[PROMPT #6]Wilted Olga

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by AmberApple


👁𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕆𝕝𝕘𝕒👁

Late this evening in the alcove, while you had your face buried in a botanical book, your ear picks up the sound of Bohdin's voice. As you expected, he's talking to the only other Bone Plant who seems interested whatever nerdy thing he's up to, Roosevelt. Although his facial expression doesn't show any sign of excitement, he isn't breaking eye contact and is listening silently. They haven't even noticed you're sitting in your bed.

As per usual, you had expected the mimosa to go on another rant about his favorite fictional hero character Super Bean, but to your surprise, he isn't babbling about that for once! The nervous red boy is instead confessing something worrisome he had witnessed in the salon; a strange kid lives in there, he says. A mute, crazy-eyed Boneplant just like you and me, except she's rotten. Bohdin swears she's been just sitting next to him the whole time while he was obnubilated by the newest episode of his show, only the rancid smell of rot snapped him out of it. "She must be deaf, she didn't even flinch when I screamed!" Bohdin cries out.

"What did you do then?" Asks Roosevelt. "I ran away!" The mimosa boy exclaims, jerking his head over his shoulder as if expecting to see the mysterious being spawns behind him. "I didn't even see the end of the episode... I don't even know if Super Bean could save Basil Boy from the evil one-armed, burning ghost-man! Oooh, just talking about him makes me want to go back, but she was so scary... Do you think it's a small Ashrensel?" The smaller boy questions frantically, and his friend shrugs. It's possible, he states, although highly improbable for he would have known and destroyed it on sight as soon as it had entered the Seedery. Before you know it, you realize the Eakiscus is looking at you, you can't tell when was your cover blown and the thought of it makes you feel a bit creeped out. The pair decide to go and check in the salon and soon enough, the rumor of Wilted Olga is spread like wildfire. Although they hadn't found anything tangible, the rotting smell had remained persistently. In addition, Bohdin's snacks had effectively vanished.

You and your friends can't tell if you are excited or terrified to find out about the ghostly being. You decide that every day, someone should stay in the salon for a while, a bag of candy in hands.  If you are to find her, you should probably tell a Mercury grade.

Hopefully, she won't bite.

Prompt requirements!

  1. Draw your character/s looking for Wilted Olga!

Your deadline is:

👁 October 31th! 👁



Here's my submission to the prompt! It's... admittedly kinda shitty but. my boys :]

  • The candy was a bust, but seems the TV did a good enough job luring Olga in anyway hehe

  • Base, Inked = 50qb
  • + Fullbody = 15qb
  • Base, Inked = 50qb
  • + 25% Extra Character = 12qb
  • + Fullbody = 15qb
  • + Colour/Shaded = 20qb
  • Total QB Earned = 162qb
