Adopts for Escape + donation headshots

Posted 2 months, 16 days ago by throwbugs

hello everyone! resharing this project helping nightray who is in a troubling situation! any help would be greatly appreciated, here is a link to korka's bulletin with all the information, and here is a link to nightray's GoFundMe where you can find more information about his situation, please donate if you can! if anyone donates more than 15€ i will draw a headshot like this for you!



i just sent 25! the headshot can be of anyone from my warriors folder :3 tysm bugs!!

proof of donation here!

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thank you so much for the support for the support for nightray!! <3 here's the headshot, let me know if anything needs to be changed!

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keeping aran in my blessings🫶 how long will the gofundme be up? i hope to donate more once i get paid❤️

there's no definite "deadline", but the ideal plan is to have raised the funds by september or october!

AAAAA thank you so much dude!!!!!!! this is literally so helpful and i greatly appreciate you doing this, just dont overwork yourself oki????? !!!!!!!!

Yooo this is so cool of you!! i would totally be doing something similar if i had the time but for now i’ve done a donation to them!

would i need to send proof of the donation or do i just send my character? :0 i’m not 100% sure how this works haha

i’ll just send proof either way to be sure



thank you so so very much for your help!!! i will send the headshot over tomorrow! <33

thank you!! :D

Hey! just wondering if there’s any update on this?