Design Preview + General Update & Poll

Posted 6 months, 21 days ago by Nor

What would you be most interested in?

2 Votes Larger, fully polished designs (and higher prices)
13 Votes More 'scribble' designs with relative polish (but not as much as the former, in an OTA format)
4 Votes Tiny designs with less polish (with low flatsale prices)

Hi again!! Another more newsletter styled bulletin from me!

First up, as the title says, I've got a design cooking and I'm pretty happy with them so far. Here's a preview of the rough/unpolished version of the design:


I hope to have them out before Halloween! We'll.. See if that happens! I'm.. Admittedly currently ill at the moment, and kind of juggling balancing different ideas and projects, primarily personal ones alongside some irl stuff- nothing too crazy, but I've admittedly been kind of scarce on being active/artwise, at least publicly orz

On some more personal notes, if you don't follow/catch up with my coding account, I've also been working a lot on coding my own personal site (and moving stuff from my old carrd from it)- if you'd like to see it, it's here!! I'm quite pleased with how it's turning out, and I'm slowly chopping away at adding more.

And finally, what the poll is about: I really do like designing but I'm wondering what kinds of designs people'd be interested in more- I really haven't done any large batch/tiny/affordable designs in a while; I think I feel this constant urge to keep on making things bigger, better, and more polished, which.. Kind has led to me kind of petering out energywise. I admittedly have this urge to constantly perfect things which hasn't been healthy- especially when it's not really Possible to be perfect!

I don't think I'll stop making larger style designs completely (in fact, the above design is a larger style guy!!), I do find them fun, but I do wonder if people'd be more interested in tinier guys? Thanks so much in advance if you do vote on the poll! I appreciate it- and if you'd like to tell me more, it'd be awesome if you'd like to say kinds of themes would you be interested in in the comments (but not necessary!! Voting is already a lot of help)!

Thanks so much for reading this all- sorry if I seem a little out of it (I am) or any of this is weirdly worded, but I appreciate it lots!! Happy Friday 13th, and I hope you're having a good fall (or spring if you're in the southern hemisphere)!!


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