life update!

Posted 2 months, 18 days ago by throwbugs

sorry for the lack of replies lately, life has been a little bit too much and i was overfilled with anxiety, but !!! i finally got my ADHD diagnosis after years of trying to get somewhere with it and i am very excited to see what comes next! i have struggled my entire life, but i've been genuinely miserable ever since i went to college because i haven't been able to navigate through life with so much school work + art as a job while knowing i am neurodivergent but having to exist in neurotypical conditions, and i am so happy to get some kind of closure for myself and a proof that i indeed do have ADHD and it overall feels very validating and freeing! i am starting medication soon and i have no idea how it will affect me, so i apologize if i take some time off from the internet to adjust! if any of you have any experience with any of this i'd love to hear, it would genuinely help me so much!


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thank you so much Luna, it is genuinely so freeing to finally know!!! and i am holding thumbs with your diagnosis, if you wanna talk about it more in detail my dm's are open!!! i hope it all goes well and you will be able to get the help you need!! <333

YAYY!! so happy for you!! i struggled tremendously for many years before i just recently got diagnosed in college! it was really frustrating not being able to tame my mind but i feel a lot more relived and seen now that i have gotten diagnosed!! starting medication can be a bit daunting, especially since everyone reacts differently to them, but like sommer suggested, keeping track of your feelings is very helpful! it's all about finding the right medication for you! after a couple different trials with meds, i've finally found the one that works best for me- my advice it to just give it time and to stay in tune with your body. very excited for you!! 

my dms are always open if anyone wants to talk more about this subject/ experience!! ^_^

thank you so much, i am so happy to hear about your experience with getting diagnosed and i am so glad it had such a positive effect on you!! i genuinely feel like a new chapter of life has opened for me and even though i expect many challenges yet to come, i finally feel like i am getting somewhere!! keeping some kind of a tracker for the new medication is such a good idea and i will absolutely give it a try! thank you so much for your support!

YOOO congratulations on the diagnosis!!!! oh my god!! im 20 now but was diagnosed when i was like 5-6.. i hope medication goes well for you! sometimes it can be a bit of a journey to get to the right one but hopefully you find it immediately, or at least super soon :3 i can say from experience that it takes a couple weeks to really adjust to it and for meds to do their thing, but it’s sooo helpful. journaling how you feel on new meds, especially stimulants like for ADHD, is so useful for you AND your doctor to look back at and make sure you’re on the right medications!! also.. helpful because of how scatterbrained adhd can get you LOL

thank you so much aaa, i am genuinely so excited, i really hope the diagnosis will make an improvement in my life!!! journaling about new medication is such a wonderful idea and i can imagine it will be super helpful, thank you so much for the suggestion!! i really hope finding the right meds wont take super long, but i am so excited either way!! thank you so much for your support!! <3