Were you able to ping users on bulletins before?

Posted 1 month, 3 days ago by Avistella

Were you able to ping users on bulletins before?

19 Votes I remember pinging on bulletins working before
8 Votes Pinging on bulletins never worked for me before
16 Votes I don't remember/ I don't know

So apparently pings don't work on bulletins? I've been here since 2015, and I could have sworn pinging on bulletins used to work before? Was this something that changed at some point, or am I completely misremembering things and that pings never actually did work on bulletins? This is bothering me for some reason, and I need somebody to confirm to me if my memory really is just that bad lol

[also pinging CanineKing as a test here]


...you know what I have zero idea.

I think I've been pinged before when people use my old codes in bulletins but it's been a whole e3e

i thought i had a notification for the ping but i forgot i was subbed to your dumb ass

whoa, rude ):<

Last time I (knowingly) got pinged on a bulletin was several years ago.

I also noticed recently you can no longer ping yourself on the forums :(

Good to know that I wasn't imagining things! I wonder when it was changed.

And yeah, it also sucks that you can't ping yourself anymore! It was a great way to keep track of specific threads rather than subscribing/ using "my posts."

I wonder if it's related to the swath of callout posts that's been going on in the past couple years, that perhaps bulletin pings were bugged and pinging blocked users, and somehow self-pings were "also a bug" and got caught up in it.

And yeah, I agree! I just get the OP to ping me now. 

There's also that one "how to ping" thread in Help that has a bunch of people self-pinging and they're probably a little confused that it doesn't work. Every time it bumps, I have a little chuckle.

By pinging, I meant if users that are pinged in bulletins get the notification that they got pinged!