Announcement and FAQ!

Posted 4 months, 11 days ago by  Coon spoonfed

Heya everyone, it is I, Glider's personal raccoon-thing she fished out of a dumpster, granted sentience and a suit and then hired as a secretary for this account! I'm just popping in here to let everyone know that there will be a Whisp auction coming up on February 14th at 7pm Mountain Time! I've seen the finished designs and boy howdy folks, you guys are in for a gosh darn TREAT.

Also while I have everyone here, I'd like to answer some of the frequently asked questions I've had to answer in the last lil bit:

Q: Is this actually Glider?

A: Nope, you're talking to me, Coon; Glider's friend and secretary. This account still belongs to Glider and she knows everything that's going on, but if you're trying to message her, you're actually getting me with her guidance on certain questions. I'm here to brave the customer service side of the social media.

Q: Who -are- you?

A: Who are any of us, really. I used to be a regular raccoon before Glider gave me a shiny rock and now I'm still a raccoon but with mediocre typing abilities and a pantsuit? (I know the messages meant what my personal username is, but this is a more hilarious reply)

Q: Are longthings actually done?

A: Yes! Between the fact that Glider isn't on art sites anymore, the thefts, the bullying and the guilt trips, it was time to put an actual definitive NO MORE to longthings. She still loves those beautiful fluffy noodles, but the certain uhm...'fans' really killed the joie de vivre and desire to make more for the public. 

Q: Will Glider ever release flat-priced batches again? 

A: She has considered it!  They would be on fresh updated bases, and not every species will be making a comeback since she would prefer to focus on ones that bring her joy in the moment.  She does have updated bases for World Enders, Phims, and Guardians already (and guys, they are amazing) 

She would be willing to work on some flat-runs based on what people want most, or update a base for something people want to see again though, so don't hesitate to let us know! Though heads up: Eolai and Whisps will ALWAYS be auctions!

Q: Could I get a custom design?

A: Nope :) No customs, trades, commissions or ANYTHING of the sort. Glider's a busy woman and doesn't have the time and energy for that. What's she doing? Cool people stuff.

Q: I was scammed out of a Glider design, can you guys help?

A: Unfortunately no. Not only have Glider and myself been away for so long that we don't have records of every transfer, but neither of us have the time to resolve every single one of these messages. It's really shitty that someone scammed you, but we were over on the bench. Also, if you slide into Glider's DMs and try to guilt her into making you a replacement design, I will block you SO fast.

Q: I have a design that I want verified, but you denied my request! Why?

A: The character is either private so I cannot check the design, does not have the original Glider Design image in their gallery, has heavy edits that make me unable to verify the original design or the og art has someone else's watermark pasted all over it. When it comes to Longthings specifically, we are being EXTRA careful to avoid scams. If you see a Glider design for sale but unverified, do not buy it! If it isn't credited to Spoonfed, treat it as potentially not legit. If you have a design you want to sell or trade that's unverified, DM me! I may be feral, but I'm not mean! 

Edit to add: That said, if you don't have the unwatermarked file, I will not be able to approve your design, regardless of what circumstances are. Sorry, but it's an extremely hard rule now. Further questioning on legitimacy and passive aggressive behavior will result in a ban. I've had to deal with so much in the last month of being the secretary that I am done tolerating this.

Q: Is Glider doing more auctions in the future?

A: Yes!!! There are some more auction designs in the works right now

Q: Are any of the characters on this page for sale?

A: Absolutely not and I'd appreciate it if people stopped asking.

Aaaand that wraps up the FAQ! Now, to test everyone's reading comprehension, there's some pink letters in my Q&A. What do the letters spell?

Correct answers will be entered in to win THIS beautiful baby;


I'll do the drawing for them on Wednesday at 7pm Mountain Time

Edit: ENTRIES FOR THIS KID ARE NOW CLOSED!! I'll use a randomizer wheel and privately message the winner shortly! Thanks for playing and for those who didn't google it, Fulcrum is a thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity, event, or situation!

Thanks, everyone, and feel free to ask me some more questions in the comments!


so happy to see some updates that things are well, best of luck with everything! :>

Glad to hear she isn't dead though! Good on her for being there for herself, but I'm sorry people online are such shitheads.

I understand the longthing controversy sucked all the joy of them for Glider, and it's so sad to hear. The only way to (almost) 100% assure authenticity would be like what Succubuns did and made a whole website centered around it.

Sad about the noodles? Sure, but also think is the best decision due the situation and Im very glad for both of you I hope it will save future headaches! Hoping this teaches to those who contributed to it a valuable lesson in just being a normal human with some manners and what happens when you annoy the creators you claim to like so much to this point, gosh

Also really excited to see any of yall work for the future, came late to the party but it was instant love for all the amazing talent<333

Oh man, I am so excited to see more from the two of you! Greatly appreciate the updates as well! This design is so lovely as well!

Im sad about longthings, but people really are psychotic and stressful about them and I don't blame glider for setting them aside. I'm so excited to see the other goodies though and I'm happy to see this precious Coon helping out ♡♡♡♡♡ thank you for the update!!!

Comment here to tell me what the secret magic word is to enter to win the Ender! I know people could just copy the others who commented before, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had fun hiding those letters

Fulcrum! (I'm a dummy don't mind me)

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(What a GORGEOUS design!!! <3)

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fulcrum! ♥

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fulcrum! Was what it spelled (The letters were fun to work out kept me on my toes as I read!)

fulcrum! it was fun 2 find them even if sleep brain initially was like 'theres no way thats a word, right... right?'


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i kept trying to click the letters at first because i thought they were links xD 


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Fulcrum! ;w; a cutie!


It took me about halfway through the update to realize it was a secret word, but I did realize before finishing so at least one more person who had fun with the realization.
