will come back full time in february!

Posted 5 months, 9 days ago by throwbugs

hello, long time no see! i wanted to apologize for my lack of activity and communication and give a little update. as i mentioned earlier this year, i got my first art job ever, which is absolutely wonderful! however it has been very tough and the project has quite strict deadlines and it completely swallowed my life, leaving me with no time for anything else pretty much. i am extremely drained from real life and the job and i am honestly both emotionally and physically exhausted and i can't wait to finally catch a break. january will be an extremely busy month for me due to the project's final deadline and also due to finals in school, where i have to show progress on my bachelor movie, so most of my time will be going into that. i hope to survive all this in good health and i'm excited to come back full time in february and work on owed art again. so sorry to those who had to wait for such a long time! i hope everyone is doing great and i wish everyone a very happy new year!


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happy new year bug!! happy the job is going well but i hope you get time to rest ^^

Hope u have a good new year Bug!!! Solider on through those deadlines and work u got this !!!!!!!!! Wishing you a good proper rest to refresh n unwind :3 

Wishing luck upon ye! I'm glad it'll be easier for you soon :) Happy New Year!!


also wishing you good luck on your projects and happy new year!

wishing you the best of luck with all your projects! looking forward to your return :3c