Health woes + updates on trello

Posted 4 months, 30 days ago by beetljuuc

Good morning happy Friday yall!!! I hope the weather is treating you kinder than it is me, it is SO cold here in the Midwest that my windows are frosted from the inside! Plenty of space heaters and blankets sure help but then my health started acting up too and I’m not fighting it off as quickly as I’d like. I’m sleeping a lot, in extreme discomfort and will be slightly slower to update everything this week. Thank you sm for your patience! I’m attending to messages right after posting <3 


midwestern misery 🤝 just got another few inches of snow here
my dog likes to lick the ice on the inside of the door lmaoo

i hope you start feeling better soon!!

Definitely feel this! Good luck and feel better

Dang. :( Me and my partner got hit with the rona but we're stuck inside anyway due to the crappy weather (PNW). Feel better soon!