Broken Images

Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by moif

This is mostly a PSA! I made a post about this a few months ago but since it seems to have gone properly into affect today I wanted to post up a reminder.

If you haven't already heard discord is no longer viable for image hosting - which means a lot of broken images that you might start to notice while wandering around toyhouse because a lot of people used it for this purpose.

For more information:

Things to keep in mind!

- Right now I've found that if you send the link (without any of the parameters at the end) into a discord chat, it'll populate the image, which is convenient but may not work forever. It works even if you may not have owned the original images.

- There are a lot of alternatives most of which are listed in the above link but I can't help specifically mentioning the tool I made to allow usage of Google Drive for public hosting of your images, with a discord like UI for uploading:


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