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At first, Oscorcoves were thought to be an abomination, a mistake even. Perhaps the farthest in terms of similarities with their human models, their morphology reflects the carnivorous plants they represent. With several rows of teeth, a jaw they can lock at will, extra muscles on their forearms, hands, legs, and even fingers and toes, Oscorcoves were born for one thing only: to ravage. While some assure their strength has improved at the detriment of their intelligence, it has been determined to be a โ€œdirty lieโ€ by the gardeners chosen to raise them. While extremely food motivated, they can show a sensitive side just like any other child if educated and understood correctly.
Generally average-sized, Oscorcoves have a natural strength of about two adult men by copper grade. Playful and attentive, they are often the first to notice if even a speck of dust moved. Contrary to their reputation, Boneplants generally feel safer if one is around, but things take a drastic turn if two are involved.

Highly territorial, Oscorcoves have an unspoken code of honor that disallow other Oscorcovesโ€™ presence at all time. If two or more were to share the same space, they would fight to the death no matter if food plentifully provided. This rule fortunately doesnโ€™t apply to siblings or Oscorcoves of the same plant family.

Oscorcoves offer only one type of stem growth and a special trait!
Rarely, their skin secretes a perpetually sticky goo which is very difficult to get rid of.