warning: pet death ; my tarantula

Posted 2 months, 6 days ago by L0VEinc

i’m in shock right now. i don’t have enough energy to go into too much detail. My baby passed away last night, her molt was unsuccessful. She got stuck. I tried everything to help her. it didn’t work. I’m so sorry.

I’m not okay right now. It’s gonna take me a long while to recover. I’m sorry. Thank you all for showing love and giving her name suggestions to her, she loved you all too. I miss her, my baby


oh my goodness I’m so sorry about what happened. you did everything you could to help her, please make sure to give yourself some time loosing a pet is never easy :( You had her for a little bit but I’m sure she knows she was very loved. Sending u much love and hugs, take care of urself 🫂

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no oH GODS i'm so so sorry :( that was always my biggest fear when i was debating on getting a tula myself :< i hope you'll be okay! i'm sure that you did your best to help her with it, don't blame yourself for the passing if you can! so many hugs and so much love towards you ♥

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