experimental free ych

Posted 4 months, 21 days ago by Tarantulacage

How should I name these

16 Votes Wardrobe YCH
3 Votes Outfits YCH
8 Votes Fashion YCH
0 Votes Other (comment)

OKAY SO, I HAD AN IDEA FOR A YCH AND WANT TO DO EXAMPLES!! I decided it would be cool to ask you guys for your ocs to be my experiments for this!

I want to make a little ych gif of outfit options for ocs, with up to 3 outfits and flat colored. SO!! if you'd like to help me with it, send me one of your ocs and I might choose them to do it!

Right now I plan on taking one anthro and one humanoid! But I might come back in the future to do more!

Also! If I happen not to choose your oc but you'd still want to grab one of these once they launch on Vgen, use the code "TARANTULA HOUSE" when ordering (just type it in description haha) and you'll get a bonus outfit for your little oc! (https://vgen.co/Tarantulacage)



Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too):


Overall personality:


Ohhh ty for the chance this is fun! 

Reference: IC (they/them)

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): Possibly their main fit! Uhh another could be something silly like this or more masculine but fashionable like this! (suit would be white or pink ozzie doesnt wear black) Most outfits they wear are flowy, pretty, and pink if you’d like to come up with your own! I’m not picky! Often they won’t wear a piece of clothing more than once, unless it’s their adventuring outfit pictured in their artwork

Expression: A friendly grin or smirk! 

Overall personality: Very charismatic and flamboyant, overall a friendly person who finds it easy to interact with other people on account of appearing harmless. Beauty is very important to them and finding their clothes improperly wrinkled or dirtied would make them agitated 



Reference: shareta (post storyline form)

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): often seen in the white/red kimono and hakama combo most shrine maiden wear, but he can also be seen in things like this. outside of his miko outfit, he can almost always be seen with a bandana somewhere on him (either around his neck, or used to do something with his hair) and boots of some sort to make him look a little taller.

Expression: coy??? mayhaps

Overall personality: loud, mischievous, prankster, life of the party

thank you so much for allowing us all the opportunity to enter this, you are so very generous 🧡 i know you already finished a commission for me just the other day, but i thought i would enter this nonetheless ^_^


Reference: t'lunva

Clothes: starfleet engineering uniform (2366-2373) with two pips on the collar, Romulan 24th Century Type B standard uniform and this sort of thing

Expression: serious, irritated, displeased, provoked, seething: anything from dispassionate to angry!

Overall personality: analytical, focused and perfectionistic. quick-tempered, turbulent and imprudent. her personality is quite multi-faceted.


Reference: ecko

Clothes: many examples are available on her profile (and in the reference sheet you did for me heh) but here are some other random examples

Expression: big freaky deaky grin... 

Overall personality: very unregulated and emotional. quite obsessive and possessive. very easily jealous and often manic. she strongly relies on the people around her and tends to lean toward self destructive habits and tendencies. she has a constantly shifting perception of herself, and her own sense of identity is susceptible to changing due to the way people treat her or the way she sees herself at each given moment. she is quite unstable and volatile.


Reference: falkner

Clothes: he tends to wear vintage sweater vests on top of an untucked collared shirt (but all clothing he wears with long sleeves must be rolled up to his elbows due to his wings) with formal trousers and nothing on his feet. something kind of like these

Expression: easy-going smile or perhaps even him winking?

Overall personality: tends to be quite complacent and careless. he generally has little regard for the safety of himself or others. accidental mischief-maker who habitually causes problems for the people around him. he isn't malicious.. just quite thoughtless. underneath it all, he generally tends to have a level of insecurity he thinly veils beneath a sense of self importance. in actuality, he is quite sensitive and seeks validation in an unconventional way.

Love her love her love her


THIS IS SO AWESOME GRAHHHHH SHE LOOKS FANTASTIC 🧡 thank you so much niko for drawing her again for me.. this is so perfect you draw her so well :^)

oo thankk for the chance~

i got both a lil anthro guy and a humanoid guy :D

FORM: [anthro]

Reference: https://toyhou.se/22267578.rubberduck 

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): Anything along the lines of summer/swimwear outfits :3

Expression: you can choose any~

Overall personality: hes quiet and got somewhat of a pokerface around strangers but once he gets to know someone hell turn real lively and cheerful hehe

FORM: [humanoid]

Reference: https://toyhou.se/22607353.tiles

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): Same as ducky :D anything summer themed~ but no buttonups for this lil guy and he has normal feet so he can wear sandals n chonky sneakers :3

Expression: always neutral plz~ 

Overall personality: hes like a mysterious entity in a poolroom environment so hes usually just lookin melancholic :D

thank you for the chance! <3

Reference: IC (main ref link here!)
Clothes: outfit 1) this top outfit on the left (along with same pants/shoes as his original ref); outfit 2) any of the outfits here: 1 / 2 / 3!
Expression: his usual neutral face on his full body reference will do!
Overall personality: quiet and seemingly brooding but in reality he's just awkward and quite soft spoken. has a slight frown/mellow expression on his face most times; and can be quite blunt. feel free to refer to his profile on IC for more details!

Howdy again!! Thank you for the chance!!

Form 1

Reference: https://toyhou.se/20749398.red-death/gallery#62747818

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): Up to you, feel free to take artistic liberty on this (idm if you draw him unmasked though)

Expression: Up to you! ^^

Overall personality: He's a spooky scary serial killer

Form 2

Reference: https://toyhou.se/8268905.augustine#73581175
Also https://toyhou.se/8268905.augustine/gallery#26668942

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): Up to you!! 

Expression: Maybe a serious or stern expression? :0

Overall personality: Serious, no-nonsense military general

Had a lot of fun with this one hehe



Here are some, i gave a couple cuz idk which you'd perfer ty for the chance :D
Form 1
Reference: https://toyhou.se/5563156.jelly#59830551
Clothes: There are two outfits! the sweater on the left and the short sleeves on the right on the link above
Expression: just a :) face
Overall personality: silly

Form 2
Reference: https://toyhou.se/14675309.zai#45225247
Clothes: the one in the first ref, and https://toyhou.se/14675309.zai#52988990
Expression: just a :3 or a :)
Overall personality: pop idol smiley face out going

Form 3
Reference: https://toyhou.se/631943.dolor/gallery
Clothes: this outfit that i don't have a proper ref for, and pick any other ones from here 
Expression: neutral face
Overall personality: a selfish highly confident ass

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(on mobile so this is probably looking really wonky aaaa)

A little entry ! I will be eating the examples up for whoever you choose omgggg
Reference: https://toyhou.se/24192564.ruri#73096633

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): CHARGORB.png?ex=65d06923&is=65bdf423&hm= image.png?ex=65cf0400&is=65bc8f00&hm=4a2 IMG_9335.jpg?ex=65d58bb7&is=65c316b7&hm= (You can mix and match whatever boards are here too 👍👍)

Expression: A sharp grin! Or anything really lol

Overall personality: She’s a boisterous gal who’s loyal to her loved ones and is very chaotic good. Women lover and very athletic due to her magic ability which allows her to shape shift into a giant wolf.

oh this is such a dope idea omg...


clothes: you can literally put him in whatever I do not care but if you can't think there's the ones on his ref!! imagine a middle aged man who wishes it was the 90s still

expression: also whatever!! hes usually stoned like a rock tho :3

overall personality: huge heart and even bigger appetite idk hes a nerd nerdddd dweeb I love him my furosna....,.,..,...,,

Thank you for the opportunity. Your art is always such a pleasure to see ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) ---

Reference: https://toyhou.se/17996557.amaranth-goldfellow/gallery#67587477

Clothes: Missing her left earring and scar over her right eye in #2 & #3 please.

#1: https://toyhou.se/17996557.amaranth-goldfellow/gallery#67587239

#2: https://toyhou.se/17996557.amaranth-goldfellow/gallery#67587160

#3: https://www.pinterest.com/aruolein/wardrobe-amaranth-g/ (brown, green, and white with occasional pops of color. floral/nature patterns.)

Expression: Neutral, poker-face, or soft/small smile.

Overall personality: Stubborn and independent; but selfless and caring in her own ways. Sarcastic charm with honey words that can turn others to puddy in her hands. Honest but enjoys solitude and those she holds dear. The type of friend that would do literally anything for you.

Thank you for the chance!! Your art is amazing 😭

Reference: her

Clothes: main outfit, second outfit, outfit moodboard

Expression: Smiling, maybe something like a >:3

Overall personality: Friendly, rebellious, does whatever she wants whenever she wants

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this sounds cool as hell i cant wait to see how whoevs u choose turns out !! And ty for the opportunity!

Reference: https://toyhou.se/23297015.roman

Clothes: He already has about 4 canon outfits as of rn!

Expression: Smiling :) maybe a litte devious lol

Overall personality: Honestly like. a shitty teenage boy. He likes video games and teasing his friends and public transit

Oh this looks fun! Thank you for the chance >< Reference: (all her design notes are on her profile!)




NewCanvas1wwdawdadwaddwawda.png?ex=65d522. Pinterest and something based of this? But with keeping the same colors from other outfit and stiches

Expression: something calm

Overall perosnality : soft, kind, curious and allat

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Grrrr if I don’t get one of these I’ll be commissioning u in the future anyway buuuut here goesss

Reference: https://toyhou.se/10841211.axel#75270017

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): 

His Pinterest :)

Expression: grinning :)))

Overall personality:

Energetic and outgoing. Basically an adhd boyo. He loves working on new projects and making machines and tech. Loves music. Loves colourful bright clothes. Golden retriever energy.


Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): most of his alt outfits are Here

Expression: either the same face he’s making in his reference or a small smile

Overall personality: soft, playful, and clingy towards his bf 

Hiii 👀👀👀 tysm for the chance!!! i just woke up ill be refining this when im more awake lol

Reference: two of the outfits are also on here 

Clothes; i also have a winter outfit planned but id have to design it 🤝 yk how it beee otherwise its the two shown in reference (if picked ill design smthn n dm it on disc)

expression; soft smile/ neutral! or big smile (she has a tooth gap! think Melanie Martinez)

Overall personality; soft, kind n a bit playful, otherwise quiet

Whoaa such a cool idea, thank you sm for the opportunity <3 !!

Reference: https://toyhou.se/12824580.tbn#39948168

Clothes (up to 3, can be a moodboard too): I have a couple of inspos here, would appreciate if they were pink / blue themed feel free to mix and match the colours :D

Expression: Happy / tranquil

Overall personality: Not sure yet... hmm but probably someone who's really greedy, mischievous, but kind

oooo this seems like a really cute idea! i know you've just finished a comm of one of my characters ahah but if you see anyone else from my toyhouse you have any ideas for you're welcome to draw them :) https://toyhou.se/Zoiby/characters i can provide more info about a character if you decide to choose one of mine. thanks so much for the opportunity 💙