Skykristal's Profile Comments

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aw thank you so much for the kind words đŸ„° oh that's cool. I wish I had them in the wild here too. we only have these tiny zerba jumpers and I barely see them around. 

I've always found that your coding and characters designs are really cool!

Thank you :]

Your art and OCs are amazing! I love seeing characters with unique features!

ahw thank you very much :'0 

Na wie gehts dir denn so? :3 lange nicht gesehen

Heyy! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ Na. Danke, geht so weit ok. Das Leben halt haha. Schön von dir zu hören. Hoffe bei dir ist auch alles okay

Joa geht so xD Bisschen einsam zur zeit xD Und struggle mit meiner kunst bissele aber ja hahah. Hoffe du hattest nen guten Rutsch :D Ich hab schon lÀnger nichts mehr von deiner Kunst gesehen. Postest du noch auf FA?

ja.. fĂŒhl ich. Kontakte sind irgendwie nicht mehr so leicht zu halten. Weiss nicht vielleicht liegt's an mir, aber viele scheinen damit zu kĂ€mpfen irgendwie :( . Oh :/ hab mir deine Bilder hier und da mal wider angeschaut. Ich bin ja noch auf deinem discord :D aber dann waren die Bilder weg? Vermutlich hast du was verĂ€ndert was ich nicht mitbekommen habe. [auch weil ich discord gefĂŒhlt nie nutze.. *hust] ich finde deine Steigerung sehr schön:) (auch dein 3D model zeug) mit was struggelst du denn?, wenn du drĂŒber reden willst. Ja ich nutze FA noch, einer der wenigen Platformen wo ich noch aktiv meine Bilder reinhaue :'D (auch wegen AuftrĂ€gen) bin aber eher mehr auf nischigen Seiten unterwegs, meiner Website/neocities, naja und hier. ^^

Ja hab ich auch irgendwie mitbekommen. Ich glaube ein bisschen liegt daran weil zur zeit viele soziale medien einfach nicht mehr so gut sind. Bzw vieles nicht mehr so wie frĂŒher ist :(
OH! Ja hab da in dem server was verĂ€ndert gehabt :D Ich hab jetzt Rollen mit Kategorien eingefĂŒgt die man sich aussuchen kann damit das fĂŒr einen nicht mehr so riesig ist. Also Zb wenn du jetzt meine Fotografie und kunst sehen möchtest hast du da jetzt rollen die du dir selbst assignen kannst und dann sind nur die beiden kategorien sichtbar und alle anderen unsichtbar. Ist dann auch nur noch halb so viel an channeln dann da und man muss nicht mehr so viel scrolle. Wenn du dann doch noch ne kategorie sehen möchtest und eine andere stattdessen dann nicht mehr kannst du da dann auch die rollen einfach wieder ausschalten ^^

Falls das bisschen verwirrend ist kann ichs dir auf discord nochmal erklĂ€ren :D Oder ich fĂŒge dir die rollen einfach manuell hinzu :3

Und ehrlich? :,< Das freut mich richtig zu hören. Ich bin zur zeit ein bisschen unglĂŒcklich mit meinem stil :( Ich finde irgendwie das man bei mir keinen stil richtig erkennt und das kaum konsistent ist. Und ich weiss nicht wirklich wie ichs Ă€ndern kann da ich zb sachen habe wie ZĂ€hne die zwar deil meines stil sind aber ja von charakter zu charakter anders sind und manche sogar gar keine haben etc. Und darĂŒber hinaus hab ihc irgendwie auch nicht mehr wirklich viel freude am zeichnen. Der neue stil den ich grad am probieren bin macht zwar spaß aber ich finde der sieht nicht nach mir aus hhhh.

Ich hab vor kurzem Amino und Bluesky mal probiert (falls du bluesky haben willst sag bescheid xD Auch wenns nur fĂŒr nen nameclaim ist haha) aber hab da vor kurzem auch wieder bisschen aufgehört. Keine Ahnung warum. Keine wirkliche motivation oder so hm. ISt schwer irgendwie nochmal neu anzufangen weil ein großer zwar unfreiwilliger motivator ist zb das engagement mit anderen usern und das ist einfach nicht da. Klar kann das nichtgleich am anfang kommen aber trotzdem ist das einer der grĂŸĂŒnde warum social media zur zeit nicht mehr so viel lust macht. Oder generell Sozialisieren mit anderen. Vielleicht ist das auch einer der grĂŒnde fĂŒr andere    hmmm

Oh ja stimmt bei deiner website hab ich vor kurzem auch mal rein geschaut! Die sieht richtig cool aus! Hat bestimmt ewig gedauert die so schön zu machen xD Ich wollte auch mal eine machen aber oh je. Ich bin richtig schlecht im programmieren xDD Du hast auch inzwischen richtig viele neue sachen! Finde deine Drachen Charas mega cool   Vielleicht zeichne ich mal einen oder zwei xD mal schauen 

jap, da hast du recht. dieses " frĂŒher feeling" ist verflogen. vielleicht liegt es auch mit daran das man Ă€lter wird. als Kind, teen erschien mir alles einfacher aber so oder so sind die sozialen Netzwerke heutzutage nicht mehr so toll.

ahh verstehe. coole idee. meinst du das Keyword dictionary? muss man da was eingegeben? bin da etwas lost ohne introductions XD du kannst mir die Rollen such gerne geben wenn du willst

uh verstehe. was neues auszuprobieren ist immer gut. ich finde seine Kunst sieht immer nach einem aus. also, der KĂŒnstler hat immer seinen eigenen touch, selbst wenn er einen anderen style versucht. ich finde neues auszuprobieren immer sehr spannend. macht definitiv mehr Spaß wenn man bei allem anderen nicht ganz so zufrieden ist . wenn dir der style Spaß macht ist das doch eig toll. ^^

hab amino und Blue Sky auch. Bei mir ist es mit blue sky auch so. habs probiert, dann aufgehört. hab das echt versucht mit anderen zu connecten aber da kommt einfach nix bei raus. (und ja ich melde mich oft bei Seiten an um Namen zu claimen. man weiß ja nie xD). und naja amino ist sehr sehr tot geworden leider. bin grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils nur noch in Art Amino, da wird immerhin noch hier und da kommentiert, was mir persönlich am wichtigsten ist. mag keine leeren likes mit 0 kommis :( aber naja, schön das es noch etwas AktivitĂ€t gibt. Errinert mich an frĂŒher.

danke c: ja die seite ist definitiv ein Herzens Projekt. einfach fĂŒr mich selber, oder wenn halt jemand vorbeikommen will. die Charakter Profile und Welt Zeugs ist die meiste Arbeit und es dauert bis ich da mal was neues fertig hab... aber es wird .. xD code schreiben ist auch anstrengend. den code auszufĂŒllen mit info ist das entspannte . zum GlĂŒck hatte ich schon bisschen wissen durch Toyhouse Codes etc. ich konnte davor gar nichts.

ey, ich muss auch mal wieder nen Charakter von dir zeichnen. ich mach keine trades mehr, seit Jahren. einfach keine Lust dafĂŒr + keine Zeichen Freunde etc. aber ich hĂ€tte schon mal wieder Lust. so wie damals, oder halt einfach Geschenke/Überraschungen zeichnen und Co.

2 Replies

i love your spiders they're so cute!! 

(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ glad you like em too 


aw, thank you so much ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ it means a lot!

Instantly recognised you from Fur Affinity, hello! 

Also absolutely love your lil spoods too btw! ♄

Oh I have not seen your comment here oops. Thank you, that's always cool to hear people recognize me <33
Glad you like my lil spoods, they're sending you a hug (いàč‘‹᎗‹àč‘)い♥

Eeeee Hug sent back! <3

Hi, I'm here because of your not so recent blog post about the lack of community here. 1, I admire your ability to code & do web design so skillfully, 2, you brought up a really good point. So I'm going to finally comment something for the sake of both thanking you and being able to acknowledge your art. I don't really care much about this site, but the overwhelming distance has always gotten on my nerves. I've seen you on forum games before, it feels lke they're the only way to make connections. This is by no means a place to even make connections in, but it's the same on every other platform.

I've become unmotivated to comment anything too, admittedly I'm not the best at responding to things I get, but I still like acknowledging other's work if it interests me. And it's no issue responding to people who compliment me, so I don't get what the problem is. I don't know what's holding everyone back from it, regardless, it really impressed me that you respond to nearly every comment on your page. It can get overwhelming, but at least you have the intention to do it. I've always been able to recognize you, and I feel it's simply because you interacted with me once or twice. Willingly! And you've always made your presence clear, helped people, participated in a multitude of things. It's really nice, and I've begun to appreciate your art.

I don't want to make this long but I'll still touch on it, it really reminds me of the early 2000's and 2010's, but revamped. The amount of detail you incorporate into your work is such eye candy to me, the quality is something I'd see in a videogame with professionally made stills. Splash art, even. I could recognize it just by looking at it. I never went out of my way to compliment you because I thought it would get buried or I just wouldn't be able to catch you, but I hope you know it's very impressive. I've always tried to show interest in other people and their characters, but it's gotten kind of difficult. I just hope 'community' will become a thing again.

Ohhh Hi there Mutonian! thanks for stopping by with such a long comment <3 you are actually the 3rd person reaching out to me about my blog post. I didn't knew people would actually read it. I just scream stuff into the void haha. But thanks for doing so, its awesome to have little convos about this subject with others who have the same or a similar feeling about this.

Yes you are very right with that statement, connections aren't really something you make much. Especially not here, but also nowhere else. out of all the areas, forum games still give you the most connections and interactions. they're still fun. here and there frustrating, but still fun most of the time.

Tbh responding to comments is pretty hard for me (unless its just "thank you etc.") , to a ton of topics/comments. I just feel like my head is pretty empty and I don't want to respond with just a few words when someone (like you, for example) writes a lot. And If someone's work doesn't interest me, I have a hard time as well. But I also see no point in commenting/forcing compliments on art you aren't interested in, that seems unneeded and very dishonest. (IF I enjoy someone's art, even then, my head is empty sometimes even though I clearly love the work, but I can still write some words and want to do it. length varies tho xD )

I also wanna thank you for the kind words about my art <3 especially because your style is very creative and I'm a big fan of it and also immediately recognize it when I see it around. You do art so effortlessly in terms of dynamics, poses, and emotions (it seems like that,  pretty sure its not.. haha but you get what I mean). What I am trying to say is, its a huge compliment to me that you like my work. Because I see a lot in your work that I personally still struggle with. thanks <3
yes I too have a difficult time. I feel like if we were still more of a community, these things wouldn't be as hard. This is at least how I remember it. I had zero issue showing interest, or more interest generally in other characters compared to now. everything seems more distant kinda.

It is incredibly difficult to respond to things, I agree, so I'm making this a bit shorter and not addressing everything in full. I'm glad you've gotten responses from other people as well, it's genuinely something I want to see more of. Even if I don't interact with you or your work that often, I do read your blog posts when I have the chance. It's also very nice to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with responses. I have to muster up the brainpower even with people who've piqued my interest, even then I still like to acknowledge the people that don't. It's just a little more difficult. Everyone has something unique to offer and you are no exception, your art feels super nostalgic to me. I'm very happy to hear what you have to say about mine as well, thank you.

I hope to see you in the forum games or offtopic threads more often, I'd like to claim you or something of the sort. Recognizing people I've had good interactions with makes them more fun. But yeah, I'm glad you didn't mind the long comment. I don't want to make this one any longer, but just know I appreciate it & to not feel obligated to respond.

Sure, I'd love to! Maybe we meet/claim each other at the right time. It's definitely fun playing games with those you had a good interaction with :) I'm not too often in more complex games however but I'm sure we will get the chance. 

i tried to draw a lui on your textwall but the website shit itself before i could sign it. im not sure what'll show up but if theres a blue lined lui to the right of the center info that was me lol

Yea I can see :D thanks that's cool! 

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ahhw 😭 Thank you so much for stopping by and sending some birthday wishes my way, my day was pretty okay, but I always feel quite lonely on this day. so this means a lot . 💕ty

Omg you were from colors!3D!!!!

I forgot your username on there but your art style definitely rings a bell

Always funny finding old colors people haha 

Heeeey! Nice to see you. I also recognise your work. Man it's been a long time, cool to see more old colors! people (:

Seeing old colors people in the wild is like that Spiderman pointing meme haha

hopefully its okay to comment but omg i remember you from colorslive days.. SOBS im so glad ur doing well nowadays, u were my biggest inspiration as a kid đŸ„č💖Such epic art!!

Awe omg qwq it's cool seeing people from back then, how awesome! Thank you for the kind words ❀❀

Your art is real pretty ^^

aw thank you ;w; yours is very lovely too!


I finally skimmed through your site and read about your world! I love all the love and creativeness you put into it! Lui was interesting to read about! I gotta read about the others once I'm not sleepy

ahhhw thank you so much Stormchi!đŸ„č <3 Thanks for looking through my stuff. My writing might suck a bit, but I hope it's still fine XD

I think you write well! I did catch a one or two typos if you wanna fix those ^w^

Aw thanks! Yea I catch some myself but then forget about it again instead of fixing it. If you find something feel free to fix/tell me, I'd appreciate that a lot :)

Here's a couple things on Lui's bio!

Under short personality "You better donÂŽt cross his way at night if you aren't cool with him."
Don't should be not

Longer one
"But many years a go he changed trasticly due to an unexpected event in his life"
Trasticly to drastically

Background "Mike and his group where the ones who did this..."
Where should be were

"He and his best friends Rowdig, Karly and his son Feli are always there to safe the world. Literally."
Safe to save

That's all I could catch atm. I gotta read some of the other pages once I get back home x3

Thank you lots. 💕 I hate re-reading everything and still not spotting it. It's all silly mistakes I actually know better rip. Going to edit those now otherwise I forget about it again 😂.. perhaps there is an add on for easy fix or something.. I'll look around. Copy pasting into a proof reader is pretty tedious.

3 Replies

Thank you so much it’s amazing đŸ„ș

You're very welcome! I'm happy you like it <3 

I love your artwork and your website! You're an amazing artist and coder. Have a wonderful day. ♄

thank you! You as well ❀

OOOOOO dragons, I love them, and shapeshifters too. Dragons are actually my childhood favorite creatures, at some point when I was a kid. I always want to think dragons are real. Damn, cool designs, especially color changing ones like D and Orion.

thank you!! and me too haha, cool to meet another dragon lover 

ur profile is so cool omge and ur art😭😭its so cool and and ur CHARACTERS it's all so cool n great adn- I hope u have a great day/night/ur timezone FHDHDH

ty ty!! <3 

It's inspiring how much love you give your OC's! You're a big inspiration ^w^

awe thank you so much! (っ◔◡◔)っ ❀

Heyo! Just want to say that you’re art is so amazing (I got to commission you one day WHEN I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY VIA VOUCHERS-) and your OCS are also so cool and iconic! Hope you are having a great day / night / afternoon! <3

thanks so much Victory ;w; I hope you are having a great day as well <3

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aw you're too kind, thank you lot's ;w; <3

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aw thank you so much!ïŒˆăŁïŒŸâ–żïŒŸïŒ‰

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thanks so much!!

Omg your art is.... AMAZING

Aaa thank you so much!! qwq ~♡


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Aw no problem ^^ 

Saw your aquarium post! What about a seahorse?

Ohh great idea! Wasn't thinking of a seahorse. Thank you ^^

Just wanted to leave a comment letting you know how beautiful your art work is! I saw your art thread and your artwork are amazing!! Keep it up 

ahhw thank you so much for the compliment!! qwq I apprentice it

Your welcome!

I was browsing forums and I saw the ''why did you choose your pfp'' one and I legit thought it is some CGI movie used as your pfp but turns out you did it and djshakd your art is so lovely and the use of colors is really pleasing to look at ; o ; <3

ahhw what really?? thank you so much, I appreciate it a lot! I was kinda trying to make it look like one of these animated movie kind-of-style, so ItÂŽs super cool that it seemed like some CGI to you. :D

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Aw thank you so much ;w; ♡ 

I absolutely adore your art! I remember seeing your art around years ago, back when I first started painting and you were a huge inspiration to me! Your characters are so lovely as well. I hope you're having a nice day! ^^

Awwe ;w; thank you so much for your sweet words. That made my day a lot brighter:D I hope you're having a wonderful day as well!

Your TH profile, folders and character codes are all amazing!!! Everything is so neat and extremely comfortable to look at, very easy to find out info and get to know the character too! I think it's a big revamp since the last time I visited your page (a year ago, i think). Plus your art is so cool, I especially adores your style of art they're all incredibly nice.

Hope you always live with Art & OCs passion! <333

Thank you lots ;oo; that's nice to hear! Yea It changed quite a bit xD I like having themes depending on season too now because I thought that's cool lol. Also glad to hear you find things easily. Sometimes I wonder if people find stuff or if things are too confusing xD 

& Thanks a lot for the art compliment. I appreciate it a a lot <3

 Aw hope I'll forever be into art and ocs tbh haha. My life would be kinda empty without ;-; 

Yes keep up the good work!


Happy birthday! Hope you'll have a wonderful day!<3 also hoping your body can get proper resting this time!

ahw thank you so much! <3

I wish I had more of your characters to fave 😭😭😭 ive ran out for proper exchange ; - ; but thank you so much <3

aw no worries at all <3 thank you as well for all the favs :)


Always welcome!!

Love your new icon!

aww thanks ^w^IÂŽm happy to hear that. ItÂŽs only the sketch but I find it nice enough to use it as my icon for now haha

You're most welcome! <3 it took me awhile to identify it was you cause i was so used to your kristal icon haha but seriously tho, its a good icon <3

thankies <: yea often I also need a minute or two if someone changes up their icon.
what do you mean with Kristal icon? do you mean the rainbow dragon I had for quite a while? :D that was not Kristal (if you mean that wolf character I have)

XD haha yeah! Definitely I usually then look to check username just to make sure lol

Ah I actually meant your wolf character! Its how i was able to identify you amongst the toyhouse community!:D he has a iconic look to him

yea same :D
ohh! I didnÂŽt had him as my icon for ages tho XD so thatÂŽs interesting.
But yea he definitely is the character most people seem to know. although I donÂŽt really use him anymore for quite a while now.

4 Replies
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Yees of course go ahead ^^ always love it when people want to draw my characters

Do you draw birds for commissions? I love your art, by the way!

Thank you so much! :) Yes I do! I rarely get the opportunity to draw birds but yup I draw them ^^

You're welcome! At this point I think your commissions are out of my price range, so I think I'm going to wait on commissioning you for now. (I may be back in the future when I have enough money to spend on your art!)

Sure np! My commissions are pretty much open all the time :)

Ooh... that's pretty good!

gosh your page and characters are insanely cool!! I'm excited to see more from you!! c:

ahhh thank you so much qwq IÂŽm happy you think so

I adore your Profile CSS, first off. 

Secondly, I came by to let you know that I adore This that you finished.

Aw you're too kind >w< thank you so much!!❀

Your art is so pretty! I absolutely adore your style! 

Ahw thank you so much! đŸ„ș💖 

Hi there, I saw that my character “aiyan” was favorited by you, and since I’m loosing connection with them, I was wandering if you wanted to offer on them? 💙

Hey! Thank you but I'm not looking for any characters rn. I simply liked the design and wanted to fav it :3 

Thank you for the fav! :) You have such a lovely TH, and I love your art :D

Thank you so much qwq I appreciate it! ❀ & You're welcome!!

Hey hey! I recognized you from Instagram immediately! I’ve been following you there for a few years now ^^

Hey thanks for following me for this long ♡ its always nice to hear :) hope you're doing well

No problem! <3 <3 I'm doing good ^^

I'd like to point out how lovely your art, designs, and characters are👊

Ahh your too kind, thank you so much qwq

Heres your free art! I had fun drawing them!!

Aaaa he looks awesome, I really like it ^^ thank you so much!💜

Hi! Thank you for liking my peice! I didn't even know that could be done. Anyway thank you for the confidence boost! I'm new to digital art and I really appreciate you liking it. Your art is amazing! Keep up being Awesome!

No problem :) thank you also ^-^

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Not a problem ^-^

Thank you as well <3

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Ahh you're very welcome and damn thanks for this incredibly high pricing in the forum games.  I almost lost it xD seriously this made my day 

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Aw thank you haha!   Yea I just love to collect art of him xD there are many characters on here who actually have more than him (if you go to browse,  then sort by images)  but he definitely got a few pieces over the years ^^

And of course you can!!  <3 I love getting art of him! 

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Thank you kindly for the fave on my character,your art looks awesome! ^^

You're very welcome, thank you also ^-^

Very welcome hun. ^_^


Oh Hellow 💙 


hoi :D 

Hey :D schön das Du jetzt hier bist haha

haha danke :D als ob ich jetzt seit 8 monaten den acc habe und nichts mehr am acc gemacht hab 

Thank you for the character fave and your art looks cool!

You're very welcome. And thank you :)

Hello! Thank you for adding my character to you favorites <3 I really appreciate it!~ Your characters look amazing!

Thank you too :) and no problem