Survey About!

Posted 9 months, 13 days ago (Edited 8 months, 29 days ago) by startle


Sorry, I already posted about this on a bulletin, but according to the data I've been getting most of my subscribers don't actually use the forums, so I figure this is a different audience than usual :P

Anyways, I made a survey about ToyHou.seOr mostly about, anyways.

I'd call it medium-length; you can find more information about it and what I plan to do with the data here, but most importantly it's anonymous, so please feel comfortable answering with your true opinions!

Also feel free to send it to other people as well, so long as they're ToyHouse users! This is just for fun but hopefully the data will be entertaining <3 


i have a question. what do you mean by "call out". for the "have you ever made a call out post". Do you mean anything PSA/service review related thread like warning someone stole/scammed you or more the drama type like "him and I are no longer friends so im gonna make a PSA so everyone knows" kinda thing



Ummm hmm I think that both sort of count? I meant more of the latter kind, but if it's a public post that has evidence to back it up (ie screenshots, etc) and includes like identifying information yadda yadda, I'd count it!

also thank you so much for taking the survey lol it's super appreciated ! <3


about this question "Do you ascribe to "character values"? [  A character's "value" is defined by some as how much money someone has  spent on a character, ie how much spent on purchasing them,  commissioning art for them, etc. Not all people use this metric. ] "

Im not sure what box I should check because I do ascribe character value but do not care if people sell my adopt for more than they are worth (mainly when in financial emergency". Im maybe guessing "Yes, although I don't judge people who don't." But I dont feel like it's right? It's not that I just dont judge people who dont ascribe to character value but that I dont care if people know the value and openinly sell for more when they need to? (like they will let the buyer know and arent scamming them)


I think that either of the top two options would fit there then, based on your own description of it? Unfortunately polls aren't the best at getting across nuance, but I'd say go with whatever you do more maybe (like if you ascribe to it more often than not then go with that) !


and Im done. I tried filling everything to my best abilities but I admit there was a few questions I wan't entirely sure how to respond.


That's alright!! Thank you sososo much for doing it at any rate; it's super appreciated !!! <3


this seems really interesting! question though: maybe you could make it so the questions are optional to answer? ie, someone could not feel comfortable giving information, even if anonymous, for personal reasons, but they still wanna fill out the rest of the form?



ooh you're right, i'm sorry! i usually set the questions to default required, because in the past i've had a lot of people who skip through questions and give me results with only one or two real answers etc, but i probably should've at the very least had a 'prefer not to answer' option on some of the questions. i think editing them gets rid of previously submitted data though ... augh :((

if you're not comfortable answering one of the questions please feel free to lie (if possible for that question) ?? although since this response is late its probably too late lol ^^;; sorry for the stress, though!


just wanna let you know, we can see the comments to you that are supposed to be private! idk if this was intentional or not but we have access to all the answers (though everyone is anonymous, i didnt see if someone posted their username or not)



AUGHH NOO for real ?!??! omg thank you so much for letting me know ... i will fix that


answered! this was fun :) not much else to say here lol


ah okie, thanks! maybe you can do another poll some time with optional answering