A meme

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by verfeuern

Got tagged by JethroKassis

Name: Jesse
Online handle(s): Verfeuern, ThyFirestarter, Bara, Philo (old)
How'd you pick your name?: ThyFirestarter is a play on the name of my would-be comic book universe/company that I'd like to start someday. Verfeuern is also a play on that and means ~burn in German. Bara is just because I draw a lot of beefy dudes.
Nickname(s): Duck, Potato, or just the names above
Age, DOB and Star sign: 25, Sept 5th, Virgo
Height: 5'4.5" rip
Place of Residence: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
What are you wearing right now: Dark grey sweatpants, this shirt
Pets? (how many? What's their names? What kind?): A cat named Psymon and a cornsnake named Arizona.
Favourite color: Brown
Favourite animal: I really like lizards and wildcats???
Last song listened to: A song by Elmo, not sure which one. Was just listening to the album.
Last Movie/Show Watched: New Ghostbusters movie, Criminal Minds
Do you drink or smoke: Nope.
Do you play an instrument: No 8')
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: Ears pierced but don't use them anymore?? "IDENTITY" tat on my left wrist, "deja vu" on my right forearm in my sister's handwriting, and this tattoo.
What are your hobbies?: Art, RP, watching TV, video games, sleeping, movies, comic books/superheroes.
Are you in a relationship?: Nope
Anything else?: I'm always tired

I tag no one cause its mean


what kind of insect is that in your tattoo O:

Stag beetle! :> My favorite bug