New Freebies

Posted 1 month, 22 days ago by Pinky

So I have new user freebie:
I made this ages ago and never released it cuz I'm kind of on the fence about it's design... but it was there so I figure might as well release it for a bit

And then I went on a little adventure creating some folder directory HTML
I gave them their own subsection with my freebies, they can all viewed here:
I also have a "cleanup css" for premium users and a "wrapper html" for non premium users; combine the directory code with these to get a cleaner look in your directory folder

You should be able to combine these with my premium CSS (+ the cleanup css in the folder css box) and it will work fine. There might be some that get a little funky in certain layouts/need minor edits, but in general I made these in a simple way that should allow them to adapt to most CSS.

I have some more directory designs but I released 6 of them this weekend (and revamped my old directory banner) so I figure it best to hold some off for the future LOL next round I will try to make some that also include characters/that serve more as like story landing pages. We like to start simple and work our way up

In other news... I got some new HTML cooking for widescreen bundle, panels bundle & still have collab HTML i'm working on... i am going to be out of town/busy the next 4 weeks (2 birthday weekends, and my husband and i are going on a trip) so prolly gonna vanish again for while. i keep hitting roadblocks with my current work at my job (the contractors we work with be holding us up rip) so may have some releases during the week tho LOL

& that's all i got for now... hope everyone is having a nice weekend ;u;/


I adore stacked and stripe!

these look so pretty, thank you! i hope you enjoy your trip! :]