Inktober 2020

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by Skykristal

✒️ Do you join this year?

5 Votes Yes
2 Votes Nah
4 Votes Unsure

October is almost there and "Inktober" as well. I haven´t participated last year. I think I did 3 drawings? welp I tried. I was always going for the official list but mixed it up a lot with my characters. So kinda a official prompt + ocs edition. For example, 2018 was every pic related to Kristal while I still followed the prompts. I even uploaded the collection on here . I might do something like this again but with another character of mine. feel free to suggest one

how do you all do your inktober this year? (if you join)


I’m doing the offficial prompt list, but with mine and others characters.

I'll be doing it this year, but with a character a day instead of a drawing.

I'm doing Sketchtober because Inktober is copywritten and if the guy who owns it wants he can claim your art.

I'm not sure if I'll join. I've tried it once but got bored after a day and never tried it again. I do wanna do some spooky art or something so.

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environments are definitely something I should try more often as well. Probably one of my biggest weak points xD Well, whatever list you´re going to use, I hope you have fun ^w^ . I´ll most likely also don´t go for the offical one. at least not for every day. I´ll mix and match again probably. Or maybe try out some gore.

I thought most of the artist community wasn't going to participate in inktober after they found out the guy who made it had plagiarized a man's work and then copyrighted the word Inktober so no one can profit from it?

oh?  I feel like I´ve heard about it but not sure. was this recently or last year already? I think inktober is mainly big on instagram and I left so yea xD But honestly, this won´t stop me from doing sweet little ink drawings, also because I´m not planning to make profit for anything. I do dislike what he did tho. :/

Of course! Understandable! Yeah it was this year that the info started booming but I'm pretty sure the guy did it a few years ago too