]

This one is fairly close to what my expectations were, although I would like to note that there was actually a larger ratio of older to younger people when there were a lower number of responses. Obviously, take this with a grain of salt since I didn't have the foresight to take any screenshots or anything, but I just found that pretty interesting. 

Clearly, highschoolers / middle schoolers will have more free time and thus more time to be online on ToyHouse, but there's still a significant portion of respondents who are adults.


This one was interesting as well! Here's a 'sorted' percentage breakdown:

Fully Employed: 10.3%

Part-Time: 17.9% [includes students]

Student: 61.5% [includes 'too young' & part-time students]

Unemployed / Freelance: 71.8% [incl too young, unemployed students, etc]

Fascinating stuff! Don't have too much more to say on this, other than emphasizing that again, people who have more free time are generally more likely to be on ToyHouse.


Definitely an interesting spread here, although I'm laughing at the amount of monolinguals... which includes me, btw.

Screenshot_518.png?width=1070&height=493 Hard to read on the graph, I know, so I'll list them here:

Physically Disabled / Chronic Condition: 25/156; 16%

Examples given for this (↑) include arthritis and POTS.

Mental Disability / Learning Disorder: 43/156; 27.6%

Neurodivergent: 105/156; 67.3%

Examples given for this (↑) include ADHD and Autism.

Mental Disorder: 99/156; 63.5%

Examples given for this (↑) include depressionBPD, and anxiety

Other Conditions: 56/156; 35.9%

Examples given for this (↑) include asthmaallergies, and chronic fatigue

No Listed Conditions / Disabilities: 21/156; 13.5%

The strong correlation between neurodivergence and ToyHouse usage is pretty obvious here; if you want some statistics, according to the National Cancer Institute, "An estimated 15-20% of the world's population exhibits some form of neurodivergence." That means that respondents to this survey are 3.3 to 4.5 TIMES more likely to be neurodivergent than the average person. Obviously, there are some caveats to this: neurodivergent people might have been more likely to respond to the survey, and respondents are not necessarily an accurate reflection of the entire ToyHouse userbase. Still, it's certainly a large number. 

It would be way too much effort to try and correlate all of these variables, but here's some of the interesting ones:

9/156 [ 5.8% of respondents ] had every single listed condition.

6/156 [ 3.8% of respondents, which includes myself ] had everything except a learning disability. 

12/156 [ 7.7% of respondents ] had everything except for a physical disability. 

17/156 [ 10.9% of respondents ] had a learning disability, a mental disorder, and were neurodivergent.

19/156 [ 12.2% of respondents ] were neurodivergent and had a mental disorder.

Interesting, right?

I was also interested in comorbidity rates [the likelihood of having two conditions at once], so I made a table.

The columns are the conditions. The rows are their comorbidities.

For example, 10 respondents had a physical disability and a learning disorder. Thus, under the physical disability column it is 40% -- which means that 40% of respondents with a physical disability also had a learning disorder -- and under the mental disability column it is 23% -- which means that 23% of respondents with a learning disorder also had a physical disability.

Hope that makes sense!

COMORBIDITIESPhysical DisabilityMental DisabilityNeurodivergentMental DisorderOtherNone
Physical DisabilityN/A10 [23%]22 [21%]22 [22%]15 [27%]N/A
Mental Disability10 [40%]N/A41 [39%]39 [39%]1 [2%]N/A
Neurodivergent22 [88%]41 [95%]N/A80 [81%]44 [79%]N/A
Mental Disorder22 [88%]39 [91%]80 [76%]N/A50 [89%]N/A
Other15 [60%]21 [49%]44 [42%]50 [51%]N/AN/A
None2 [8%]1 [2%]16 [15%]14 [14%]9 [16%]21 [100%]

I could honestly probably look at this chart for hours but I must continue with the survey results! Peruse this data on your own time.


We can say what we're all thinking here... more cishets than I expected!

It's okay, guys, I understand. I [a cishet] have been friends with almost exclusively gay people for my entire life, online and offline. Sometimes a friendgroup needs a token straight for like... ecosystem balance or whatever. 

Would like to note that the proportion of the US population who identifies as LGBT in some way is apparently around 7.1%. Using this percentage, survey respondents were over TWELVE TIMES MORE LIKELY to identify as LGBT than the average US population. 

In conclusion, ToyHouse is for gay people. Thank you.


Again, not shocking to me in the slightest. And honestly, I was expecting less cis people than there are!

Interestingly enough, if we presume that everyone who is trans and/or non-heterosexual selected that they were a part of the LGBT community on the previous question, then that leaves us with a spread of:

11.5% cisgender, heterosexual.

70.5% transgender [no info on orientation, unfortunately]

17.9% cisgender, non-heterosexual.

Sorry for all the statistics. I hate math but I love numbers!



(I blissfully ignore the fact that I split the nonbinary umbrella into 57234567 different pieces)

Anyways, yep! Pretty interesting. 

Shockingly enough, when I was looking through the spreadsheet I didn't see a single cis man or trans woman. Which is intriguing! I definitely thought there'd be at least a few trans women but I guess not?


I don't have very much to say on this one, either. About what I expected.


Okay, this one is a bit of a mess but I'll try to explain what I was looking at here.

Basically, as I'm sure you're all aware, in these sorts of online circles there's some really interesting pronoun usage that happens -- and these answers definitely reflect that. I tried to include answers which reflected the pronoun usages which I'd personally seen online, and I was interested in how the spread would shake out. For example, since we know that we have 19.2% trans men from one of our previous questions, we can then compare that to the 12.2% of people who use one binary pronoun set that doesn't match their AGAB.

 Obviously, not everyone uses the pronoun set that exactly matches their gender; you can have she/her guys or he/him gals, but overall if someone is using a binary pronoun set it usually matches their self-selected gender. Do keep this in mind, though, that the following numbers therefore can't / won't be exact.

My point here, then, is that we can extrapolate that we probably have around ~36% of [presumably binary] trans men who don't use one set of binary pronouns. We can do this for cis women, too; ~26% of [presumably binary] cis women don't use one set of binary pronouns. Crazy, right?

I was also interested in neopronouns. I'm sure most/all of you know what neopronouns are, but for those who don't: Neopronouns are pronouns outside of he, she, and they. Some examples of neopronouns might include ze/zim, fae/faer, it/its, and the like. 

From these respondents, we can conclude that:

103/156 [66%] do not use neopronouns. 

29/156 [19%] do use neopronouns

24/156 [15%] might use neopronouns [eg: people who use any/all, mirrored, etc]

... I need to find a better word than fascinating, but -- that's so fascinating, isn't it?


And here is a better breakdown of the specific pronouns people use. I wish I'd distinguished between the 'self' neopronouns [ie: bun/bunself] versus 'non-self' neopronouns [ie: xe-xem] in the 'other neopronouns' section, but oh well.

Wildly enough, despite the overall proportions of women being greater to men, more people use he/him pronouns than she/her. I suspect that this is because some people use 'any but she' pronouns; I've never seen someone who uses 'any but he' -- although I'm sure they exist! I was also somewhat surprised by the amount of people who use it/its, though I guess it makes sense as I think its a very 'natural' pronoun to adopt since its already in the English language. 


By and large... ToyHouse users have no game at all. We knew this.

I'm actually rather interested in the disparity between the long-term and short-term relationships, though, as I feel like that's interestingly skewed! Maybe ToyHouse users are less likely to engage in short-term relationships? 


Okay, now this one is fucking wild and is also one of my favorite data points in the whole survey.

So, ignoring how many family members everyone has here, the results shake out like so:

Only Children: 11%

Eldest Children: 49%

Middle Children: 17%

Youngest Children: 24%

This disparity.... is so fucking bonkers!

It gets even crazier when we look at the 'eldest of two children' versus 'youngest of two children' numbers -- 31.4% to 10.9%! To clarify, here, those should be about equivalent as to be an eldest or a youngest child, you inherently have to have a younger/older sibling.

What is it about ToyHouse that makes oldest children like it more?

... Or do eldest children just like surveys more? It's anyone's guess.


And now for our final demographics question!

This was actually a result that I wasn't really expecting! I don't think I know [as in, talk to regularly] anyone who ascribes to organized religion, but the numbers here don't lie. Over 1/10 survey respondents do ascribe to organized Abrahamic faiths. 

It is important to remember that while many of us might be bitter towards the conservative evangelical Christian sect of the right right now that there are definitely religious people who are not right wing extremists and there are religious people who also belong to the groups victimized by said extremists.

All around, very interesting results for this one I think.


Now we're on to part two of three: the non-demographics non-drama section, which isn't cool enough to have a non-relational name. Sad! Anyways.


Shout out to the four people who have literally been here since the start of the website. You're real ones!


We all knew we were freeloaders, but also it's intriguing that the 'no, but I've had it before' and 'yes' options had the exact same number of responses. I'm a bit too brainfried to draw any conclusions here but I'm sure someone could.


I'm grouping these together because they're very similar questions. As we can see here, we've got a fairly average distribution here, where most people are somewhere in the middle and then the population sizes get higher/lower as you get higher/lower. Still, maybe this can have an impact on how you think about your own subscriber numbers!

Also, I don't know how people subscribe to 600+ people -- I'm subscribed to 32 and I feel like I get a ton of notifications... I admire the resilience!



Again, very interesting, although I feel like the ratio is way more in favor of red on other social media sites -- so ToyHouse is a lot more even. I almost feel as though the more even this gets, the 'friendlier' or more 'community-based' a website is; although maybe I'm just making that up.


So, this one... come on guys, it's an anonymous survey!

At time of writing this, there are exactly 2862 users online. Across the entire website. 2862. 


If your subscriber count makes up a significant portion of the currently online user count, I hate to say it... but you're popular. I know popularity is self-defined, but I'm gobsmacked that only myself and 3 other gigachads said yes to this question!

Of the... four people who said yes to this question, their subscriber counts are as follows:

1000-2000, 500-1000, 300-500, and 10-50.

Again, 'popularity' is fairly self-defined, but if you have more than 500 subscribers... come on. 1/6th of the online users? 


[ One being "not very" and five being "very". ]


[ One being "introverted" and five being "extroverted". ]



[ One being "online" and five being "in-person". ]


Really wish I'd thought to add a 'met irl' option to this, but regardless:
This one is definitely interesting. I'm especially intrigued by the disparity between large socializing Discord servers and small socializing Discord servers. Far and away, smaller ones seem to have taken the cake. Also interesting that more 'childish' social medias, ie Scratch and Amino, were better at 'making friends' than more 'mature' social medias like Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram.

I guess if you're looking for friends, maybe reference this chart?

Also, the strong showing for Discord RP servers definitely has a chance of being biased here since I know a lot of SB people took this survey. Just something to keep in mind!


I mean, obvious ToyHouse bias here but that's.... evident since you have to be or have been a user to have taken the survey. 

Write-ins included: Facebook, Reddit (mad I forgot this one), Newgrounds, Lioden, Artfight, Neocities, Buzzly, Artfol, Flight Rising and side7. 


Kind of surprised by this one, since I rarely follow artists I look up to -- makes me sad about my own art. But also I evidently have weird following behavior.

 Aside from one's own friends/mutuals, the best ways to get a following [according to these responses] are to:

1. Be good at art.

2. Do fanart for fandoms people are interested in.

3. Have stories or characters that people like to follow.

4. Have art or designs that people are interested in buying.

5. ...Be an online celebrity or YouTuber.

Simple, right?


Less furries than I thought here, although maybe it's due to all the fandom discourse that's been happening lately. I'd like to remind everyone that furry is a subculture and not a fandom. While it is self-defined, if you're participating in the subculture... You're basically in the subculture, dude.


Honestly kind of shocked [vaguely positive] at the amount of non-artists who use ToyHouse. Yeah, it's not a lot, but I'm impressed given how image-heavy the site is.


Near-even split that manages to look just like the Chrome logo. 


Again, wish I'd added an 'I don't purchase commissions' option here but alas.

Cheat-sheet chart if you want to know what to offer!


Further cheat sheet. Important to note is that the pity pitch doesn't seem to really work! You should provide a product people want to buy as-is. 

Top Seven Things That Make People Comm You, according to this survey, not counting people who are your friends:

1. Unique Artstyle [78.8%]

2. Positive Past Experiences [personal] -- IE return customers. [61.5%]

3. Conventional Artistic Skill [60.3%]

4. Respecting You / Wanting to Support You [55.8%]

5. Other's Positive Experiences w/ You -- IE reputation. [51.9%]

6. Expertise in Specific Subject; like uncommon species or body types. [49.4%]

7. Cheap Price [44.9%]

Thank you to the 56789 people who wrote in "uh if I like their art... lol" under the write-in option, very helpful... [ <-- sarcastic ]

Thank you, legitimately, to the person who wrote in "if they've shown proper work ethic over a long period of time" which is a fantastic point and one I whole-heartedly agree with.


An even even-er split.


This one definitely surprised me, as I thought for sure that name-brand and expensive adopts sold way better, but apparently not? And the original lines bias took me aback too -- I sell near-exclusively based adoptables and they sell like hotcakes pretty frequently; though I guess my tastes don't often align with the public's! 

Top Seven Things That Sell Adoptables, according to this survey:

1. Original Lineart [62.8%]

2. Has Hair / A Hairstyle [56.4%]

3. Inexpensive / Cheap [51.9%]

4. Comes with Additional Artwork [51.9%]

5. Has Clothing [49.4%]

6. Has Elaborate Accessories [48.1%]

7. A Common Real-Life Species [41%]

Important Note: I left out anthro, feral, and humanoid since they're all mutually exclusive & had marginal differences between their selection rates. Feral was slightly preferred to humanoid which was slightly preferred to anthro. 


This is honestly nearly exactly how I thought this one would go, though the strong art preference caught me a little bit off guard. As I suspected [and thought myself], flatsales are far and away the easiest way to purchase and sell adoptables. 


Interesting division here.


I'm definitely more of a story guy myself, though considering how art-focused ToyHouse is, this doesn't shock me.


Although allowing for 'sonas' -- as in humanoid sonas -- I do nevertheless find this funny given the answers to the "are you a furry" question.


[ one is "not very" and five is "VERY". ]

I salute the two brave soldiers who chose one for being honest.


Pretty interesting! I love how many plans people have here.

Of the six people who didn't pick a 4 or 5 on the previous question ["how attached are you to your OCs"], they answered this question as such:

Elaborate; RP Character: 2/6

Some Story: 2/6

Relationships & Personality Only: 1/6

No Story: 1/6


[ one is "not often" and five is "often" ]



The answers to this are funny to me because I think I'm like, addicted to making resources. 


Again, amusing how little people actually use some of this site's main features. While only 21/156 people don't use any of the features at all, only 40/156 actually use ToyHouse literatures [which is a feature that I personally adore, btw.]


Not much to say on this, although again: Very funny that despite roleplaying being baked into the website's functionality, not many people actually roleplay on ToyHouse.




[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]

I will admit, this one was mostly for the 'drama' factor / presentation / to get people in the 'proper mindset', so to speak -- I put a few of those in. Still, I think it's cool how even the distribution is here.


[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]

I'm sure someone could try to cancel me by blowing random things out of proportion, but my bulletin writing skills are just too good [<-- egotistical and hubristic].




[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]

This was another vibe-setting one... sorry.


[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]


Do keep in mind that I mean a fullbody or custom here. I'm trying really hard to not just answer all of these with my personal opinion, so I'm not going to. I'm not. I haven't been unethical in over a month -- did you hear that? I said, over a mon


..... deeply disappointed in 25.8% of you.



[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]

I'm shaking my head like a disapproving father right now.



..... deeply disappointed in 27.1% of you.


You know that one meme of the guy standing up in the middle of the classroom? Okay, picture me like that right now.

"I think artists should have to actually learn color theory and develop that skill and not have to mooch off of other people's color knowledge."


[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]

Glad to see we have mostly somewhat-positive self images here.


[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]

Keeping my mouth shut... on this one. Yep.


To be frank, I'm too ADHD for a blacklist. [I can say this I have ADHD okay]


I think this topic is like an entire video essay's worth of discussion so I'm not going to touch it for now.


[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]

Pretty pleasantly surprised with this one. 


Also pleasantly surprised with this one! I'm very yellow on this issue. 


[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]



[ one is "disagree" and five is "agree" ]

Interesting split here. Most distributions have been normal or directional, but this one is pretty bimodal.


Ah, the discourse machine. I think they're fine; I don't participate in them because I prefer interconnecting [my] character stories which is difficult to do with closed species, however I keep making concepts for them and would love to host a community for one someday.



I will not be giving feedback on ANY of these. These are discussions that you guys can have in the comments or whatever.

THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED HERE WERE NOT WRITTEN BY ME. I AM POSTING EVERYTHING [unless it is bigoted or entirely lacks substance] AS IT WAS WRITTEN [aside from formatting; i added periods], REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT I AGREE WITH THEM.


"This site can be so fun, but so drama filled, and it can be SO draining sometimes."


"Remember to take care of yourself! :3"


"some people on toyhou dot se have absolutely crazy and wild opinions and everyone decides to agree with them because if they don't they'll get called out. that’s all i'll say."


" 'fave for art' posts are a lazy way to bring attention to your account/art."


"In my opinion, dekudogs are pretty okay, but they're definitely not all original. There should be something that says who they're based off of, and that they only really made the design (+ alternate storyline in some cases) and not much else. 

As for whether or not they're alright for small artists or big companies, I think it just depends on the creator. Regardless of whether or not it's a big-name corporation, or a small artist, if the creator says no then don't do it."


"I think that giving minors a lot of fame is overall a bad thing. this includes being a 'pop designer' or artist. I feel that it puts too much pressure on a child to be 'grown up' or 'mature' and does not let them make mistakes that children make. I think that a lot of the minors who got popular end up being similar to child movie stars. it just puts their life on blast, and i think that it makes them believe (due to their audience) that they are more mature or more grown than they actually are, which concerns me because of the large amounts of child predators who use this narrative to prey on kids."


"as for being jealous of pop designers/people with more followers on toyhouse, i feel like its not about the number, but the opportunities they get. pop designers get boosted a lot by toyhouse already and people will buy their designs no matter what, even if its the same design every single time, so it irks me a bit. i respect the hustle, but other people who make great designs & need the extra cash often don’t have their adopts bought. 

closed species are just cash grabs in my opinion and i hate them pretty vehemently… i don’t express it much but they annoy me to no end. i honestly enjoy making characters that are visually similar to the species if i want one, because i shouldn’t have to pay for a specific set of traits."


"People should stop bothering artists for selling what they think is overpriced. ex a flat headshot for $50 or a white dog with a flower crown for $100. It's more difficult than ever for artists to sell anything due to ai so stop trying to pit people against each other and support other artists for their achievement."


"I think popular designers on Toyhouse are OVERRATED. Like, yeah there are few designs that I want from a few popular designers but other than that they're just completed overrated."


"I'm not super informed on internet stuff! Honestly I really don't care that much and staying in touch with everything gets really stressful. I prefer to hear about things from the grapevine of the people I know. I find IRL drama to be entertaining because most of the time it doesn't matter much and giving people advice is a way of expressing affection I feel comfortable with! With online drama... It's just so... DRAMATIC. Overblown in many cases I've seen and generally icky. 

The real reason I don't do commissions is because I forget about them or get too depressed to work on them and then on the off-chance I remember I am terrified of reaching out, even if I've already started them. Horrible cyclic cycle I'm afraid of asking advice for so I stopped taking commissions. Or it was the depression but who knows."


"Toyhouse is decently good but there are doors left open for abuse (scamming/theft/fraud, grooming, stalking, doxxing, and bullying). Just be cautious with your personal information and interactions with others and you should be alright. I feel a better moderation system would significantly cut down on the volume of issues that users have."


"Writing things such as 'Don't steal my OCs or I'll chase you with a knife' is not nice. Some users deal with mental illness that really brings out paranoia and making their lives worse isn't cute. Someone who's there to steal is also never gonna heed such a warning - it is completely useless. Nice people won't need to be told not to steal, however your profile warning may trigger someone's issues and put them at risk. 

Also - AI has no place in this world as it is and if you use it in ANY way you're an idiot. And don't come to me about 'but photoshop stabilizer is also AI' - you know I don't mean professionally-developed tools that do not scrape and steal millions of works of individuals and use them on their own as a money-making machine. Chat-GPT,, StableDiffusion, etc. are all products built on the sweat and tears of your fellow artists and art-lovers, stealing every piece of data they can find to turn into mush and spit it back out while taking your money for it, too. There is NO ethical use of AI because it is trained without consent, compensation and clarity - AI developers themselves admitted to not knowing how exactly it works - and yet some of you will gladly use it for 'fun' - I hope you have fun training your literal replacement. You are disgusting, especially if you do it in secret."


"art marketplace regulars who dont read the whole post are annoying and i make fun of them in prvt"


" (In all seriousness though imo people should just chill with all the whole art debates, or any of the other stuff thats been talked about to DEATH in the forums (anti-inspo, colour picking, pose theft, etc). 

Inspiration is what builds up our art in the first place, you cant live without it, colourpicking is fine, cant own colours (unless youre Pantone apparently), cant steal poses, and styles/the level of your artwork shouldnt determine your worth as a person. 

Unless youre making art as a hobby (but even then some of this may still apply to you), art isnt supposed to have 'rules'. As long as youre not tracing or stealing, or drawing something illegal, do whatever you want. NOBODY gets to determine what you can snd cant do with your art. Life is short, have fun, be gay do crime 🙂👍"


"Umm... TH Users!!!! Remember to thank people who draw for you in art games! Even if you don't like it, be nice! They took precious time to draw something for you, the least you can do is thank 'em! Even if their art isn't perfect now (or lq or whatever), even just thanking them might encourage them to continue drawing and improve."




"i think everyone needs to stfu and needs to think before they post because nothings that deep omg. people are too sensitive to everything, too defensive, too jealous. like omg get a life go outside. not everything revolves around this damn adopt and art community, and nothings as bad as everyone usually makes it out to be. 

anyways hope ur having a good day and try not to waste your braincells on useless toyhouse drama. i blocked all the psas in service reviews for a reason. 

also to anyone who has their profile in their warnings, please stop. its called a profile WARNING for a reason. i want to be warned before exploring your profile of things that might bother me, not know your whole backstory, credit card info, address, blacklist, family tree, dni, plastered with 50 fast moving gifs. im on my knees omg."


"toyhouse popularity is so useless its more useless than tumblr popularity. so when i saw the 'popular toyhouse users' question i genuinely struggled to think of a single user that i could consider popular."


"Toyhouse is fun but a dumpster fire at times ngl."


"sometimes i feel like i’m walking on eggshells when on toyhouse, especially as a smaller creator who occasionally interacts with larger creators. 

i think that larger creators should mostly refrain from publicly bashing people for personal offenses/small drama that only involved the two of you. i’ve seen so many witch hunts start in this way and small creators’ reputations get ruined simply because a larger creator brought others into personal drama (which is often only showing their side of the story)."


"I really hate how the culture on the website is more focused on art than storytelling and character development, when the website is objectively not meant as an art-posting site exclusively (it's a part of it of course, but it's more than just a deviantart alternative). As someone who is not an artist at all but a very passionate writer, it feels like writing is extremely undervalued on TH, and it's all about how nice your art is or how cool your designs are. I can't help but feel upset when people LOVE a character solely because they have a pretty design but my characters go unnoticed when I write paragraphs upon paragraphs of character development, relationships, and backstory for them. I put work into my craft too!"


"Make more fashion-based adopts they’re always so cool."


"Re: Drama, please stop putting legit pedos/groomers publicly on blast because that technically ruins evidence in court and will make it harder for prosecution if they're actually targeting kids. Please just report and block and maybe tell your friends on the downlow to also block. Callout posts do nothing but make it worse for victims. Bringing up kids who are interested in NSFW will just make them huge targets for groomers. I know Sudo's not the best but PLEASE just report and move on. I've gotten a number of under-13 users banned over the years just by showing one or two solid pieces of evidence for each of them. Make things concise and easy to read, rather than 20 page long drama-mongering google docs, and they'll take you seriously. The Service Reviews section needs to return to just being reviews on Services that sucked, while creeps in the back get blasted quietly."


"shittalking some1 without confruntation is rlly rude and bad."


"This bitch needs better moderation YEET."


"Well let's much as I do enjoy some good drama, please people talk it out in DMS!!!! I'm sure that most problems could be solved if it's just talked out. If no one comes to a agreement you know what you can do? Come to a mutual block. OH and when it comes to blocking and blocks in general please toyhouse user LEARN HOW TO BLOCK!!!! Learn how to block liberally or something like the end of the day you have the power to control your experience online and there's many tools to curate that experience, like blocking users , threads, and characters. OK..that's it :3 (Sorry if my grammar, and punctuation is off; my friend bully me about it (In a loving way of course)) anyways thank you for the amazing survey!"


"I think a lot of the toyhouse blocking culture makes a lot of the site a really toxic; like i totally understand in certain situations

I just think it’s really toxic and stupid to block over minor inconveniences that can be resolved through a simple message or stuff or for a slight discomfort; if someone makes you really uncomfortable but they haven’t done anything like really bad 

Putting a block is the equivalent of putting a restraining order in the real world, and people are going to meet others they don’t quite flow well with, but that doesn’t deserve them being blocked for no reason Blocking for the pure reason of discomfort can make others really uncomfortable too: me personally i have generalized anxiety disorder and noticing that someone has blocked me gives me a lot of anxiety regarding my actions, as i don’t mean to do anything malicious, and i can’t pick up on what other people think is bad (as in minor inconveniences) as easily as other people; i’m autistic and have always struggled with this sort of thing and then people act like “you know what you did wrong” and what i mean for slight discomfort is like “you don’t vibe with them” or someone favorited their characters at random (which if it makes one uncomfortable, just put it in a description or contact to let them know)

(But once again i totally understand blocking users that don’t fit an age-interaction criteria, or users that are acting like a dick or are one or are just general shitty people; i quite literally specified “i block assholes + people who act like one on my page, but i block conservatively”) I also think DNI lists with those things that include “racist and homophobic” are stupid and pointless because that’s already a given that people block assholes and just general actually shitty people, and if someone is gonna come in and act like an asshole intentionally they won’t even listen to the DNI criteria directly (And no i am not referring to the DNI criteria that relate to age or coming in to offer or something like that)

(This is just my opinion and explanation on the whole thing, but again i can’t force people to change their habits on the site, this is just my humble opinion and a harsh truth i think some people need to hear.)"


"I feel like people are too overly critical of people who enjoy depictions of more 'mature' topics such as gore or NSFW. Although I don't engage with the latter [I am a minor], I see no problem with people deciding to do so and i dont feel that they should be judged for it."


"Bee theme is the best theme bc it's the only one that changes the top header bar into something fun that's all."


"Toyhouse is a great site but it needs better moderation and the admin needs to get their shit together."


"I dislike when people use those codes for warning, they are unnecessarily long and I'm not going to read all of that. Just put the important things ( triggers and things you MUST know before interacting ), especially when the text is barely readable. If I have to be honest, I almost never read these unless I intend to offer on somebody's character.

While I love designs by popular designers, people should pay more attention to quality. I'm not going to buy a design for a 100$ and it's just a white dog with no cool accessories to make up for it. I love unique elements as well! Also, I don't want to spend a 100$ on an on-base design because I like better quality.

Also, OC hoarding isn't real. As long as the person owning that design got it fairly, they have every right to it. OCs have sentimental connection to the owner and it doesn't have to be through drawing them over and over."


"Take a chill pill everyone. If there’s drama going on and you’re super overwhelmed, then step back, take a break from the screen, and come back to it later. Do some relaxing activities and when you’re ready, analyze the situation from all sides and try to understand the other side’s views. It doesn’t mean that they’re right, just try to put them in their shoes and see how they might come to that point. Be respectful to everyone, even if they’re being rude to you which is easier said than done. But just be the bigger person in general."


"Toyhouse is a character storage site, not an art site or a marketplace or a drama blog or a popularity contest. We're here to post and keep track of our ocs, and everything else should be secondary. A lot of people get too caught up in the social circus (mostly younger people) and need a perspective check. You're supposed to be having fun, guys."


"TH is a nice platform I enjoy. I’m very glad a website like this can persist and have an active community on an Internet that is becoming increasingly corporate."


"The whole debate on kinsonas is stupid, like, who the heck doesn't wanna see a raccoon version of Christian 'CC' Coma? Like a cute lil raccoon holding drumsticks and wearing a cute lil bandana? Sign me up."


"Please can y'all get off people's backs for how many ocs they own? They aren't hoarders they just have a lot. Yes people can HOG ocs but don't call it hoarding- hoarding is a mental health issue and saying that someone is an oc/character hoarder implies that they have that issue. There is a CLEAAAAAAAR difference between a hog and someone who just has so many ocs they wanna store it on toyhouse. Quit saying mass report so and so they have 700+ ocs! Cause guess what? Toyhouse is a CHARACTER STORAGE SITE!!!! So stop policing and motoring other pages on their character count and worry about your own!"

...And that is all for the shoutbox!

I genuinely can't thank everyone enough for the amazing support this project got. I was only half-expecting to hit 25 responses, let alone the ridiculous 156 it ended up hitting! Thank you so much for all of the compliments -- and the critique, I know this survey wasn't perfect but thank you for pulling through it anyways. Hopefully, this can spark some interesting discussions!

... Small vaguely-unethical advertisement plug [sorry. this took me so long.] but I plan on hopefully making more surveys in the future, so if you're interested in that you can sub to me! I can't really think of much else to advertise here since my animation meme flopped... rip... I guess you can stare at my favorite OCs in admiration. You don't have to favorite them. Just stare. Prolongedly. 


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I see no god up here... other than ME


HOLY SHIT howwww do you even do that omfg...

I dunno. TBH I recently haven't been able to check the 'star'/new art and oc notifs, only bulletins, because I do accumulate like 2k in a single day. But I love so many artists' works!!! I gotta follow them all!!!

RAHHHHHHHH ITS HEREEEEEEE!!!!!!!! tysm aster for making this it was so fun to take the survey and then reading this conclusion!! ABT THE CONCLUSION THSI WAS SOO INTERESTING TO READD I LOVED READING IT SO MUCHHH!!!!!! im not gonna lie i giggled a little bit when i scrolled to the table because it seems like such an aster thing to do /pos also the fact that so many people think its the clients job to remind the artist of a commission is so....

LMFAOOO tyty i do love CHARTS and TABLES

thats so real of u actually 🫡🫡

This was really interesting. I was really surprised by the number of people without blacklists and it wasn't surprising at all to see that nobody was amab. And I completely agree with that person who said that putting "don't steal my stuff" in profile warnings isn't going to do a thing.

Man im not gonna read all of this but not someone comparing block to a restraining order lmaooo, toyhouse is Wild

Oohhh the list of people who keep a blacklist is actually surprising to me! I thought there would be, like, a lot more

me too!!

this was so fascinating!!

anyways i forgot if i even wrote anything on mine but my general whole opinion on toyhouse drama is that more often than not it's...kind of...dumb? people put too much energy into things that just don't really matter that much and then are blissfully ignorant over things that genuinely warrant scrutiny and it's crazy. 

like when people complain about people writing too much on their profile warnings, or people who behave like it's a personal offense for someone to block them and proceed to go out of their way to get into contact with that person just to beg to know why they were blocked, or just silly things like that. but then people don't bat an eyelash at creators that have legit scammed people out of hundreds of dollars because "oogh their art is pretty" and continue to support them wholeheartedly. i dont think following someone problematic inherently means you're just as problematic as them at ALL and i dont think owning designs by a bad person is necessarily bad either depending on how it got into your possession but it's just the ridiculousness of people focusing all their energy on stuff that just isn't that big of a deal 

you dont like people putting too much info on their profile warning? cool, scroll down, it takes 2 seconds, its not the end of the world. relax. you don't like people blocking you without telling you why? fair enough, but don't follow them around the internet bc clearly they didnt want to interact with you and they don't need to justify their reasoning for that to you. someone has dozens of people who have horror stories about being ghosted for years on commissions worth hundreds of dollars? apparently just not as big of a deal. dunno man, toyhouse drama culture is wack

you're SO right i'm actually pissed at how normalized awful commission etiquette is lmfao

its like the bigger an artist gets the easier it is for them to rip people off and get away w it because it's kind of scary to approach someone w a massive platform asking them to do their shit. commissions should almost never be taking you over 6 months imo ~ you shouldn't be selling art if you plan to deliver it 6 months into the future, especially if theres no turnaround anywhere 💀

REAL I even think 6 months is a bit much -- I start eyebrow raising around the one month mark & I think two months is definitely.... yeah.

agreed! though i do think it heavily depends on what youre buying and how much the commissioner is communicating with the client. like, if i commissioned someone, and they were sending me updates and wips, i wont care as much if they took 1-2 months. but zero communication is a little...weird. like idk if this makes me sound like a jerk but i feel like people pull out every excuse in the world as to why they ran away with money from 20 different people and i'm like....why didn't you just talk to your client about this...? why are you using this as an excuse after the fact..?

bc i get that things come up and all but it's not the client's responsibility to send you reminders, you chose to sell your art online, if you consistently are unable to actually send the finished product and you're aware of that then you're kinda just...a scammer, no matter what your intentions were

reading over the drama section 100% worth it even though it will give me DAYS of paranoia just like it did when i took the survey lols

Parker Napkitt No More Paranoia For You. Begone! Banish it! 


in all seriousness this is really neat and cool to look through! it was a struggle to get through it all with my particular attention difficulties (im one of them neurodivergent folx) BUT IM GLAD I DID!!! i can tell you love doing this sorta stuff!!! witnessing this was like watching a master craftsman just going through the motions and loving every second; i could feel your passion!!!!

and i'll say it again: SUB TO STARTLE!!!

GASHDFGH UR GONNA MAKE ME CRY... THANK UU .... <333 no i fucking love surveys soso much and I'm glad that it was at least a little entertaining! I totally understand the difficulties of getting thru it lol I have ADHD and when I was reading it back it all kinda blurred together lmfao :P

ngl i would be interested in taking the next survey after seeing this! would be kind of enjoyable in my opinion /srs

i love surveys to pieces they are so fun -- and i'd definitely appreciate the data haha !

this was a cool survey with interesting info

thank you very much! 

Dangit, I missed the survey, would have loved to join it! 

aghh I'm sorry -- hopefully I'll be able to host another one sometime!

The dedication holy shit salute to you.

loll thank you i'm just a survey ADDICT !

VERY INTERESTING thank u for hosting this !!! i will now store all of the knowledge in the back of my brain for later use .............

yes of course no problem & thank you as well!! i feel like an evil wizard... too much power

YOOO this was super interesting to read, I loved this! :0 I love surveys!!

tysm!!! me too !! :D <3

such a fun read! i love the comments you added, you're a really good presenter! /pos

omg thank you so much !! super glad to know the comments weren't irritating lmao <33

NO NOT AT ALL!! reading longer things makes me :tired: sometimes but this was super fun, i look forward to if you do more surveys like these in the future!

THIS WAS SO INTERESTING THANK YOU ASTER 🙏🙏🙏🙏EATING THIS UP 💥💥💥 also yes I agree!!! make more surveys!! i LOOOVE taking them and I love having knowledge ‼️‼️‼️ also shoutout 2 the based people in the shoutbox you guys are so real

thank you so much!! i'm a big fan of surveys also haha >:3x

ngl this was so interesting.. i would love to see some more misc surveys

DAMN you read that fast but I agree I love surveys!